EOI Number

For office use only


Expression of Interest for 2016-17: Africa’s Land & Food Fellowship Programme

This form should be completed as an electronic file and sent as an e-mail attachment. Alternatively it can be written in black ink or typewritten prior to posting to the address at the base of this page. / In association with

1. Course applied for

Course Title:
MSc International Rural Development
MSc Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security
MSc Business Management
MBA International Food & Agri-Business / Please tick courses of interest
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2. Personal Details

Surname: / Forename(s):
Title: / Gender, please circle: Male Female
Date of birth: / Marital Status:
No of Dependents:
Nationality: / Country of Permanent
HomeAddress& Postcode: / Correspondence Address: (If Different)
Telephone Number: / Telephone Number:
Mobile Number: / E-mail Address:
3. Declaration
I confirm that the information I have provided is true, complete and accurate. I accept that the information will be stored and processed by the Royal Agricultural University, in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998, in order to consider my application. I accept that all decisions are taken in good faith on the basis of the statements made on my application. If it is discovered that I have made a false statement or have omitted significant information from my application form, the University may withdraw or amend its offer. I understand that, if my application is unsuccessful, the information provided will be retained by the University for a period of one year.
Signed: Date:
Please e-mail your completed form to
For further information:
Tel: +44 (0)1285 889912
Fax: +44 (0)1285 650219
/ Alternatively return your form to:
Admissions Office,
Royal Agricultural University,
United Kingdom
4a Africa’s Land & Food Fellowship ~ Expression of Interest
The Fellowship focusses on building capacity in Africans to address sustainable agricultural production, food security and agri-business development. Describe the key challenges in these areas for your local community, region and country.
You may enter up to 300 words for this question.
4b Africa’s Land & Food Fellowship ~ Making a Difference
On completion of the Fellowship, what type of activities do you plan carry out in order to address the development challenges you have identified above.
You may enter up to 200 words for this question.
5Short Curriculum Vitaeplease complete or attach a short(2 page) CV
Key Skills ~ List the five most important skills you have developed that can contribute to development:
(mm.yyyy) / 5a Academic & Professional Qualifications
Please list your highest academic and professional qualifications first
(mm.yyyy) / 5b. Work/Industrial Experience
Please list recent employment and/or work experience
5c. Other relevant Information ~ e.g. voluntary work, society memberships etc.

Africa’s Land & Food Expression of Interest
