1 Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Noble Engineering College, Junagadh, Gujarat.

ABSTRACT: World is full of valuable data. Among those bulk of data to get our important data is not an easy task. In this paper first I give the basic idea of data extraction process then explain processing steps of natural language processing. After that I give my proposed structure which extract opinion from specific web sites and process on particular review at the end of all natural language processing steps we can identify either particular review or comment is bad, good or medium all is based on ranking. And future work of my proposal, its implementation for various opinion base web sites.

KEY WORDS: Natural Language Processing, Data Extraction, Opinion


ISSN: 0975 –6760| NOV 12 TO OCT 13 | VOLUME – 02, ISSUE – 02 Page 211



World is full of valuable data. In all that data to get our required data in a formatted way it is not easy task product listing, Business directories, Inventories etc there are numbers of data managing is very that there are number of technique available and based on those technique number of soft wares are available to analyze the data. We are going to implement such intelligence technique among them by which we can easily manipulate the data.[1] Data extraction is nothing but identify specific pieces of data in a unstructured or semi structured textual document. In this technique what we exactly do to transform unstructured data or information in a corpus of document or web pages into a specific formatted data and after getting such data it can be handled like handling traditional database [2]. Traditional approach for extracting data from web source is to write specialized programs, called Wrappers. what wrapper exactly do to identify data of interest and map them to some suitable format like relational database or XML.[3] In other words, the input to the system is a collection of sites, (e.g. different domains), while the output is a representation of the relevant information from the source sites, according to specific extraction criteria.[4] we can applied such technique for data extraction purpose to different types of text like newspaper articles, web pages, scientific articles, newsgroup messages, classified ads, medical notes etc.[2]


Figure[1]:Meaning of Data Extraction in pictorial format.

First machine find numbers of data when we want to some specific type of data for extraction then it filter another data. Take a look in figure which gives basic idea. Figure represent that initially we want the data of type1 then what machine started processing all the data. And from that it gives our required data that is type1 data. This is what we can say wrapping the data. Now as we discuss that number of techniques are available for data extraction like natural language processing, language and grammars, machine learning, information retrieval, database and ontologies are there. [3] In those different technique I am going to implement natural language processing technique. During my work on this topic I found if we want to reliable data in simple way. Then I will go for natural language processing technique. Here one more diagram which give the flow of extracting the data.[Figure 2]

Figure [2]: Flow of extracting the data.

Natural language processing is the automatic ability to understand text or audio speech data and extract valuable information from it.[2] the ultimate objective of natural language processing is to allow people to communicate with computers in much the same way they communicate with each other. More specifically, natural language processing facilitates access to a database or a knowledge base, provides a friendly user interface, facilitates language translation and conversion and increase user productivity by supporting English like input.[4] natural language processing is defined in vast area where it has been used either it would be main field like automatic summarization,coreference resolution, discourse analysis, machine translation, morphological segmentation, named entity recognition, natural language generation, natural language understating, optical character recognition etc or it may be used in sub fields like information retrieval, information extraction,speech processing etc.[5]


Based on above comparison we can see in straight way that NLP based tools are only support simple type of object like text type of document not support complex type of object like image,speech or any other for data extraction.what we are going to develop or modified the tools which not only support text but it also supports speech or image i.e complex type of data.we choose NLP based tools for data extraction because this is only one technique which fully support non html resources.Every times its not necessary that all data should be in html more advantage is that it provides semi automation compare to other tools of diff techniques which is based on either manually or we gone for NLP based in NLP we have number of techniques available in NLP.they are listed below with brief description.[6]

Table[2]: Selected Processing Steps in NLP-based Document Processing System

Generally data extraction in number of ways some of briefly explain below:[7]

1.  Named Entity Recognition: Specific type of information extraction in which the goal is to extract formal names of particular types of entities such as people, places, organizations etc.

2.  Relation Extraction: Once entities are recognized, identify specific relations between entities.

3.  Web Extraction: Many web pages are generated automatically from an underlying database. Therefore, the HTML structure of pages is fairly specific and regular i.e semi structured. However, output is intended for human consumption, not machine interpretation. Data Extraction system for such generated pages allows the web site to be viewed as a structured database. Process of Extracting from such pages is sometimes referred to as Screen Scraping.

4.  Regular Expressions: Language for composing complex patterns from simpler ones. An individual character is regex.

a.  Union: If e1 and e2 are regexes, that (e1/e2) is a regex that matches whatever either e1 or e2 matches.

i.  (u/e)nable(e/ing) matches

Unable, enabling

b.  Concatenation: If e1 and e2 are regexes, then e1e2 is a regex that matches a string that consists of a substring that matches e1 immediately followed by a substring that matches e2.

c.  Repetition (Keene closure) : If e1is a regex,then e1* is a regex that matches a sequence of zero or more strings that match e1.

i.  (un/en)*able matche

Able, enununenable


Figure[3] gives clear idea that how number of input we take. and based on some pre decided rules and thesaurus we can categorized review.

Actually what I m going to implement is first any website which is based on taking opinions or reviews. On that we are processing on text with help of pre defined rules that based on which criteria particular comment or opinion is good, mediam or any abuse thing. If there are N rules matching the same piece of text, we first rank rules preliminarily according to their own extracting accuracy [9].

Figure [3]: The process of our extraction method


Depending on the number of extracted keywords, their corresponding sentences are selected to generate the extractive summary which is then post processed to modify it into a concise abstractive summary [8]

And then we identify the rank of particular reviews based on rank figure shows possibility of extracting keywords automatically as well manually.

Figure [4]: Comparison of the automatic selection vs. manual selection of keywords


In this paper, we describe a novel approach for opinion extraction using Natural language processing and identify whether opinion is good ,bad or if it abuse type then it will automatically removed. Future work for this approach is its implementation for the various web sites which is based on review type or opinion based.


1.  Mozenda Web Scraper - Web Data Extraction

2.  Natural Language Processing

3.  Yuequn Li, Wenji Mao1, Daniel Zeng, Luwen Huangfu1 and Chunyang Liu A Brief Survey of Web Data Extraction Tools

4.  Natural Language Processing 68

5.  Natural Language Processing

6.  Mary D. Taffet Application of Natural Language Processing Techniques to Enhance Web-Based Retrieval of Genealogical Data


Web Document Text and Images Extraction using DOM Analysis and Natural Language Processing. To be published in the 9th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, DocEng’09, Munich, and Germany. September 16-18, 2009

8.  Jagadish S KALLIMANI, Srinivasa , Information Extraction by an Abstractive Text Summarization for an Indian Regional Language

9.  Yuequn Li, Wenji Mao, Daniel Zeng, Luwen Huangfu1 and Chunyang Liu,

Extracting Opinion Explanations from Chinese Online Reviews

ISSN: 0975 –6760| NOV 12 TO OCT 13 | VOLUME – 02, ISSUE – 02 Page 211