First conditional sentences

المستوى التعليمي :

This lesson is convenient for secondary students.

أهداف الدرس:

And in this lesson we are trying to explain the first conditional type ,and the difference between it and other conditional types;where ?and how? And also its usage during the speaking , explaining and also when we give advices to others.

Conditional Sentence Type 1

→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled

Form:if + Simple Present, will-Future

Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation

أهداف الأداء:

The students in this lesson are trying to write at PowerPoint by using these conditionals sentences as two clauses once and by writing them only with one clause.

EX: If you wake up early in the morning, you'll get a healthy body.

If you lose your time during the year, …………………………

أهداف المحتوى:

I will explain in this lesson where to use the IF condition and if there is a difference in meaning if it comes at the beginning or at the middle.

EX: If you run fast, you'll get the bus.

You'll get the bus if you run fast.

Also I'll explain where to put the comma in the conditional sentences.

The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.

Example: I will send her an invitation if I find her address

أهداف التكنولوجيا:

The aim of this technology is to teach the students how to search at web sites about the types of conditions and how to use the PowerPoint program and to send the result of their searching to each others by their email ,and at the end to share the forum by answering or writing their point of view in this lesson.

الأنشطة التعليمية (دور المعلم )

The teacher needs a classroom and an internet.

Activity 1 – Divide the students into group, the first searching at Google web site about the conditional sentences as a whole.

Activity 2- leave short time for other group to write three sentences about conditions

type one only to make sure of its usage at power point.

Activity 3-This group will ask their friends by e-mail questions about conditions and send them back to forum.

Activity 4-They will ask the expert this question by using his special e-mail

Where can we use /were/ instead of /was/ in if clauses?

Activity 5-complete the rest of conditional clauses they are given at forum as a short refreshing to their memory.

Activity 6- An evaluation to our lesson the students do the survey they are given.

الاستراتيجيات التعليمية:

I will This lesson will take two class periods, in the first time explain the ideas for the students and divide the rules at them, after asking some questions about conditional sentences to put them in atmosphere of the case of condition .

EX: What did you do if you feel bored?

What did you wear if it's cold out side?

And leave time for them to share by their own sentences and by asking their friends and answering these questions orally.

Then I'll divide the rule among them,

Some students will open the web site and other share the forum, the third group will prepare their writing at PowerPoint program and the fifth will ask the expert the question we prepare to ask. The last group will send the email to others.

Next period the students will show me what did they do and the results of their activity by internet and what did they do at PowerPoint and what did they send to email of their group at the end the answering of the expert to their questions with their sharing at the forum of the group.

أنشطة الطلاب

-The student will be working in groups ,discussing sentences, writing them ,correcting to each others and searching at web sites, and at the end writing their own ideas at forum.

تقييم الدرس:

.The student will answer the test at their e-mails.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I

  • If you (eat)an ice-cream, I (have)a hot chocolate.
  • If she (need)a computer, her brother (give)her his computer.
  • If we (have / not)time this afternoon, we (meet)tomorrow.
  • He (talk)to her if you (want / not)to do it.
  • You (win / not)the game if you (know / not)the rules

مراجع ومصادر الدرس

The book itself

Discussion forums.


Conditional Sentences Type I, II und III (Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentence Type 2

→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.

Form:if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)

Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

more on Conditional Sentences Type II

The main clause can also be at the beginning of the sentence. In this case, don't use a comma.

Example: I would send her an invitation if I found her address.

Note: Main clause and / or if clause might be negative. See Simple Past und Conditional I on how to form negative sentences.

Example: If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t stay here.

Were instead of Was

In IF Clauses Type II, we usually use ‚were‘ – even if the pronoun is I, he, she or it –.

Example: If I were you, I would not do this.

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I

  • If you (eat)an ice-cream, I (have)a hot chocolate.
  • If she (need)a computer, her brother (give)her his computer.
  • If we (have / not)time this afternoon, we (meet)tomorrow.
  • He (talk)to her if you (want / not)to do it.
  • You (win / not)the game if you (know / not)the rules

Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.

  • If I (have)more time, I (learn)to play the guitar.
  • If she (study)harder, she (get)better marks.
  • If we (know)more about history, we (be / not)afraid of the test.
  • I (go)jogging with Tom and Sue if they (be)here this week.
  • It (surprise)me if she (help / not)you.