AAIA North East Regional Meeting

3rd March 2011

Stanley Education Centre

Minutes of meeting

Present: Sarah Patterson, Maria Hill, Moira Frankland, Helen McGarr, Sue Urwin, Eric Young, Richard Moorhouse, Denise Sedgwick, Sarah Patterson, Jonathan Ward, Kath Mullen, Sue Johnson, Sue Nellist

Apologies: Adam Nicholls, Myra Young, Tim Nelson, Christine Bell.

Introductions and welcome

§  The group was asked to check the current mailing list and note any changes. Also everyone was asked to check with people they know, who are not present, if they still wish to be part of the mailing list. This is to be updated at the next meeting 22nd June 2011.

§  AfL and managing AfL booklets were distributed to each LA present. 10 copies of the booklet Managing Assessment for Learning (AAIA) were bought out of the fund. These are cross phase publications.

§  3 copies of the developing success criteria booklet (Hertfordshire L.A.) have been purchased. These have more of a primary focus.

Minutes 13th October 2010

The minutes were agreed with no changes to be made.

Updates from AAIA Executive Meeing

§  Sarah Patterson attended the Executive meeting on 2nd February 2011. A handout was issued containing main points from the meeting. It has been agreed that minutes from meetings will be posted on the AAIA website. Sarah reminded the group to renew AAIA membership as it ran out at the end of February. The next AAIA conference is planned for 14th and 16th September in Bournemouth. The Thursday of the conference will be open to non-members. Sarah asked the group who has the contact details for Ruth Sutton and Eric said he would look into this. AAIA have two new publications and the group was asked if they had any suggestions for future publications. Eric Young mentioned Pupil Voice as an idea. This was discussed in the previous meeting. The group were also asked to think about how they could revamp the ‘Peer and Self Assessment’ booklet produced in the North East. The KS2 consultation response from AAIA will be on the website (June 2011). This is the same for the phonics consultation response.

Regional QCDA advisor Denise Sedgwick – her role and updates

§  Denise introduced herself to the group and asked for advice on how she could offer smart support for LAs. There is a hands on practical in Coventry on 17th March to discuss updates. There may be a bigger event organised for Autumn given current changes.

§  The group took two minutes to discuss what LAs would find helpful in terms of her support. The list below summarises what was feedback;

o  Emails are useful. Very useful to have the phone number at hand during KS2 SATs for immediate support.

o  Website very useful.

o  Group meetings are very helpful. Could KS1 and 2 be together for a full day – preferably on the East coast Mainland route for ease of travel?

o  Please give a terms notice for group meeting as increasing workload in schools means it is hard to rearrange.

o  Face to face contact is very much valued when new in post

o  Details of colleagues in nearby authorities could be very helpful to share good practise.

o  AAIA contacts should be shared

Pupil Self-Assessment Booklet and recent publications

§  Opportunity was given to revisit the self-assessment document. Eric young commented on the value of this booklet, however the references date no later than 2007.

§  There should be references from Carol Dweck and John Hattie’s work.

§  A working party was set up to look at the document in depth. The group is to include: Kath Mullen, Eric Young, Jon Ward, Helen McGarr, Sue Johnson, Maria Hill. Moira Frankland volunteered to proof read the document.

§  It was suggested to be made electronic for editing purposes.

§  If anyone is to use the document as training in their LA they are to feed back next time the group meets.

§  Eric Young asked the group to look for practical examples of pupil voice in our schools in time for next meeting.


Sarah Patterson asked the group to check the email list and cross off anyone who is no longer part of the group. Denise Sedgwick may come to next meeting with more updates and to discuss further announcements.

Date of next meeting: 22nd June 2011 at Stanley Education Centre 9.30 -12.30