Vertaling uit het Nederlands naar Engels van ‘Uw kind inschrijven in het secundair onderwijs’

2018-2019 school year

Enrolling your child in secondary education


What options are there to enrol your child in the first year of secondary education?4

Enrolling your child inmainstream secondary education4

Enrolling your child with special needsinmainstream secondary education5

Enrolling your child in special needs secondary education5

Attending a school’s information session6

To register or not?7

Enrolling your child during the priority period8

What is the priority period?9

Why enrol during the priority period?9

Enrolling your child after the priority period10

Registering your child in a secondary school in Antwerp11

Information sessions‘Meld je aan’11

How to use ‘Meld je aan’?12

Registering your child14

You will receive an e-mail and a letter15

Enrolling your child16

Registration points17

How are free places allocated in schools that use ‘Meld je aan’?18

Is your child an indicatorleerling (indicator pupil) or a niet-indicatorleerling (non-indicator pupil)?
(Two questions will determine whether your child is anindicator- or aniet-indicatorleerling)18

What do you need to know about the waiting list for a school? 19


‘Meld je aan’ is an initiative of the LokaalOverlegPlatform (LOP),in which all the secondary schools in Antwerp are represented. It is developed with the support of Antwerp city.

Executive editor: Eric Boels,chairmanLOP secondary education Antwerp.

Legal deposit: D/2017/0306/123

November 2017

Dear parent

The transition to secondary education is a big step for many children. From being “the biggest” they suddenly are once again “the smallest”. Theyhave to cope with quite a lot of extra responsibility and need to learn to work independently.

However, they don’t have to go through this alone. To start with, they have you as a parent, who can reassure them and help them prepare for the first year of secondary education. Also, in the sixth year of primary school, they will have the opportunity to spend some time in a secondary school during short placements or an information day.

The most important thing is that you – together with your son or daughter- make the right choice. Therefore, listen to your child and to the advice of his/her class teacher or the Centre for Pupil Guidance (CLB). What are your child’s strong points? What are her/his interests? If you take these into account, all will be well.

Starting this school year, we are working with ‘Meld je aan’. This is an online registration system that will be used by 45of the 66secondary schools in Antwerp. With this system, the LokaalOverlegPlatform and the city want to allocate the available places in a fair and transparent way. We also want to avoid queues at the school gates on the day of enrolments. Thus, we will ensure as many children as possible can start in a secondary school of their choice.

This brochure is a step by step guide on how to register and enrol your child in the first year of a secondary school for the 2018-2019 school year.

If you have any questions about ‘Meld je aan’, the help desk staff will provide you with answers. The contact details are on the back of this brochure.

We wish you much success with finding a school where your child will feel at home.

Eric Boels

ChairmanLokaalOverlegPlatform secondary education

What options are there to enrol your child for the first year of secondary education?

If your child has obtained a certificate of primary education, then he/she can start the first year of secondary education A or the first year of secondary education B. The first year secondary B is for pupils who are behind with their learning or pupils who prefer ‘learning by doing’.

Enrolling your child for mainstream secondary education.

You have three options to enrol your child in the first year of secondary A or secondary B. You can:

➊register your child for one of the 45secondary schools in Antwerp through ‘Meld je aan’ on Thursday 8th February and Tuesday 27th February 2018.

➋enrol your child directly in one of the 21other secondary schools in Antwerp on the first enrolment day (chronological allocationat the school gate, on a first come first served basis) between Saturday 21st April 2018from 1 p.m.and Wednesday 16th May 2018.

➌enrol your child directly in a secondary school outside of Antwerp on the first enrolment day (chronological allocationat the school gate). It is up to you to ask the school when the enrolment period is.

You are allowed to use multiple options. You can for instance chose to register your child through alsotry to enrol afterwards in a school, which does not use ‘Meld je aan’, on the day of enrolments.

If you enrol in another school, it is important you inform the previous school, so that it can pass on your reserved place to another child. By informing the school, you help increase the chance for each child, including your own, to enrol in a school as high as possible on his/her wish list.

Enrolling your child with special needs in mainstream secondary education

Children who need support due to special needs can enrol in mainstream secondary education. To this end, the school will organise a consultation with the CLB, the parents and the class council about the adjustments needed for the pupil. If you wish to enrol your child in mainstream secondary education in Antwerp, you can register your child for schools using ‘Meld je aan’, or you can enrol your child directly in schools not using ‘Meld je aan’on21st April from 1:00 p.m. onwards.

Enrolling your child in special needs secondary education

To start in special needs secondary education, you need a report issued by the CLB, which will state which type of education and which form of training is the most suitable for your child. If you wish to enrol your child in special needs secondary education, please contact the CLB.

Attending a school’s information session

It is important to think about what secondary school to choose for your child. You will make the choice of secondary school together with your child. Look together what study options exist and make aninitial selection based on your child’s interests and the advice of teachers and the CLB. You will find the information sessions listed per school on the list of schools with this brochure and on

is also a good source of information on schools.

Visiting a school is always a good idea, as it allows you to make a more informed choice out of the large number of schools on offer. After all, each school emphasises different areas and has its own approach. During an open day, you will learn more about the school’s vision, the way of teaching, the school rules, etc. You can have a look in the classrooms and ask questions. You will also find out how you, as a parent, will be involvedin your child’s school career.

To register or not?

45schools in Antwerp will use ‘Meld je aan’for enrolment. 21other schools in Antwerp have chosen to enrol pupils directly.

The list of schools attached to this brochure shows you which schools use ‘Meld je aan’and which schools do not.

Schools outside of Antwerp do not use ‘Meld je aan’. If you wish to enrol your child outside of Antwerp, you will need to keep a close eye on the enrolment periods.

Enrolling a child during the priority period

Enrolling your child in a school where a sibling is already enrolled or where a parent is working.

What is the priority period?

During the priority period, you can enrol your child in a secondary school where a sibling is already enrolled or where a parent is working. This applies for schools using ‘Meld je aan’, as well as for schools not using ‘Meld je aan’. You can enrol your child directly. You cannot register through ‘Meld je aan’ during the priority period.

The priority period for Antwerp secondary schools runs from Monday 8th until Friday 19th January 2018 inclusive. For secondary schools outside of Antwerp, you will need to make your own enquiries as to whether there is a priority period.

Why register during the priority period?

You can enrol your child during the priority period between Monday 8th and Friday 19th January 2018. If you don’t, you will lose priority. If you have priority in a school, we recommend you enrol your child in this school during the priority period.

After enrolling, you can still try to enrol directly in another school, or you can register your child through ‘Meld je aan’to have a chance to obtain a place in other schools. You can find more information from p.11 onwards.

Registering a child after the priority period

For all secondary schools in Antwerp, the enrolment period runs from 1:00p.m onSaturday21st April 2018 until 4:00 p.m.on Wednesday16th May 2018.

➊For schools using ‘Meld je aan’, please read the information from p. 12 onwards.

➋For secondary schools in Antwerp, who require you to enrol directly, you can enrol your child directly during this enrolment period.

The available places in schools not using ‘Meld je aan’ will be allocated chronologically on a first come first served basis.

If there are no more free places, your child will be added to the waiting list.

It is therefore possible that your child will not have a place. Also take into account thatyou might have to queue at the school gate for several days. You will find an overview of all the free places in the schools from 5th February 2018on

Information sessions ‘Meld je aan’

If you wish to know more about how‘Meld je aan’ operates or how free places are allocated, come to an information session. In the list of schools with the brochure, you will find where and when the ‘Meld je aan’information sessions take place.There is no need to sign up.

Additionally, on there is a video explaining how free places are allocated. You will also find an overview of frequently asked questions. If you have a question to which you cannot find the answer, do not hesitate to contact the helpdesk, the details of which you will find on the back of this brochure.

Registering your child with ‘Meld je aan’

Registering your child in a secondary school in Antwerp

From the 2018-2019 school year onwards, 45of the 66secondary schools in Antwerpwill use ‘Meld je aan’. In the attached list of schools, you can find out which schools will use the online registration system.

How to use ‘Meld je aan’?

➊Make a list of all the schools, where you would like to enrol your child.

It is up to you how many schools you put on your list.

➋List the schools in order of preference. List your favourite school as number 1and work your way down with your second, third, … preferred school.

➌Check the attached list of schools for which schools on your list use‘Meld je aan’.

➍Register your child on all the schools using ‘Meld je aan’. For schools not using ‘Meld je aan’, read p. 11to know what to do.

Through ‘Meld je aan’, your child will be allocatedthe highest place possible. If there is no place available, your child will be added to a waiting list. If a place becomes available in a school, then the school will look at the waiting list. Thus, your child will still have an opportunity to enrol in a school higher on your list.

You will find more information on the allocation of free places on p.18or by watching the video on

My favourite schools

School 1

School 2

School 3

School 4


Step 1: Register your child


Register your child on the schools using ‘Meld je aan’between Thursday 8thFebruaryfrom 9.30a.m. and Tuesday 27th February2018until 5:00 p.m.The exact time of registration has no bearing on the allocation of free places.

What do you need?

➊The list of preferred schools.

➋Your child’s national identification number (rijksregisternummer, unique identification number). You will find this: on the ISI+card ORon the back of the e-ID OR on the stickers of the health insurance fund.

If your child does not have a national identification number, you need to go to a registration point (see information p. 17) or contact the helpdesk (see information at the back of this brochure).

➌A computer with internet. If you do not have a computer or internet connection, you can go to a registration point or a webpunt(where you can use a computer with internet connection free of charge). You can find more information on p. 17.

How to register?

➊Go to

➋Watch the video to understand how the registration system works.

➌Choose a password and a username when you register your child.

➍Keep your password and username safe. You will need this to check or change your details. This is possible until 5:00 p.m. on 27th February 2018.

➎Follow the steps on the screen.

In need of help?

The staff members at the various registration points are there to help. You will find a list on p. 17 in this brochure. Or call the helpdesk free of charge on0800 62 185.

Step 2: You will receive an e-mail and a letter

On Friday 23rd March2018at the latest, you will receive an e-mail and a message in your inbox on

You will also receive a letter which states whether you can enrol your child.

From Tuesday 29th May 2018 from9.30 a.m. onwards, if there is no school where you can enrol your child, the staff members of the helpdesk can tell you which schools still have free places. As from this date, you can also find an overview of free places on You can then enrol from Monday 4th June from9:00 a.m. onwards.

If there is no place for your child, your child will be added to the waiting list at all the schools for which he/she is registered. A place could still become available for your child in one of these schools. In this case, the school will contact you directly.

Of course, you can also try and enrol your child directly in a school that is not using ‘Meld je aan’between 21stApril from 1:00 p.m. and 16th May 2018until 4:00 p.m.

Step 3: Enrol your child


Therefore, you will still need to enrol your child in the secondary school.


From Saturday 21st April 2018until Wednesday 16th May 2018.


➊Make an appointment with the school mentioned in the letter or e-mail.

➋Go to the school to enrol your child.

➌Sign the leerlingenfiche (the pupil enrolment card, which the school management uses to record certain data of each pupil coming to enrol in a schoolor a campus. A parent will need to sign this card).This means you agree with the school regulations and the school’s pedagogical project.

➍Ask for a proof of enrolment.

You are not obliged to enrol your child in the school mentioned in the letter or e-mail. For instance, if you receive a place in school X through ‘Meld je aan’, you are free to enrol your child in school Y, which does not use ‘Meld je aan’. Make sure you know when the enrolment period starts and take into account possible queues at the school gate.

Also make sure you inform school X that you have enrolled your child in a different school, which does not use ‘Meld je aan’. This way, the school can pass on your child’s reserved place to someone else.

The enrolment is final when you have signed the leerlingenfichein the school. This means you agree with the school regulations and the pedagogical project of this school.

Registration points

If you need support and help to register your child, you can go to one of the registration points. At a registration point, there will always be a staff member who can help you register your child step by step. This way, you will be sure you have registered your child correctly. You can go to one of the following registration points:

Atlas, Integratie en InburgeringAntwerpen

Carnotstraat110, 2060 Antwerp, tel. 03 338 70 79

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 12 o’clock.

Huis van het Kind Antwerpen-Kiel

Atletenstraat80, 2020 Antwerp, tel. 0800 62 185.

During the registration period: open on 8th February from 9:30a.m. until 11:30 a.m. and from 1:00p.m. until 3:30 p.m. Every Tuesday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.

Huis van het Kind Merksem

Jaak De Boeckstraat71, 2170 Merksem, tel. 03 502 08 50.

During the registration period: open on 8th February from 9:30 a.m. until 12 o’clock and from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Every Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. until 12 o’clock.

Huis van het Kind Linkeroever

Hanegraefstraat5, 2050 Antwerp, tel. 0800 62 185.

During the registration period: open on 8th February from 9:30 a.m. until 12 o’clock and from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Every Tuesday and Friday from 9 a.m. until 12 o’clock.

Webpunten(where you can use a computer with internet connection free of charge) and libraries in Antwerp

Atawebpuntand in most libraries, you can use a computer with internet connection free of charge. At a webpunt, there is a staff member present to help you with computing questions. The staff members do not help to register your child. If you would like to know your closestwebpunt and its opening hours, please contact the helpdesk free of charge on 0800 62 185.