November 17, 2016

Opening: Meeting called to order at 1.30PM in the Music Room

Present: Sophia Sun, Hedy Yao, Jeannet Chow, Allison Power, Gigi, Maria, Aya, Maja, Karla, Shermin, Livia

Guest: Mr. Jason Hewlett

  1. Adoption of last meeting
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Message from Principal
  4. There will be minor changes to report cards that will be sent home on Dec 2.
  5. Mr. Hewlett informed us that donation from PAC is requested to assist one family in need in our school community. The donation can be in a form of a gift basket or a gift card. The total donation is $500, in which $250 will come from school and $250 will come from PAC.
  6. There will be a school wide dance program that will start right after Spring Break. The program will run for 1 month and the dance teacher will come 2 times per week during gym time to teach all kids multicultural dances. There will be a performance at the end of the month. The cost is $1800 and school has requested PAC to help split it so that all kids can join the program for free. PAC has agreed to help and the amount will be advised at a later date.
  7. PAC is requested to help with Morning Coffee with parents after Christmas.
  8. From January to March, after school programs are limited to the library. PAC will adjust the programs based on this request.
  1. Financials
  1. The balance in PAC bank account is $6,935. Upcoming expenses are as follows:
  2. Zumba
  3. $2200 for teachers to help with class needs
  4. $2600 for buses for students’ field trips.
  1. Upcoming Events
  1. November 30: Hot Lunch
  2. 10 volunteers are needed on November 30 at 11.30AM to help distributing hot lunches to students. Please email us at if you would like to help.
  1. December 9: Pajamas Day/Pancake Breakfast w/ Firefighters/Santa Photo Day/Cookies & Chocolate Sale
  2. We need 10 Volunteers on December 8 at 1.00PM to help with the final packing of the cookies and the chocolate. Please email us at if you would like to help.
  3. We need 15 volunteers on December 9 At 8.15AM to help with the pancake breakfast and the festivities on that day. Please email us at if you would like to help.
  1. December 9-16: Share food drive
  2. December 15: Christmas concert
  3. There will be a Read-a-thon event and book fair happening in January. More info will be advised soon.
  4. February 10: Movie night
  5. We’re planning on doing a Garage Sale in March. Details will be advised closer to the date.
  6. April 19: Hot Lunch
  7. Carnival is coming to our school in May! Stay tuned for more info!
  1. What’s New?
  2. PAC is working to bring in more exciting after school programs for all students, such as Science Alive, Theatrix and Cartooning class. We will let parents know once any of the new programs are confirmed. If you have any other ideas on after school programs, please share them with us at .
  3. We created a Whatsapp group for Pinetree Way PAC so that we can share any news and volunteer requests faster. If you would like to be added into our Whatsapp group, please email your name and phone number to Livia at . Please make sure that you have the Whatsapp app in your phone as we cannot add you otherwise.
  1. Next PAC meeting is on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 1.30PM in the Music Room.
  2. Got questions/concerns/ideas? Email us at