Minnesota Contemporary Quilters Board Meeting Minutes, February 15, 2016

Note: This meeting was rescheduled due to snowstorm on Tuesday, February 5th.

Action Items are Highlighted.

Members in Attendance: Zeeda Magnuson, Peggy Wright, Tina Hughes, Sharon Englund, Nancy Eha, Nancy Condon, Carol Egan, Lavonne Batalden, Carol Mashuga Absent: Barb Bonifas, Leah Doherty, Sally Mortenson, Karrie Flater, Peg LaSota, Betsy Shannon, Joan Carver

Introductions: Lavonne Baltalden was introduced as the new treasurer. Members shared their names and roles on the board plus one thing they are looking forward to in 2016 -- the consensus: programs, people/new friends, and retreat.

Secretary Report and Sunshine: The board discussed expectations for the preparation of minutes and comments/corrections prior to the final distribution of minutes. We agreed that it was reasonable to expect that minutes are published within one week of the board meeting and changes are emailed to the secretary within four days. In the minutes, assignments made and actions needed will be highlighted. Zeeda agreed to include an electronic copy of the minutes when the agenda is mailed out one week prior to each board meeting.

Treasurer and Membership Report:

Treasurer's Report: Lavonne reported that we have approximately $3300 in the MCQ savings account and $1901 in the checking account. The $1901 amount reflects that we have just paid $1000 to Camp Wapo on deposit for the spring retreat; she anticipates that this expense will be offset by payments from members attending the retreat. Rent at the Textile Center has been paid through March 2017 to take advantage of the Textile Center's option of paying future rent at the 2015 rates.

Nancy Eha requested a check for $200 to pay as a deposit on the Barn Quilts of Carver County event (deposit is refundable if event is cancelled within two weeks of scheduled date) and Tina Hughes requested a check for $150 as payment to the Textile Center to reserve the space for the Sue Benner fusing workshop.

Membership Report: Lavonne reported that we have 102 members, 2 new members and no members significantly behind on dues. We discussed contacting members who left during the year and inviting them to consider rejoining MCQ. Sharon asked if we had a scholarship fund for members needing assistance in paying dues. No decision was made to include scholarship information on the website. Anecdotally, and through member surveys we learned that most people left the organization due to a move or because they are unable to attend meetings.

Sharon asked how much time and money we spent on promotion. We learned that the primary publicity is our bookmarks posted in shops and an ad in the Minnesota Quilters newsletter. Tina indicated that we could publish a recruitment ad or information about programs in the Textiles on the Town bi-weekly newsletter; this is a benefit available to member guilds of the Textile Center. It was not determined who has responsibility for developing an ad, so Zeeda will add this opportunity to the next board meeting’s agenda.

Carol suggested that we consider a "bring a friend" night to encourage members to recruit friends as potential members. We agreed that the June meeting would be an appropriate date for this event. Members will be able to bring a friend at no-charge; we will provide a short program summarizing the benefits of MCQ membership. To coordinate this effort at a minimum, website, program, e-newsletter and membership would be involved. Zeeda will add this item to the next board meeting.

Textile Center Update: Tina Hughes reported that she had informally discussed exhibition space with Karl Reichert and Kraig Rasmussen. She indicated that there is increased demand for exhibition space from other member guilds and as part of a strategy to encourage participation and generate revenue. Several board members requested that Tina, in her liaison role, encourage the Textile Center to develop written policies for use of the exhibition spaces and develop a formal process for soliciting proposals.

Tina was asked if the Textile Center had considered using outside venues for exhibit space. She indicated that this was not a typical action, but exhibit space was used for the Jerome Fellows at some point in the recent past. This led to a broader discussion about MCQ contracting for exhibit space. A number of ideas including a juried show, an exhibit that accepted larger works (for example, bed quilts), and a member show (not challenge) were raised. The issue of needing to get member input on a plan to expand exhibition options and potentially use MCQ resources or institute a participant fee was also discussed. Nancy Condon agreed to explore the general concept of member exhibition opportunities and report back to the board.

Sue Benner Class: Tina has continued discussions with Sue Benner about the fusing class scheduled for September 24 and 25, 2016. The board discussed the size of the class and associated expenses for 20 or 25 participants. The board agreed that 25 participants allowed maximum participation at a reasonable cost. Tina shared information on the total expenses for two days of instruction, five extra participants (beyond the 20 included in the base fee), food, lodging, airline costs, rental of the Textile Center, etc. The board agreed that it was useful to provide lunch and snacks and have that cost included in the class fee. The board also approved the idea of allowing a modest amount of profit to cover unanticipated expenses and potentially help fund future programming.

With 25 participants, the per student cost will be $158. The class fee will be set at $170 which allows additional profit of $12 per participant. The workshop will be open to MCQ members first; if additional spaces are available, non members would be charged $185.

Anticipating demand for more than 25 spaces, Tina will organize a mail-in lottery to ensure fair allocation of the available slots.

Special Events: Nancy Eha shared a proposal for five special events in 2016. Please see the attachment outlining the special event opportunities.

MCQ Studio Tour -- April 16: 12:30 - 4:30 pm Debbie Boyles, Leah Doherty, NancyBirger, and Wanda Shelton volunteered to show their studio space. A $5 fee will cover treats and miscellaneous expenses as well as discourage "no shows."

