CultureFest 2016 Executive Application

Information Package

Set over the course of two days, with over 500 participants, CultureFest is a celebration of the diverse and multicultural society present here at Turner Fenton Secondary School. Over the course of the past 25 years, the continued support and commitment of students has allowed CultureFest to become an integral part of our identity. In order to run such a grand event, we are in need of an executive team!

In our efforts to select an executive team with minimal bias, we ask you to only write your student number on your physical application. Applications with name, gender, or program included will not be considered. Available below is a link to a Google Form in which you may enter your personal information that we will keep on record. Note: the purpose of personal information is solely for administrative purposes and will not be regarded during the evaluation process.

All physical applications will be due to any one of the chairs or to the math office before October 8, 2015 at 3:30pm. After all applications have been evaluated, a list of selected applicants will be posted, where they may select a timing for interviews. Interviews will occur October 14th - 16th.

Please remember that dates may be subjected to change so pay attention to announcements or social media for the latest updates. We sincerely look forward to reading your applications!

Best of Luck!

Your CultureFest 2016 Chairs

Available Positions (34)

*The following positions and responsibilities are subject to change as per the chairs’ discretion*

The following is a list of the positions on the CultureFest executive committee with a summary of the responsibilities for each position. Please read the information before settling on a preference. All students in grades 10, 11 and 12 are welcome to apply.

Pavilion Heads (16)


●African and Middle Eastern (2)

●European (2)

●North American (3)

●Pacific Rim (3)

●West Indian and South American (2)

●South Asian (4)


●Enlisting choreographers and performers for your pavilion at the November Fair

●Selecting and directing a subcommittee of students who will manage a variety of performances

●Actively advertising the pavilion online and at school to gather pavilion members

●Ensuring the success of your pavilion’s performances

As a Pavilion Head, you are the backbone of CultureFest. The efficiency of the entire committee will depend on the efficiency with which you complete tasks. If you are considering this position, first carefully evaluate the commitment that you are willing to devote to CultureFest.

AV Directors (4)

●Ensure all fundraisers, auditions and rehearsals have the appropriate A.V. equipment with proper supervision

●Creation of promotional videos and management of the CultureFest website

●Obtain sound and lighting equipment for the event, while remaining within budget

●Support the recording of any audio and graphics needed for the show

If you are considering this position, former experience with AV equipment, website design and video editing software is strongly recommended.

Directors of Finance (2)

●Obtain sponsorship funds and develop practical fundraising methods for the show

●Coordinate with other executives to divide funding appropriately and manage reimbursements

●Plan and execute the ordering of CultureFest apparel

If you are considering this position, experience handling finances and budgeting are strongly recommended.

Directors of Promotions (4)

●Handling CultureFest promotions, both in-school and through social media

●Updating the CultureFest bulletin with information regarding upcoming rehearsal dates and pavilion activity

If you are considering this position, organizational skills, social skills and promotional experience are strongly recommended.

Creative Writer and Director (3)

*CWDs are not permitted to participate in any performances due to the requirements of their position*

●Organizing the stage setting with performer entrances and exits

●Finding and assisting in the production of props to be used during the show

●Creating a creative and engaging story line accompanied by a script and actors for whom you will be responsible before and during the show

If you are considering this position, creativity and skill with written art are strongly recommended.

Directors of Artistic Development (3)

●Working closely with the AV Directors, Directors of Promotion and CWDs to ensure that necessary artistic elements are provided for

●Creating promotional material including; digital posters, painted banners, stage props and the official logo for CultureFest 2016

If you are considering this position, creativity and artistic abilities are strongly recommended.

Directors of Food (2)

●Creating a CultureFest event menu in collaboration with Chef Galea and Pavilion Heads

●Designing a floor plan for the South Cafeteria food sales

●Arranging sales of food vouchers and direct food sales

Submit personal information on Google Form before proceeding:


Student Number: ______

Please ensure that you have submitted all personal information on the Google Form before proceeding.

