2015 - 2016



Dance Team

Information PACKET

Table of Contents

I.  Philosophy

II.  Tryout/Audition Process

III.  Time Commitment

IV.  Finances and cost

V.  Parent Involvement

VI.  Signature Forms

VII.  Constitution and Conduct


I would like to share my philosophy and vision for the program:

The Righetti Spirit Program is, at its core, a service organization. Through the medium of performance, whether cheer or dance, this program brings beauty, positivity, encouragement, entertainment, happiness, and support (both figuratively and literally financially) to other students, programs, parents, school staff, community at large, and last but certainly not least to each individual spirit leader themselves.

I believe that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing right. I want the RHS Spirit to be a positive experience for all; although positive does not mean easy. Involved students will develop physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. I want the Cheer Squads and Dance Team to create and maintain an admired and respected image in our school and community. This will be created by a number of things: professional appearance, polished performances, strong academic achievements, and friendly, upbeat attitudes.

I see my role as not just an advisor, but as a coach. I believe cheering and dancing are equal to a sport (maybe even more rigorous as we cover 3 seasons!) – And it will be run as such, with conditioning, stretching and long practices. The amount of time and effort will be comparable to other team sports. I know from experience that you are only as good as your last performance, so we will be continually creating and polishing material.


I started dancing (Ballet, Jazz and Tap) at age five and continued throughout my high school years. By the time I was in high school, I was a part of a dance company, which performed at many events, both in the local community and statewide; including Disneyland, the Mid-State Fair, the state fair in Sacramento, and the Santa Cruz Boardwalk (talk about fun!)

In high school, I was a member of Varsity Cheer (voted most valuable 86-87 Varsity Cheerleader :D ) and involved in the ASB at San Luis High.

I firmly believe in these kinds of extra-curricular activities, and continually use the combination of people skills, confidence, and organizational skills that I learned in my youth to this day. I started the Dance Team at Righetti in 2001 and coached them through 2005 school year. I loved my girls and am very close with most of them to this day. I also stepped in as an interim cheer coach during the mid-2000’s when they were in between coaches. After the 2013-2014 season I was asked to return.

I have been involved in many other community activities; I was the chair person for Righetti Sports Auction for 3 years, on the OYFL Board in charge of the youth cheerleaders for 2 years, and Junior class advisor in charge of organizing the King of Hearts Dance and PowderPuff Football Game for 7 years.


I have high expectations for each student involved in the program. They are as follows:

A)  Have a positive, can-do attitude.

B)  Take responsibility for himself/herself – be on time, no excuses, be prepared, etc.

C)  Work hard – give 110% at all times.

D)  Communicate – before hand, not after a conflict has arisen. If in doubt – TALK TO ME!!!

E)  Be respectful and courteous at all times – remember it’s usually not what you say but HOW you say it that makes the difference!

F)  Follow all rules and guidelines.

G)  Have fun!



Please have all paperwork turned in by 12:45 P.M. to Mrs. Johnson in room 131 on the following dates:

DANCE TEAM paperwork due on or before Thursday, April 16th.

CHEER TEAM paperwork due on or before Wednesday, April 22nd.

Including Voluntary Activities Participation Form (with Clear Sports Physical to follow after tryouts for those who join the Spirit Squad.)

Points will be deducted for late paperwork.



Clinics are the next step in the tryout process. They are required and you will receive a score for your participation. The clinics will be held on the following days:

Dance Clinic will be held on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, April 21 and April 22,

from 3:45 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.

Cheer Clinic will be held on MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY, April 27 –

April 29, from 3:45 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.

Please meet at the Greek Theater, dressed and ready to get to work at 3:30 - to get checked in. Any student not checked in and ready to START at 3:45 will be docked points.

These are mandatory! (Righetti students should arrive between 3:15 and 3:30 to be sure to get checked in on time – students from other schools should arrive ASAP, by 3:45.)

