Dear Students and Families,

Now that your student is used to middle school, I hope he/she is off to a great start! The students know our class routines and expectations and I wanted to send home some information about our class.


·  Email This is the quickest way to communicate with me.

·  You can also send me a message through Jupiter Grades. Jupiter Grades sends an email notifying me of a message.

·  Visit and subscribe to my teacher webpage on the Terra Cotta Middle School website Click on the Staff Directory tab on the right hand side and look for my name.

Grades: Please visit Jupiter Grades at

I update the grades weekly! You are able to view your child’s assignments and how they are doing in school. I sent home parent/student log-in sheets, but if you need another one, let me know and I will send one home with your child.

Grade Percentages
Homework (HW) /Classwork (CW) 50%
Tests/Quizzes/Projects 50% / I often use a checkpoint scale of the following:
ü+ = A
ü = B
ü- = C

Homework: The students fill out their binder reminders EVERYDAY to show classwork and homework. Please check this to ensure your child to completing their assignments. Students will have math homework EVERY day.

Makeup Work (Late or Absent): Absent work will be accepted for full credit up to the following Monday after an absence. Extended absences may be given more time with prior approval. If a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to get the assignments. It is also a responsible idea to have a classmate that students can call to get help. Also, if a student is absent the day an assignment is due, but was in class the day it was assigned, the assignment will be due the day the student returns to class.

Late work will be accepted for partial credit until the end of each unit/chapter.

Neatness/Organization: Being organized is one of the keys to success this year and in your child’s future. Therefore it is very important that students take the time to put all assignments in the proper place. All students will be required to write their assignments down in their binder reminders daily. This will also allow you to take an active roll in your child’s success in the classroom by allowing you to see and verify your child’s assignments. Your student will also be asked to write the proper heading on each assignment, in the upper right hand corner of their paper. The heading should look like this:

Last Name, First Name Smith , John

Period and Date Per. 1 8/13/15

Assignment Pg. 46, #1-15

Class Rules: / Consequences:
1.  Be respectful (use kind words, manners, follow directions)
2.  Be prepared (materials ready, follow directions, positive attitude)
3.  Be responsible
4.  Be prompt / 1st Offense: Verbal warning
2nd Offense: Refocus-student/teacher conference/lunch detention
3rd Offense: Parent call/lunch detention
4th Offense: Parent conference
5th Offense: Referral to Office

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your student’s education and I look forward to a successful and exciting year! Please contact me anytime with questions, and concerns.

Sincerely, email:

Mrs. Floyd Website:

Below is a link to our online textbook. Students can log on using the link for their period and entering their user name and password. They can get their homework problems and click on links for homework help.

1st Period ebook link
Student user name______Student password______/
3rd Period ebook link
Student user name______Student password______/
5th Period ebook link
Student user name______Student password______/