Religion 311
Date Due:
Date Turned in:

Religion 311 Quiz 7
Topic Range Covered: 3.3.1 - 3.3.2 - 3.3.3
Galilean Ministry: Phases 1, 2 and 3

Quiz Parameters / Quiz Guidelines

last revised: 10/31/03


·  Due Date: see due date in Schedule page.

o  Take home exam.

Can be turned in by one of the following ways:

§  Print copy in my office, LND 232, by either 5:00 pm or class time on due date in Schedule page.

§  Fax a copy to my home office (704 434 0472) by midnight on due date in Schedule page.

§  Email attachment file to by midnight on due date in Schedule page.

§  In the subject line, enter the following: r311q01yourname.html (That is, the name of the file attachment as per instructions below)

·  Grading Guidelines:

No prescribed length.

The criteria of (1) thoroughness, (2) adherence to test guidelines below, and (3) level of reflection will determine the grade.

Each individual MUST work independently on this. This is not a group project! It's okay to discuss the issues with fellow classmates, but you must do your own work and draw you own conclusions.

BE SURE to document the sources of information used in answering the questions! This includes inserting internet web sites. Failure to do so will cause bleeding of red ink on the grade!

·  Format:

No prescribed format using a specified style guide such as Turabian;

Just the following:

§  Just make sure the component elements called for in the test guidelines below are clearly displayed with your answer underneath.

§  No title page!

§  For the print copy, staple sheets together; no folders or binders. They cost you money and waste my time in grading!

§  Include the following at the top of the first page:

§  Name

§  Religion 311

§  Quiz #

§  Date Turned in

§  Number the pages. Best done by turning on the page numbering command in your word processing software.

§  Quoting published sources is permitted, but not required, so long as they are properly footnoted. If you quote sources, a bibliography should be attached. DON'T RISK PLAGIARISM! YOU HAVE TOO MUCH TO LOOSE!

·  Suggestion:

o  Copy this html file into a document file on your computer hard drive in the My Documents folder or in a diskette in drive A:.

§  To do this, inside your web browser

§  Highlight the entire quiz document file, down to the C&L Ventures logo at the bottom of the page.

§  Click on the Ctl plus C keys in order to copy the highlighted material to your clipboard

§  Bring up your word processing software such as MS Word, and create a new document. Then paste the clipboard materials into this new document by clicking on the Ctl plus V keys.

§  For the file name, use the following series:

§  r311q01yourname for quiz 1

§  r311q02yourname for quiz 2

§  etc.

§  An example: r311q01cranfordl.html

§  BE SURE to leave these instructions in your file! This provides me with a quick reference to the guidelines and makes my grading of your quiz easier. That can only help your grade!

o  Complete the quiz in this document file to have it ready to turn in by the due date.

Quiz Guidelines:

1. Critique one of the presentation(s) given the previous two weeks, [covered on weeks 10 and 11 for R311N, DAY), following the guidelines below. If no presentation has been given, then ignore this question.

·  Length:

o  Minimum of one page typed per presentation being critiqued:

§  Use double spaced 12 pt. fonts,

§  Set page margins in MS Page Setup under the File menu to 1" margins top, bottom, left, right.

§  Turn on hyphenation in MS Tools > Language > Hyphenation

§  Turn on page number for botton right corner under MS Insert > Page Number

o  These criteria will be strictly followed in the grading process

·  Content:

o  Description of contents of the presentation, using the presentor's handout and your notes.

o  Serious evaluation of the presentation covering:

§  The interpretative perspective taken by the presentor, that is, the interpretative method used.

§  The accuracy of the presentor's reading of the NT passages being covered.

§  Reflections on how the presentation could have been improved.

o  Be certain to include all of the above items in your quiz!

Insert your answer below:



2. Regarding topics 3.3.1, 3.3.2 , and 3.3.3 compare and contrast the series of pericopes among Matthew (## 17-118), Mark (## 4-54), and Luke (## 21-66). This comparison should include the following:

·  Use the outline structure of the Life of Christ as an organizing frame of reference.

o  The outline heading for topics 3.3.1, 3.2.2, and 3.3.3 is III. Galilean Ministry.

·  Description of passages where the gospels intersect one another, that is, the double and triple tradition material. Describe both the similarities and differences in these common pericopes both in terms of their internal content and their literary setting in each gospel. Identify the genre of each passage in so far as it has been determined. Treat the Sermon on the Mount pericopes in Matthew 5:1-7:29 as one segment; do the same with the Sermon on the Mount in Luke 6:17-49

·  Description of each of the distinctive passages found uniquely in each gospel writer in this topic range. This includes genre, content, and literary setting.

·  Summation of how each gospel writer presents this segment of Jesus' life (that is, the topic range under consideration; here topic 3.1). For example, with topic 3.1, how does each gospel writer set the stage for telling his story of Jesus? What is the distinctive picture of Jesus that comes from reading each gospel account in this topic range separately?

·  Sources for answering the questions:

o  Primary Source: Using your English translation(s) of the Bible, read and re-read the gospel texts, drawing observations directly from the scripture texts.

o  Secondary Sources: Use these to supplement your reading of the scripture texts. The "Reading Guide to the..." section under each gospel discussion of Reddish's Introduction to the Gospels in iPreach is an especially helpful secondary source. Also, check the discussion of each gospel in Part I. A. 1. in Kümmel's Introduction to the New Testament in iPreach. And check the relevant sections in each gospel discussion in the various commentaries on iPreach. They typically contain an oveview synopsis of the various pericopes in an outline section of each gospel.

Insert your answer below:

Common passages:

Distinctive passages of each gospel writer:

Summary contribution of each gospel writer to this segment of Jesus' life and ministry:

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