DANCE AUDITIONS: Thursday, APRIL 23rd, starting at 4:00 P.M. sharp.

CHEER TRYOUTS: Thursday, APRIL 30th, starting at 4:00 P.M. sharp.

Students will wait to be called to audition while “lounging” in the Greek – so bring a sweatshirt and sweatpants, incase it starts to get cool. Bring a good book, water, and a snack.

Students will have access to a restroom, but will not be allowed to leave (if a student decides to leave, he/she will not be allowed back and so will not be available for call backs, should the judges wish to see a student again).


1.  Bring a positive attitude – be ready to learn, points will be docked for negativity.

2.  Listen, respect, and follow directions given by the advisor and clinic instructors.

3.  Work out clothes – dance attire, preferably school colors or black. Leotards and shorts are fine – but NO CROP TOPS. For returning members who are trying out again, NO OLD SPIRIT OUTFITS.

4.  Hair should be neatly pulled back off the face.

5.  Jazz shoes or tennis shoes (no platform shoes) and socks.

6.  No watches, jewelry, or tattoos showing – body piercings must be taped for safety - see RHS Spirit Team Constitution.

7.  No gum!

8.  Attendance and Participation: Clinics are required. 25 points per day. There will NO make up times to learn missed information. If you are absent (absent after 10 minutes past start time) or a non-dress, you will not receive points for that day. If you are late (0 to 10 minutes past start time) you will only receive 15 points. A bad attitude will result in –20points for the day.

9.  Follow all safety guidelines.

10.  Warm out and stretch out completely at the beginning and end of the practices. We will start warming up as a group at 3:30.

11.  Report all injuries to the advisor or instructors immediately.

12.  Clinics will be closed to family and friends.

13.  Please do not attempt to call or contact those associated with the tryouts for special insight, advice or help. It is important that things stay fair and equal. If anyone has any questions during the process, please call me or email me.

Follow all directions regarding PROTOCOL as detailed in the Parent/Student Handbook, and SPIRIT of Righetti Constitution.

D.  Requirements and Scoring for Tryouts

1.  Meet RHS eligibility requirements

(Please Note: different from Eligibility to participate during the season*)

·  Students must have a minimum 2.0 GPA. Please provide copy of the most recent report card/progress report with the application packet. If there was an extenuating circumstance, please see Ms. Johnson for an alternate way to prove eligibility.

·  Students must have acceptable attendance. Current Righetti students should provide attendance printout showing no more than 18 period unexcused absences (cuts) for the time period from returning after winter break to February, 27, 2015. Junior High students should provide an attendance printout for the current semester showing they are in good standing with school policies.

2.  Parent/student meeting is scheduled for with the Advisor/Head Coach, March 31, 2015, at 6 P.M. on the Gym stage. (if the parent cannot attend please call or email me ASAP so that we can set an alternate time to talk. I must have contact with ALL PARENTS BEFRORE tryouts, so that the parent understands fully the nature and amount of commitment involved.)

3.  Turn in all completed paperwork, neatly stapled together, before12:45 P.M. on the following dates,

DANCE TEAM paperwork due on or before Thursday, April 16th.

CHEER TEAM paperwork due on or before Wednesday, April 22nd.


ü  Spirit of Righetti Application

ü  Student/Par. Agreement/Release of Liab./Sign Off by Business Office

ü  Constitution Agreement Form

ü  Voluntary Activities Participation Form (with Physical Form Completed by Physician and Signed by Parent/Guardian to follow.)

ü  Copy of report card/progress report.

