1. Personal information

Family name: NGUYEN

Mid name: DAC

First name: VE

Full name: NGUYEN DAC VE

Date of birth: 10th June 1977

Place of birth: Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Nationality: Vietnamese

Sex: Male

Marital status: Married

Contact address:

Institute of Marine Environment and Resources (IMER)

246 Danang Street, Hai Phong City


Phone: 84-31-3564892

Fax: 84-31-3761521

E-mail: and

2. Professional



Department of Marine Database and Remote Sensing,

Institute of Marine Environment and Resources (IMER)

246 Danang Street, Hai Phong City


Research field:

Remote Sensing and GIS development. Recently, my duty is satellite images processing for mapping marine habitats, such as: mangrove, coral reef, tidal flat, enviroment hazards,…

3. Education

Bachelor degree

Bachelor degree in Geography

College of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

Date of graduation: 10th June 2000

Duration: 1996-2000

Master degree

Master degree in Geography

College of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

Date of graduation: 31st May 2013

Duration: 2010-2013

Thesis Title: “Geomorphological studies for the management of coastal erosion hazard area from Thuan An to Chan May, Thua Thien Hue province”.

4. Participated projects

-  Viet Nam project, 2008-2009: Developing indices of sustainable development for tidal wetland resources in the coastal area of Western Tonkin Gulf.

-  Viet Nam project, 2008-2010: Assessment degradation of the coastal ecosystems of Vietnam and proposed solutions to the sustainable management.

-  Viet Nam project, 2009-2010: Investigate and assessment are degradation of coastal forests Northern Vietnam and proposed models protection and sustainable management.

-  Viet Nam project, 2006-2007: The coral reef distribution assessment coastal areas based on satellite images and Scuba diving survey.

-  Viet Nam project, 2008-2009: Monitoring and rated the flood damage to coastal areas of Thua Thien Hue province using ALOS satellite imagery data.

-  NGO project, 2009- 2013: Solutions for Environmental Contrasts in Coastal Areas (SECOA).

-  Viet Nam project, 2011-2013: Development of Environmental vulnerably indicators for Thua Thien Hue Coastal Areas.

5. Publishes

-  Tran Dinh Lan, Nguyen Dac Ve, 2009. “GIS application to comprehensive prediction of environmental impacts of air pollution in coastal industrial areas: casestudy of Minh Duc – Ben Rung industrial area, Thuy Nguyen District, Hai Phong City”. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol4, p89-102. ISSN 1859-3097.

-  Nguyen Van Thao, Tran Dinh Lan, Do Thu Huong and Nguyen Dac Ve, 2010. “Assessing damage of flood by using ALOS data in Thua Thien Hue province - Vietnam” The 4th Joint PI symposium of ALOS data nodes for ALOS science program in Tokyo 2010.

-  Nguyen Van Thao, Nguyen Dac Ve, 2010. “Monitoring and evaluation of flood damage in coastal areas of Thua Thien Hue by ALOS data” The 10th Conference of Southeast Asian Geography.

-  Nguyen Duc Cu, Nguyen Van Thao, Dinh Van Huy and Nguyen Dac Ve, 2011. “The impact of upstream dams on accumulation and erosion in river mouth areas of North coastal zone”. National proceedings ofscientific conferencesandmarine technology5th, Ha Noi 20-22 October 2011.

-  Nguyen Dac Ve, Nguyen Duc Cu and Bui Van Vuong, 2011. “An assessment of changes in morphology of the Bach Dang estuary”. National proceedings ofscientific conferencesandmarine technology5th, Ha Noi 20-22 October 2011.

-  Cao Van Luong, Nguyen Van Thao, Teruhisa Komatsu, Nguyen Dac Ve andDamDuc Tien, 2012. “Status and threats on seagrass beds using GIS in Vietnam”,Proc. SPIE8525, Remote Sensing of the Marine Environment II, 852512(December 11,2012); doi:10.1117/12.977277/ ISBN 978-081-949-264-7.

-  Nguyen Dac Ve, Nguyen Van Thao, 2012. “Preliminary results from using ALOS prism images for buiding digital elevation model in the Thua Thien Hue coastal area”. Marine resources and environment (colelection of research works), tome XVII, p. 50-60. ISBN 978-604-913-134-9.

-  Bui Van Vuong, Liu Zhi Fei, Tran Duc Thanh, Tran Dinh Lan, Chi-An Hub, Tuo Shouting, Dang Hoai Nhon, Nguyen Van Quan, Nguyen Dac Ve, Dinh Van Huy, Nguyen Dinh Khang, 2013. “Initial results of study in sedimentation rate and geochronology of modern sediments in the Bach Dang estuary by menthos of 210Pb and 137Cs radio tracer”. Proceedings of the second National scientific conference on marine geology, p. 306-315. Ha Noi - Ha Long 10th - 12th Oct, 2013. ISBN 978-604-913-134-9.

-  Nguyen Dac Ve, Nguyen Van Thao, 2013. “Mapping landuse and land cover of south central coastal areas by remote sensing images”. Proceedings of the second National scientific conference on marine geology, p. 968-978. Ha Noi - Ha Long 10th - 12th Oct, 2013. ISBN 978-604-913-134-9.

-  Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Nguyen Dac Ve, 2013. “The change of habitats in Hai Phong using remotely sensened data”. Proceedings of the second National scientific conference on marine geology, p. 979-990. Ha Noi - Ha Long 10th - 12th Oct, 2013. ISBN 978-604-913-134-9.

-  Do Thi Thu Huong, Nguyen Dac Ve, 2013. “Inventory of sandy beaches in northeast Vietnam coastal areas using remotely sensed data”. Proceedings of the second National scientific conference on marine geology, p. 979-1004. Ha Noi - Ha Long 10th - 12th Oct, 2013. ISBN 978-604-913-134-9.

-  Nguyen Dac Ve, Tran Dinh Lan, Nguyen Van Thao, 2013. “Mapping the distribution status of the coastal ecosystems in Thanh Hoa province”. Proceedings of the second National scientific conference on marine geology, p. 1015-1024. Ha Noi - Ha Long 10th - 12th Oct, 2013. ISBN 978-604-913-134-9.

6. Languages

Mother tongue: Vietnamese


Understanding good

Speaking good

Reading good

Writing good

I guarantee that all the information above is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Hai Phong, 20th November, 2013

Declared by

Nguyen Dac Ve