Stillwater Trolley Day Trip, June 11, 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Participants will meet for lunch at the Freight House (at their own expense) and then board the trolley for a two hourguided tour of four historic mansions. Tickets are $20 and are payable in advance. There is no minimum number; Nancy will alert the trolley company about the number in advance of the activity.

Play Date at Sharon Englund's Cottage on Lake Minnetonka, date in July to be determined. Demos and free sewing. Potluck lunch. Sharon and Nancy will determine a suitable date and communicate it in the newsletter and at membership meetings.

Barn Quilts of Carver County, Saturday, September 10, 9 am - 4 pm, Guided motor-coach tour and lunch. Tickets will be $45 in advance. Pickup will be at the Textile Center. Minimum number is 29 tickets (breakeven). Maximum number is XXXX. Members will be encouraged to bring guests.

Black Friday Sewing Day at the Textile Center, November 25, 2016as a repeat of popular 2015event. Details will follow.

Exhibits: Barb, Sally and Karrie were unable to attend but Sally provided a status update. Please see attached update.

Retreats: Nancy reported that Camp Wapo is committed for April 1 - 4, 2016, September 31 - October 2, 2016 and a spring date in 2017. The current fee is $150 for three nights and $135 for two nights. Nancy has been informed that rates will be increasing. The attendance has been fairly stable at approximately 30. Signup sheets will be distributed at the February and March membership meetings. Board members were encouraged to attend.

Programs: Peggy reported on upcoming programs.

February 22, Getting in to quilt shows, Jeanne Spears

March 28, Modern or contemporary, Faye Hoch

April 25, Planting a dye garden,

May 23, Spoonflower, BeccaRahn

June 27, Dye Painting, Candy Kuehn / Bring a friend to our meeting

July 25, potential program is Five Quilts by Five Quilters

Peggy is working to schedule a speaker from the Hmong community; the date will be determined later. In addition, Peggy has been attempting to secure Tracy Krumm as a speaker but has encountered some frustrating communication with the artist and with the Textile Center. Feedback has been provided to the Textile Center.

Board members are encouraged to share ideas about prospective speakers with Peggy.

Newsletter: Sharon reported that the first newsletter with a new editor was successfully published. The deadline for the next newsletter is March 1st. Please note the following corrections to the website board roster:

  • Sharon requested that we contact her by cell phone: 612-718-8558.
  • Lavonne asked that her phone numbers be added to the roster: 651-330-3035 home and 603-290-1939 cell
  • Carol Egan asked that her contact information be added to the roster; and 651-238-6812

Website: No discussion

Two-bit bags: Carol Egan reported that we currently have an excellent supply for future meetings.

Other business:

MCQ Status as a Non-Profit Corporation: Carol provided a summary of the proposal to move forward with incorporating MCQ as a nonprofit under the Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Art, Section 317A. The primary reason for incorporating is to manage risk and limit liability for the board. The rationale for not seeking 501(c)(3) tax exempt status was discussed; this status would require significant addition expense and reporting requirements. We agreed that proceeding to incorporate as a simple nonprofit was appropriate. We discussed the steps required (outlined in the memorandum) and the total cost (under $200). Carol agreed to move forward with contacting the Secretary of State to reserve our name and write a first draft of the articles of incorporation and bylaws using the sample documents provided by the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. Several members requested keeping it as simple as possible. Zeeda and Lavonne agreed to read the first draft prior to mailing it to the board members. After the board has approved the documents, membership will be informed and invited to read the documents and share any comments. We discussed the pros and cons of moving forward now versus setting a future date and also speculated about potential delays in the government approval process; we decided to move forward at this time.

Collaboration with the Textile Center to bring national fiber artists to the community: Based on the strong interest in the Sue Benner program and general comments from members, Zeeda and Carol have requested a meeting with Karl Reichert, the executive director of the Textile Center. The purpose of the meeting is to explore opportunities to co-sponsor workshops and lectures that are consistent with our mutual missions and interests.

The Textile Center's capacity with professional staff to assist with publicity, contract management, finances and logistics as well as offer exhibit and classroom space were cited as benefits for collaborating. It was noted that many nationally recognized fiber artists are currently planning (or finalizing) 2017 schedules and some are already working on 2018 and 2019 calendars.

Peggy expressed concern that the Textile Center will not work in partnership and may lack a commitment to mutual control. Tina indicated that she believes that the Textile Center is committed to working collaboratively and offered to provide feedback to management. Carol indicated that any partnership is more successful when roles and responsibilities are defined in writing and all parties commit to open communication. Other members indicated that they support exploring the idea of inviting national speakers and are open to working with the Textile Center if there is mutual interest.

Zeeda and Carol invited board members to suggest names of potential fiber arts who would be popular with our members. They agreed to report back to the board on the outcome of the meeting with Karl.


Due to a conflict with scheduling board meetings on the first Tuesday of the month, we need to reschedule the dates for some of the 2016 board meetings: Zeeda will followup with proposed changes. However, here are the dates that were suggested:

Thursday, April 7, 2016 – Leah’s (if that works for Leah)

Tuesday, May 31, 2016 – Barb’s

Thursday, August 11, 2016 – Tina’s

Thursday, October 6, 2016 – Karrie’s (if that works for Karrie)

Thursday, December 8, 2016 – Carol M.’s

Meeting adjourned.