Dear Students and Parents:

WJMS has decided to have all students complete a scientific inquiry project this year. Although students will be completing the scientific process, students will have the choice as to whether they would like to compete in the science fair or not. If your student chooses to not compete in the science fair then they will not need to complete a display board. The student will only complete the research paper and keep a log book. Enclosed is a schedule outlining due dates and important information regarding your child’s project. Ample time has been scheduled and work has been spread out, so students can complete the work at a comfortable pace.

Scientific Inquiry
Design an experiment involving developing a hypothesis, experimental design, data collection, and analysis. / ·  Ask a testable question.
·  Research the topic.
·  Make a hypothesis about the outcome based on the research or your own knowledge.
·  Design and conduct the investigation.
·  Collect and make sense of the data and draw a conclusion.
·  Design a tri-fold display that is viewer friendly.
·  Write a complete research paper on your project.
·  Keep a complete log book during the entire investigation.

We encourage students to pick a topic they are genuinely interested in, since they will be working on these projects for the next several months. Topics need to be age appropriate for the 8th grade learner. Teachers reserve the right to deny a project due to inappropriate topic for age of students or for any safety concerns the teacher feels may be present.

Students will be working individually on this assignment. Project guidelines state that all work must be done by the students; however, assistance may be provided by teachers, parents, etc. It is very difficult to work alone without the exchange of ideas, so we encourage you to brainstorm with your child on different ideas and possible topics your child may want to pursue.

Please sign and return the attached slip to your child’s science teacher.


Amy Bell

Physical Science

I have reviewed the Scientific Inquiry information and calendar with my child, ______, and we understand the requirements for a successful project.

Please indicate below which category your child has chosen and the specific topic they will study.

Category / Topic
Scientific Inquiry

Parent Signature______Date______

Student Signature______Date______

Please return to your science teacher by Friday, September 19, 2014.

Timeline for Scientific Inquiry Project

Assignment / Start Date / Due Date
Research topic – decide on a category and have your parents sign off on your decision.
-Use the internet, the library, and other resources to research your topic.
-Make sure to keep an accurate log of your resources to complete the bibliography for your paper. / Friday, September 12th / Friday, September 19th
Necessary Paperwork
-Your science teacher will walk you through the process of filling out the required paperwork listed below.
-Checklist for Adult Sponsor (1)
-Research Plan Form (1A)
-Approval Form (1B) – Parent signature required. / Friday, September 19th / Friday, September 26th
Construct your question, hypothesis, and experiment design
-Determine the question that you would like to use to guide your research.
-Your hypothesis should be written as an “If – Then” statement.
-Decide how you will test your hypothesis.
-Determine your independent and dependent variable.
-Identify any controls for your experiment. / Friday, September 26th / Friday, October 3rd
Conduct Experiment
-You should have enough information gathered to begin conducting your experiment at home. / Friday, October 3rd / Friday, October 31st
Analyze data, draw conclusions, prepare report, prepare display
-Create charts or graphs to help analyze your data.
-Write your conclusion based on your data analysis.
-Follow the directions for your science report.
-Follow the directions for your display. / Friday, October 31st / Friday, November 7th
Final Project Due / Friday, November 7th / Friday, November 14th