ALGEBRA 1 Teresa Loper


telephone: 601-583-3538, ext 4148

Dear Student and Parent/Guardian,

Welcome to the world of Algebra. I am looking forward to an exciting year where we work together to

expand our minds and learn new ways to improve ourselves. When you are in my classroom, I have the

following expectations for your behavior at all times:

  1. Be on time to class. Have your pencil sharpened; pick up your calculator, textbook, and workbook;

and be in your assigned seat when the bell begins to ring. Failure to do so will result in a tardy.

  1. Be prepared for class. It is your responsibility to bring your notebook, pen or pencil, and homework

to class each day.

  1. Be respectful of yourself, your teacher, and your fellow students. Listen closely during class and

raise your hand whenever you have a question about the material that we cover. Allow everyone the opportunity to learn by not talking or moving around the room unnecessarily. Cell phones distract

students in a learning environment, and any cell phone that is seen, heard, or used in the classroom

will be taken up and turned into the office.

  1. Be honest during class. Bring your own work, and keep your eyes on your paper during tests.

Cheating on an assignment—either homework or test—will result in a zero.

  1. Be doers in school. Come to class; do your assignments; and most importantly, do your BEST!

Positive Consequences:

When the above guidelines are obeyed the following will take place:

1. Student will receive verbal praise.

  1. Student will receive rewards—good grades, computer time, etc.
  2. Student will participate in school programs and activities.

Negative Consequences :

If any of the above rules are broken the following will result:

1st offense--the student will receive a verbal warning.

2nd offense—name on board—student will copy one page from the textbook glossary

3rd offense—one check by name—student will copy two pages from the textbook

glossary and your parent/guardian will be called

4th offense—two checks by name—student will receive a discipline referral to the office

All glossary pages must be hand-written, labeled, and are due the next class meeting. If a writing

assignment is not turned in on time then the next step in the above process is automatically taken. The

student’s name will remain on the board for one week from the date of the first offense. If there are not

any further disruptions, the name will be erased from the board after one week. However, a student must complete all penalty assignments before his/her name will be removed from the board. These standards of behavior have been established to protect your right to learn and my right and obligation to teach.


parent signature student signature

Parent/guardian Telephone number(s): ______

contact information:

E-mail: ______

**To view this information online, please visit , select Petal High School from

the drop down menu, and then choose my name under the TEACHERS heading.


Each student should be in class every day. If you are absent, the due date of the work assigned the day

of your absence will be extended by one day. However, any assignment given prior to the absence will be

due on the given date, or upon your return. Any assignment sent to ISS will be due the day the student

returns to class. It is your responsibility to get all make-up assignments. Please remember every unexcused absence will result in two hours of Saturday School attendance, and every tardy beyond two requires one hour of Saturday School attendance. Attendance and tardies will be closely monitored in this classroom. Assignments that will be missed due to school-sponsored activities should be completed before the absence occurs.

The date for the Algebra 1 Subject Area Exam is December 3, 2009. All students scheduled to test should

be present. Passing this exam is one requirement for earning a high school diploma in the state of Mississippi.


Each nine-weeks you will receive a syllabus outlining the course of study for the term. Refer to your

syllabus for your daily homework assignment. Grades for each term will be based on the following:

1. Homework: All homework will be due the next class meeting after it is assigned and must be

checked and corrected. A quiz will be given based on the homework assignment. The quiz

will have a value of 15 points distributed as follows:

homework problems6 points

homework related problems4 points

completed homework assignment5 points

TOTAL 15 points

Homework will make up 20% of your class average.

2. Review Quizzes: All quizzes will be totaled to create one test grade. There will be weekly 10 point

quizzes, vocabulary quizzes given as needed, and one notebook check each nine weeks.

3. Tests: Tests will be given as needed, and the dates of tests are indicated on the syllabus.

Tests will make up 80% of your class average.

4. Tutoring: I will be available after school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00-3:45 p.m. to help

students. The PHS Math Department will also offer a math tutorial lab on Tuesdays and Thursdays

from 3:00-3:45 p.m. beginning Tuesday, August 19. Check the tutorial calendar posted in the classroom for the name of the math teacher who is tutoring and the location of the session. Tutoring in the lab is free, but students must provide their own transportation.


1. Students should have the following items before August 21, 2009:

3-ring binder


Loose-leaf paper and writing utensil

1cm graph paper – date will be announced

2. Each student will have access to a TI-83 graphing calculator to use while in the classroom.