Name: ______

Hour: ______

Date: ______

You will create a Family Crest that represents characteristics of your family. To prepare, answer the questions below. All questions should be answered using complete sentences. When you are done answering the questions follow the instructions for making your personal family crest.


Is there a particular job that many people in your family have? What do your parents do for a living?


Are there any special traditions that your family has? What types of things does your family do that makes it unique from others?


What religion does your family practice? Are there any special religious holidays you celebrate?

Physical Traits

Are there any physical traits shared by many members of your family (i.e. hair and eye color, height…)? Describe those traits.


What is your family heritage? Do you know where your ancestors are from?


Do you, or any members of you family, have special talents? What are they?

Birth Order

How many kids are in your family? What is your birth order (i.e. first born, second born, etc…)?

Respected Member

Is there anyone in your family that you really admire and respect? Why?

Making your Family Crest…

Based on the answers you provided, you will create your own family crest by following these instructions:

  1. Pick out your favorite TOP FIVE characteristics from the questions above that you would like to have represented on your crest.
  1. Look through the Heraldic Symbols List to determine which symbol would be most appropriate to represent one characteristic in the center of your crest.
  1. Draw the Heraldic symbol in the center of your blank crest, and create 4 other symbols to represent the other 4 characteristics on the blank crest provided
  1. Make sure your crest is colorful and accurate to the best of your ability
  1. On the back of your crest, provide a key of the different symbols used and an explanation of why you chose to represent your family with them.
  1. Fill in the title ribbon with your last name, and put your full name on the back of the crest.

My Family Crest


  1. In the TOP LEFT section, I drew a ______, which symbolizes______. This is important in my family crest because______


  1. In the TOP RIGHT section, I drew a ______, which symbolizes______. This is important in my family crest because______


  1. In the BOTTOM LEFT section, I drew a ______, which symbolizes______.

This is important in my family crest because______


  1. In the BOTTOM RIGHT section, I drew a ______, which symbolizes______.

This is important in my family crest because______


  1. In the CENTER section, I drew a ______, which symbolizes______. This is important in my family crest because ______
