Fairview Range Health Services

Welcome to Fairview Range

In preparation for your time at Fairview Range

please complete the following organizational requirements:

1 / View Fairview Required Learning modules via link
2 / Print &
Sign / Print and sign appropriate documentation form found just below Required Learning when using link:
·  Student Documentation
·  Present copy to your advisor for your student file and to Fairview Range Staff Education on arrival
3 / Read *Additional Information specific to Fairview Range included in this document
4 / Present Driver’s License on arrival to receive photo ID.
ID must be worn at all times when on site.

*Additional Information and documents specific to Fairview Range:

·  Major differences in Required Learning for Fairview Range

·  Emergency Codes and Response Guide for Fairview Range

·  Emergency Numbers and Contact Information

·  Utility Failure and Response Guide

Major Differences in Required Learning Modules for Fairview Range

Please note there are differences in Required Learning for Fairview Range from the modules reviewed with link as directed on page 1:

·  Fairview Range Emergency Codes may differ from those listed in the Fairview Required Learning modules

Refer to the Emergency Codes and Response Guide included in this document for Fairview Range

·  For computer assistance or access issues at Fairview Range call the Range TSC at extension 6613

·  There is no Patient Relations representative. For issues that cannot be resolved with the assistance department manager, issues are referred as follows:

·  Customer Service – Complaints:
Hospital patient care or services
Clinic patient care or services
Financials or billing / 362-6892

Emergency Phone Numbers

“299” Fairview Range Medical Center & Fairview Mesaba Clinic-Hibbing

(Do not use ASCOM portable phones to call 299)

“911” All other areas

Your Responsibility

·  Know the meaning of emergency code announcements

·  Be prepared to initiate the proper action if an emergency should occur

299 is an intercom. Once dialed: Take a deep breath and begin speaking. Speak slowly and clearly, repeating message 3 times. You may or may not hear voice/noise in the receiver. Do not expect anyone to return communication. Think of it like the overhead page at a supermarket check-out where tellers use the phone as a speaker.

In An Emergency: Do NOT dial “O”

DO NOT call “O”. Calls to these numbers are stacked in a queue, which may result in a critical delay of up to 2 minutes before an operator responds to your call. “O” is to be used for general information or paging service.

Fairview Range Emergency Code Announcement Definition and Response Guide

Announcement / Meaning / Staff’s Primary Action / Staff’s Secondary Action
Code Search
(Dial 0) / Bomb Threat / Personnel check their department for any unusual packages or objects that cannot be identified / Do not touch device. Alert & clear the immediate area after notifying police or person in charge.
Rapid Response Team
299 / Patient emergency needing assessment team. / Dial 299 and state “rapid response team to (location)”, repeat 3 times. / Nursing: ICU RN brings Rapid Response bag.
299 / Cardiac or Pulmonary Arrest / Immediately dial “299”, say Code BLUE and location three times / Begin CPR
Severe Weather / Thunderstorm Warning
Tornado Watch & Warning / Watch: Review plans and be prepared
Warning: Relocate patients/staff to internal corridors / Follow departmental specific procedures
299 / Emergent Cesarean Birth / WHBC nurse will call “299” & announce “Code C-Section” three times / Identified team members will respond as assigned
Code Pink
299 / Infant/Child Abduction / Operator announces Code Pink overhead
(may be alarm or 299 driven) / Monitor designated exit locations and secure area
Code Red
299 / Fire / RACE: Rescue, Alarm, Contain, Extinguish/ Evacuate / PASS: Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep w/fire extinguisher, if trained
Code Orange
299 / Disaster (Internal or External) / Activate hospital’s emergency preparedness plans and Hospital Incident Command (HICS) / Initiate Department Emergency Response plan and activate Hospital Incident Command Center.
Code Green
299 / Escalating patient or behavioral situation / Call 299; announce “code green to (location).” Repeat three times. / Use LEAD method: Listen, Empathize, Apologize, Do
Code 21
299 / Out of control situation that is imminently dangerous / Call 299; announce “code 21 to (location).” Repeat three times. / Protect others. Assist Charge RN and Security.
Code 21 Security Alert
299 / Patient situation of immediate danger involving weapon, barricade, hostage / Call 299; announce “code 21 security alert to (location).” Repeat three times. / Stay in safe area. Direct others away from alert area.
Code 21 Security Alert - Hold in Place
299 / Patient situation of immediate danger and it is unsafe to enter unit/situation / Call 299; announce “code 21 security alert hold in place to (location).” Repeat three times. / Stay in safe area. Direct others away from alert area.
Code Yellow
Active Threat
299 and 911 / Threat or Use of Weapon / RUN, HIDE, FIGHT upon hearing overhead page, shots, or encountering a person brandishing or using a weapon. / When approaching law enforcement personnel keep hands up in the air and fingers spread. Go where directed by law enforcement personnel
Evacuation Plan / Partial or total evacuation / Listen/wait for instructions / Prepare patients for safe movement

