Sahasrar Puja at


2nd – 3rd May 2015

To be one with the Divine is the greatest blessing for human beings. So far they were human beings at a lower level of existence, and they had all the problems at that level, that is: jealousies, hatred; all kinds of problems that are today: of fighting, of troubling others, destroying others and not loving others. All these problems existed because their Sahasrara was not opened. So our main problem is to open the Sahasrara of the people all over the world, which is very simple, which you can all do it, and it will work better if you do it collectively. If you are collective you can work it out very well.

2002-0505: SahasrarPuja, Cabella

Dear Brothers and Sisters

By the Grace of ShriMataji, the Gujarat State and Nargol collectives arrange the Sahasrar Puja at Nargol (SahasrarDham) every year. This year too, we have planned to hold the Sahasrar Puja celebrations at Nargol where the Divine Mother had opened the Universal Sahasrara on 05 may 1970.

We the Gujarat and Nargol collectives, with love in our hearts, invite all our brothers and sister to attend the Sahasrar Puja celebrations at Nargol from 2-3 May 2015. The venue for the entire program shall at the Nirmal Tree. The staying arrangements have been made at the NavsarjanVidhyalaya, Nargol.

Details of Puja Samarpan:

Category / Adult / Yuva / Children (above 6 years)
Contribution in INR / 1000 / 800 / 600

Puja Venue :-Nirmal Tree

Staying Arrangement at :-NavsarjanVidhyalaya,Nargol.

Sahastrar Puja 2015


Date / Programme
2nd May 2015
8:00 am to 10:00 am / Registration and breakfast
11:00 am / Inauguration
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm / Lunch
5:00 pm / Collective footsoaking on beach
6:00 pm onwards / BhajanSandhya
3rd May 2015
6:00 am / Morning Meditation at Nirmal Tree
8:00am to 9:00 am / Breakfast
10: am to 1:00 pm / SahasrarPuja
2:00 pm onwards / Mahaprasad

Contacts for Queries & Help

Shri.H.M.ChaudhariSmt. Seema Sharma Shri.PradeepAgarwal

State Coordinator – Gujarat Incharge at Nargol Mob: 09426614436

Mob: 09825800773 Mob: 09925617623

Email Id: Email Id:

With Compliments:-




Mob: +919829010470 & +919001892092