Short Answer Questions

1. Use the space provided below to express what CultureFest means to you.

2a) List three reasons why you believe you should be chosen for the CultureFest 2016 Exec Team. (Maximum 10 words)

b) Select what you believe to be your weakest argument from part a) and explain why you think it is. (Maximum 200 words)

3.What are some suggestions that can be made to improve this year's show? How might you lead that change? (Maximum 250 words)

4.Answer one of the position specific questions related to one of the positions that you are applying for. (Questions are found on the following page.)

Responses must be typed and attached to the Applicant Information and Student/ParentDeclaration forms.

Position Specific Questions

Pavilion Head:

1) Leaders encompass many traits to be efficient and effective. What do you think is the most important trait a person needs to possess in order to be a good leader in such a large-scaled event? (Maximum 200 words)

2) Your pavilion is scheduled for a practice in the cafeteria today but you arrive to see that only half of the dancers have showed up. With only 2 weeks left until the CultureFest show, how will you handle this situation? (Maximum 250 words)

AV Directors:

1) AV is responsible for everything from making the website, making the videos and sound tracks for the actual show. Please list any past experiences you have had relating to AV and why you believe that makes you an ideal candidate for the CultureFest 2016 AV Team. (Maximum 50 words)

2) Submit a technical piece that you strongly believe represents your ability with AV. (i.e: a website you designed, videos your created, and etc.) In this section of the application we are looking for experience and creativity. All technical pieces must be submitted on a USB Key with the applicant's student number written on it.

Director of Finance:

1) Every year, the Directors of Finance are responsible for dedicating an allowance for the Pavilion booths on the two days of CultureFest. It’s the week before CultureFest and you check the CultureFest Balance Sheet to realize that due to some unforeseen expenses, you currently have no money left to give to the Pavilion Heads. What do you do? (Maximum 200 words)


1) From the time the executive team is chosen, to the actual show, CultureFest needs to keep the excitement going for all 7 months! Choose a social media medium (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine or Snapchat) and explain how you would build the excitement for the show and any events prior (FashionFest, Theme Days, etc.) You are not limited to the use of only words. (Maximum 200 words)

Creative Writer and Director:

1) Right before the final dress rehearsal for CultureFest, a fire occurs in the storage room where you placed all your props for the script! Turns out Perry left his mixtape in that room which caused most of the props to burn, leaving only a cellphone, 3 pool noodles, a helmet, a tutu and a box of wigs. Create a new script to save CultureFest and accommodate the use of all these items. (Maximum 250 words)

Directors of Artistic Development:

Please complete one of the following tasks:

1) Sketch a banner for any one of the 6 pavilion booths. Your sketch must be drawn on an 8.5” by 11” sheet of letter paper and attached to this application. Be as creative as you wish!


1) Design a digital logo to be used in promotional material and on official CultureFest apparel. Your creation must be printed in colour on an 8.5” by 11” sheet of letter paper and attached to this application. Be as creative as you wish!

Director of Food:

1) Over the past decade we have been closely observed by aliens and they have identified CultureFest to be one of the most fascinating events on Earth. It’s Day One of CultureFest and an alien approaches you hoping to learn about the different cultures and cuisines. If you could pick any six dishes from around the world to demonstrate our multicultural society, what would they be and why? Make sure to include at least one appetizer, one entree, one drink, and one dessert. (Maximum 200 words)

Student Declaration

I, the undersigned, hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the information provided in this application is correct. I understand that misrepresentation is grounds for disqualification from current or future consideration. In addition, I have read and understood the expectations of the position to which I have applied, and recognize that should I be selected, any failure on my part to adhere to these expectations may result in my expulsion from the CultureFest executive committee.


Student Signature



Parental Declaration

I, the undersigned, hereby affirm that to the best of my knowledge the information provided by my child in this application is correct. Furthermore, I fully support my child in his or her intention to become involved in CultureFest as a member of the executive committee.


Parent Signature

