Sustaining PBIS-Communication

designed by Cheryl Glad

Faculty Meetings / Staff Lounge / Mailboxes
Back to School Workshop / Introduce team members. Use vista print and have business cards made with your school’s 3-5 Expectations on them on one side and 5:1 on the other side. Hand them out and go over your plan for your school’s Expectations Expo in non-classroom and classroom settings. / Establish a PBIS building board or wall spot in the lounge. Introduce Tier 1 and 2/3 team members through pictures, names and their team role. Highlight: Behavior Statement for school, School-wide Expectations, Rule-Violation Procedures (major/minor flowchart, ODR process)
How to access support from the Tier 2/3 Team. / Pack of Gotchas with a thank you for using 5:1
positive to negative
September / Share year-end data from last year. Show your team binder and tell them where it will be. Explain that all procedural information is available in the binder and online. (Show them) Use the Critical Features Handout to show staff the features that are in place at your school and which ones will be a focus for your team next. / Put Binder in the Lounge for staff to look at and after a week, place the binder where it will be kept. Share online directions for accessing the electronic PBIS binder.
Put Critical Features review and Team Focuses (next steps on your PBIS bb/ wall spot) / Postcards with your
3-5 expectations on them to send home for positive
contacts with families.
October / Have staff bring one classroom management idea that works for them to increase ______to share with others. (Write down ideas and email them to staff after the meeting.) Have teachers take the Classroom Management Checklist to review best practices in classroom management. / Put Tier 1/Tier 2 classroom intervention ideas on the PBIS bb/wall spot for the offense that your data shows is most problematic in the classroom.
Put ideas from staff on the bb/wall spot and give recognition to the staff member who contributed it. Have a spot where staff can add ideas to the board. / Staff Gotchas with a
reminder to
recognize each other
for positive work
November / Show staff the behavior intervention manuals that are available for their use at your school and then take staff to the computer lab and let them explore / Use your PBIS bb/wall spot to highlight behavior resources in your building. Put pictures of the books and where staff can find them, websites they may find useful, people resources within your building they can talk to. / Notes to thank staff
for following your
school’s major/minor
flowchart for rule
December / Bring treats and celebrate! Share comparison charts for the first 3 months. (Average per day, by offense, and by location, by time of day)
Go over your plan to review expectations after the holiday break upon your return to school. / Put Data on your PBIS bb/wall spot. Put the plan for reviewing after break on the board. Recognize staff in some way wishing them a wonderful holiday break. (See staff recognition ideas sheet) / Funny
about the function of
January / Welcome staff back. Introduce teams again and welcome their suggestions for improving behavior at your school. Update staff on your action plan (What you are currently working on). / Put your action plan on your PBIS bb/wall spot. Make a space for staff to write ideas for improving ______at your school. / Welcome back note
with a thank you
for reteaching classroom
February / Recognize staff for the excellent work they have done. (See staff recognition ideas) Do a mini lesson on the power of attention. (5:1 ratio) Focus on types of positive attention we want to give. (Non-contingent and contingent) / On your PBIS bb / wall spot put examples of
non-contingent and contingent attention (feedback). Highlight: The Power of Our Words
Highlight practices like: Meet and Greet,
Morning Meeting, Lunch Bunch
and Closing Circle. / Poem/treat about how
the importance of
teachers in student’s
March / This is a good time to put a school wide incentive in place based on data. Share the data and explain the incentive to increase the desired behavior. / Use your PBIS bb /wall spot to explain and
highlight your school wide incentive plan for the
behavior targeted. / Note about use of
non-verbals to
April / Have a staff member who is using share classdojo and learning earnings share how they use them and how they have helped to manage behavior in their setting this year. / Use your PBIS bb/wall spot to highlight classdojo and
Put “the how” to get started information on the board.
Put a contact person who can help a teacher who needs
help getting started. / Thank staff for
using visuals to
desired behavior.
May / Share year-end Big 5 monthly comparison data. Share your summer work and beginning of the year action plan with staff based on the yearly data and how far your school got on the implementation of critical features of Tier 1, or Tier 2/3 depending on where your school is in the PBIS process. / Use your PBIS bb/wall spot to display year-end data
and celebrate your victories! Display your summer
work action plan and next steps in the PBIS
implementation process. Make a spot on the board
where staff can make comments/suggestions for the team to consider as they plan for next year. / On May 1st write a
staff for 5 great
PBIS successes for
the year!