Emergency Numbers

299 for Fairview Range Medical Center and Fairview Mesaba Clinic-Hibbing

911 for all other locations

Do not dial “0” – a critical delay may result

Department / Area Code 218 unless otherwise noted
(in-house extension is last four digits)
Bio-Medical Engineering Department / 362-6602
Corporate Compliance Hotline / 1-612-672-2300
Customer Service – Complaints:
Hospital patient care or services
Clinic patient care or services
Financials or billing / 362-6892
Employee Health Services / 312-3017
Employee Illness Report Line / 362-6510
Environmental Services Manager / 362-6609
Fairview Affirmative Action / 612-672-2828
Fairview Office of Diversity / 612-672-4950
Fairview Privacy Office (HIPAA)
Range Privacy Officer / 612-672-5647
Hazardous Waste/Materials Subcommittee Chair / 362-6396
Infection Prevention Coordinator / 362-6300
Information Systems Help Desk / 362-6613
Information Systems Security Officer / 362-6103
Interpreter Services / 362-6574 or 612-273-3780
Materials Management / 262-4881 x 1181
MSDS Hotline / 612-573-1234
Occurrence Reporting / 362-6844
I Care on intranet
Plant Operations and Maintenance / 362-6600 or 362-6724
Quality / 362-6838
Respiratory Therapy / 362-6203
Pager: dial 6686 for Pager #095 or #028
Rights and Ethics / 362-6574
Risk Management / 362-6844
Safety Officer / 362-6791
Security Services / 362-6946; 3173 Ascom
Internally 1225 for Security Office
Pager: dial 6686, Pager: 119
Social Services / 362-6440; 362-6441; 362-6733
Nurse Care Mgrs:362-6442; 362-6464
Social Services – Behavioral Health / 362-1578; 362-1162; 362-6483
Supervisor (Patient Care Supervisor) / 362-6631 (office); Pager: dial 6686 for Pager 252
Cell phone: 966-8080
Telecommunications / 362-6774

Utility Failure Definition and Response Guide

Utility Failure / Meaning / Responsibility of User / Who to Notify
Communications Failure / No phones or pagers / Use cell phones. Identify runner(s) / Telecommunications, Patient Care Supervisor and Security
Electrical Failure / Loss of normal power in area / Check patient on life support equipment; Use RED emergency outlets / Plant Operations
Generator Failure / Area could be without power; expect to use flashlights / Check patients on life support / Plant Operations
HVAC Failure / Area could be cold or hot or no positive or negative air flow
-BMT / Keep patients as comfortable as possible and mask appropriately / Plant Operations
Medical Gas Failure / Headwall has no supply / Get patient on bottled gas, call Respiratory Therapy / Plant Operations and Respiratory Therapy
Medical Vacuum Failure / No vacuum at headwall / 3 portable suction units located in Surgery; Those on Crash Carts can be utilized / Plant Operations and Materials
Natural Gas Failure / No gas for cooking / Use other equipment to cook / Plant Operations
Sewer Failure / Backed up toilet and floor drain / Do not flush or run water / Plant Operations
Steam Failure / Area could get cold, no steam for sterilizing / Keep patient comfortable and call Materials / Plant Operations and Materials
Water Failure / No water at faucets and toilets not working / Use bottled water / Plant Operations and Materials

10/2017 EJ

Required Learning and Addendum for Students