Class Chondrichthyes

General Overview

·  Cartiligenous fishes

·  Three subclasses

o  Sharks (elasmobranchi)

o  Skates & Rays (elasmobranchi)

o  Chimaeras


·  Water Habitat

·  Primarily salt water (oceans)

o  Reefs (common)

o  Coastal Areas (common)

o  Estuaries

o  Open ocean (not as common)

o  Muddy/sandy bottom (primarily skates & rays)

o  Deep ocean (primarily chimaeras)

·  Freshwater (rare)

o  Large river systems - primarily in South America

o  Many species are unique to only one river system

o  Freshwater sharks are very rare, only 6 documented species

o  Freshwater rays are more common and are often electric rays

Feeding Mechanisms

·  Most sharks have large jaws that help them actively hunt prey

o  Teeth often give a clue as to what they eat

o  Jaws can detach from the skull, allowing for larger bites

o  Hundreds of teeth are arranged in rows, constantly replacing old teeth

·  Rays have a flattened and flexible snout

o  Snout allows them to grub for food

o  Teeth are plates that are designed to crush food such as mollusks

·  Some are filter feeders

o  Basking shark, megamouth shark, manta ray

·  Well developed sensory organs help locate prey

o  Olfactory

o  Electroreception

§  Lateral line

o  Eyesight


·  Sexual

·  Males (including sharks, rays, chimaeras) have claspers that hold him in place during mating

o  Males can be very aggressive, surrounding a female and preventing her escape

o  Males will often bite during courtship

·  Females

o  Have two uteruses

o  Female rays have been known to store sperm until conditions are favorable for bearing young

o  Pregnant females have been known to migrate to more favorable areas for young

o  Rarely, mothers will protect young for a shortened period of time

·  Young

o  Are miniature adults - there is no larval stage

o  Eggs

§  Tough, leathery, attached to substrate

o  Live birth

§  Litters are of a small size

§  Pups fight within the womb; only the strongest is born

§  No placental - only a yolk

·  When yolk is depleted, mother supplies nutrition

Unique Characteristics

·  Senses are very well developed

o  Olfactory senses

o  Inner ear

§  Provides balance

§  Also allows hearing underwater

o  Electroreception

§  Ampulae of Lorenzini

§  Lateral line

o  Touch + taste

§  “Bite & Spit” theory

·  Skin is covered in tiny scale-like structures called denticles (feels like sandpaper!)

o  Offers protection

o  Reduces drag

·  Gas exchange occurs at the gills for sharks

·  Skates and rays have spiracles in addition to gills

o  Because skates & rays lie still at the bottom, and because the gills are located on the underside, the gills are poorly ventilated


·  Not all sharks are of the classic fusiform shape

o  Wobbegong

·  Today sharks are threatened by overfishing as a result of sport, fear (“Jaws”), and food

·  The sharkfin business is destroying shark populations - the fins are cut off and the animal is thrown back into the ocean to die

Skates & Rays

·  Body is flattened, with enlarged pectoral fins forming a disc

·  The jaw is also flattened, often with fused teeth that are better suited to crushing and grinding

·  Also has filter feeders: manta ray

·  Spiracles

·  Males also have claspers

·  Stinging spine

·  Some rays house electrical organs


·  Primitive group, poorly understood

·  Taxonomy is debated

·  Consists of ratfishes, rabbitfishes, and elephantfishes

·  Live at extreme depths

·  Feed on mollusks and other invertebrates

·  Large pectoral fins to help them glide, large eyes, long whiplike tail

·  Dorsal fin occasionally features a poisonous spine, depending on the species


·  Book: “The Nature Company Guides: Sharks & Rays” by multiple authors: Tricas, Deacon, Last, McCosker, Walker, Taylor

·  Book: “Smithsonian Institution: Animal” Edited by David Burnie & Don E. Wilson

·  Wikipedia:

·  Wikipedia:
