Model United Nations Charter

Article I: Name

Section 1:

The name of this club shall henceforth be known as Northern Arizona University Model United Nations.

Article II: Purpose

Section 1:

It is the purpose of this organization to promote an interest in and an understanding of the inner-working of the United Nations and all of its organs through academic research and direct participation.

Article III: Membership

Section 1:

All regularly enrolled students of Northern Arizona University, hereinafter referred to as N.A.U., who maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and who are interested in international organizations shall be eligible for regular membership in this organization.

Section 2:

It shall be the duty of all regular members to regularly attend the meetings and functions of this organization. It is the responsibility of all members to contact the appropriate leadership if they are incapable of attending meetings or functions.

Section 3:

A regular membership is indicated by a 75% attendance to all meetings and functions.

Section 4:

Regular members are required to pay all club dues which shall be specified by the Faculty Advisor and Executive Council.

Section 5:

Membership will be terminated by a three-quarters vote (3/4) following repeated violations of this Chapter, the Bylaws of this organization, or the unforgiving whim of Higher Powers.

Section 6:

The total regular membership of this organization shall not be less than 8 students.

Section 7:

Only regular members shall have the right to vote, unless otherwise specified in this Charter.

Section 8:

The office of the Secretary shall have the following powers and duties:

1. To notify each member as to the time and place of each meeting.

2. To keep the minutes and attendance records of all meetings.

3. To keep an address list of the members of the organization.

4. To handle all correspondence of the organization.

5. To perform duties assigned by the President.

Article IV- Executive Council

Section 1:

The Executive Council consists of the all elected officials and the faculty advisor for the club. The chain command for the club issues as follows in descending order:



3. Treasurer

4. Secretary General

5. Secretary

6. External Outreach Director

7. Faculty Advisor

Section 2:

The members of the Executive Council shall be elected by a majority vote of the regular members before the last Conference of the Spring semester

Section 3:

In the case of the removal of any member of the Executive Council in the event of death, graduation, study abroad, lack of participation, or by 3/4 vote from all regular members, the vacancy shall be appointed by the Faculty Advisor after nominations from the Executive Council.

Section 4:

To qualify for the Executive Council, a member must have been in Model United Nations for at least 1 semester and be registered for a minimum of 12 units at the Flagstaff Mountain Campus.

Section 5: The President of Model United Nations

The President shall have the following powers and duties:

1. To call and run all meetings

2. To appoint a Chief of Staff (may be a member of the Executive Council)

3. To appoint all Committee appointments and Committee Chairpersons

4. To act as the official spokesperson for Model United Nations

5. To enforce the Charter and Bylaws

6. Oversee all the committees of the club (fundraising, outreach, etc.)

7. President has veto power but a veto can be overturned by majority vote of all regular members or a majority of the Executive Council

8. The President has the ability to do what is necessary and proper in order to keep the organization intact.

9. The President has the ability to establish new committees and appoint new officer positions

10. The President will preside as Head Delegate at all conferences

Section 6: The Vice-President of Model United Nations

The Vice-President shall have the following powers and duties:

1. To preside over meetings in the absence of the President

2. To perform all duties assigned by the President

3. Attend Head Delegate Meetings when necessary

4. The Vice-President has the sole power of wearing a cape to meetings.

5. Assist in being a liaison

Section 7: Office of the Treasurer

The office of the treasurer shall be the chief financial officer for this organization and shall have all of the following duties-

1.For fund-raising ideas and soliciting donations

2.Chair the fundraising committee

3.Appoint a director of fundraising- pending approval of the executive board

4.Be responsible to maintain accurate financial records for the organization

5.Coordinate all financial activities, including any tax responsibilities with the Internal Revenue Service

6.Advise the President and the Executive Board on the financial condition of the club

7.Write checks and make deposits as directed by the Executive Board and/or the Faculty Advisor. The treasurer shall not have the right to make financial transactions without the approval of the Executive Board and/or Faculty Advisor.

8.To perform all other finance related duties for the club dictated to them by the President and the Faculty Advisor

Section 8: The Secretary General

The Secretary General shall have the following powers and duties

1. To organize the location, time, and general structure of the NAU conference.

2. Outreach to other universities and colleges for attendance for the NAU conference. This will be done with the External Outreach Director

3. To update the Executive Council on the status of the Conference and bring any problems to attention

4. To perform all duties assigned by the President

Section 9: External Outreach Director

The External Outreach Director shall have the following powers and duties:

1. Working with fundraising committee to advertise fundraising events

2. Promote MUN at designated school events

3. Create Propaganda Pamphlets

4. Organize club participation in philanthropic events to benefit non-MUN related causes

5. Spread awareness of NAU Model United Nations during conferences abroad

Section 10: The Office of the Secretary

The office of the Secretary shall have the following powers and duties:

1. To notify each member as to the time and place of each meeting.

2. To keep the minutes and attendance records of all meetings.

3. To keep an address list of the members of the organization.

4. To handle all correspondence of the organization.

5. To perform duties assigned by the President.

Section 11: The Faculty Advisor

1. There shall be a Faculty Advisor

2. The power to approve all financial transactions.

3. To serve a liaison between the club and the university