ü  Printout for current semester proving student is in good standing (less than 18 cuts for current RHS students)

4.  Attend all Clinics.

5.  Learn required material.

6.  Participate in auditions/tryouts.


1.  Judges: 300pts.(3 Judges@100pts. Ea. Or 400, if 4 Judges)

2.  Clinic Score 50 or 75 pts.

3.  Paperwork complete and on time 60pts.



You will be required to learn and then demonstrate your mastery of:


1.  Dance Routine

2.  Kicks/splits

3.  Leaps/Jumps/ Turns

4.  Sideline Chant

5.  Spiriting/Excitement


1.  Chant/Cheer

2.  Group Sideline Dance

3.  Kicks/splits

4.  Jumps/Tumbling

5.  Spiriting/Excitement


There will be three (or four) judges and two tabulators to add up the students’ scores. Each student will be given a number. Auditions will be closed to everyone other than those officially associated with the school and auditions; the judges, tabulators, advisor, administration, activities director etc.


Summer Schedule:

·  Mandatory summer practices start Tuesday, July 21 to prepare the “Home Routine” for evaluation at camp.

·  It is very important that all the cheerleaders and dance team members attend camp, not only to learn the dances, but most importantly to bond and form a cohesive team.

·  After attending camp, we typically meet 3 times a week for 2 to 3 hours. Exact dates will be announced within a few weeks of tryouts.

·  There will be 3 to 5 practices designated as “mandatory” so that the whole team can practice together.

·  No practice will be scheduled during summer school hours (I will also try and work around Fair dates.)

When school begins,

·  During football, we will meet M – F.

·  There will be a team meeting once per week on Mondays, during lunch, in my room. Please bring lunch from home, as the lines to purchase food can be long and we need to start promptly to have an effective meeting.

·  Practices Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays will be from after school for 2 hours, most likely 3:15 -5:30. (I’d like to drop Monday practices asap, in order for students to use it as the “appointment day.”) On Fridays of a home game, we will have only a short practice to do a final run-through on the field (if possible) of the performance for that evening. On a Friday with no home game, Dance team may opt to cancel practice.

·  I will hand out the winter practice and game schedule as soon as it is available.

·  Performances: We will attempt to support all fall and winter sports, but specifically be performing at pregame, during, and half time at home Varsity Football and home Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball games. We will also be performing at assemblies and pep-rallies. The team also performs at community events and competitions.


A student’s financial situation should not exclude him or her from trying out. Although there a lot of costs involved, there is no reason why a student will not have the opportunity to fundraise to cover the expenses.

The following is a estimate of costs:


Uniform $295

Poms/Briefs/Etc. $30

Cheer shoes $45

Warm-ups/bag/megaphone $257

Camp $399



Tops (2) $195

Dance pants (2) $90

Dance shoes $50

Warm-ups/bag/poms $260

Camp $399


I know this amount is not pocket change, however please keep in mind the following:

·  The team members will wear their uniforms, warm-ups or t-shirts on all performance days – think of how much money you’ll save on trendy, expensive school clothes!

·  We will IMMEDIATELY have a number of fundraisers to help cover expenses.

·  The annual Booster Auction is a fantastic way for individuals to raise money – we’ll talk about that at the 1st parent meeting for the new team.

·  As soon as our team is selected, fundraising will be one of our top priorities.


I am hoping and requesting that parents be supportive and involved with our activities and events. I am also requesting that parents take charge of certain organizational duties, such as coordinating event supervision, transportation (when needed), and fundraising.

Parents will be required to participate in the following:

1.  Be supportive with positive encouragement – especially after practices when students may be tired, sweaty, and cranky etc. Remind them that they love to dance, are improving, and anything worth achieving is worth working for!

2.  Chaperone 2-5 events per season.

3.  Provide transportation – either driving a school vehicle or your own. This means at minimum one adult per household will need to go through the process of becoming an approved district driver.

4.  Work/help with the fundraising activities.

5.  Attend all parent meetings (expect at least one per season: Summer, Fall, Winter.)

I realize that many parents work and have hectic and demanding schedules.

**Please contact me immediately to discuss conflicts with participation duties. Communication is going to be an integral key to the success of this program.***

It is important for all the parents to share the participation duties associated with having a student on the team; to “share the load.” For the success of the team, it is imperative that each team member and his/ her family contribute and give 100% support.