LA communications to schools

Title: / Professional Standards and Health & Safety for School Business Managers
Summary: / Please find below details of two sessions that may be of interest to school business mangers.
Target school(s): / All
Specific schools
For attention of: / Headteachers, CPD Leaders, School Business Managers
Author: / Clare Sumpter
Contact: / Clare Sumpter
Email: /
Telephone: / 07973 124014
Newsletter date: / 19 September 2016
Action required/
due date: / To register your interest for either session please email

Please find below details of two sessions that may be of interest to school business mangers.

Understand the Professional Standards for School Business Managers

20 October 2016, 2pm to 3pm

Last year, the NASBM (National Association for School Business Management) Professional Standards for SBMs were launched. Now, six months on, we reflect on the impact so far and how they continue to support the on-going changes in the SBM profession. Stephen Morales from the National Association of School Business Managers will join us to discuss the developments within the progression and talk through the importance of the Professional standards for SBMs and their schools. Business managers and other colleagues involved in school business management, it is clear that recognition of the Professional Standards is already gathering pace and once they get over the fact that they are, undeniably, very comprehensive, they find them straightforward and constructive to use. Many are using them to support recruitment, and increasing numbers are benchmarking themselves and their professional development needs, particularly through performance management and appraisal. Education never stands still and these Professional Standards support business leaders in ensuring that they not only keep pace with the changes but are best equipped to help lead them.

There is no charge and the event and is aimed at SBMs/Headteachers/Senior Leaders. There will be an opportunity for refreshments and networking afterwards.

Health and Safety for School Business Managers(IOSH accredited)

May 2017 (dates TBC)

This is a full 2 day programme with a test to take at the end of day 2. Participants (on passing) will receive a certificate which is valid for 3 years. The cost is £299 per delegate. Please see attached flyer for more information on the course. Open to both SBMs and Site Managers

To register your interest for either session please email

Venue for both will be the Ealing Education Centre,Mansell Road, Greenford,

Middlesex UB6 9EH.