Draft conference programme


Challenges, Opportunities and Development with regard to services

related to HIV/AIDS, TB and Other Socially Dangerous Diseases in prison system of Ukraine

(Draft as of 24 June 2015)

Day 1: Thursday, 9 June 2015

08.00-09.00 / Registration of participants
09.00-10.00 / Opening and welcome
Co-chairs: O.Kvitashvili, Minister of Health, V. Palagnyuk, Head of State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, Ehab Salah, UNODC
Welcome remarks (5 min. max.)
- Head of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine
- Minister of Health of Ukraine
- Representative of the committee of the Ukraine Parliament on health care
- Representative of USAID
- Representative of Ombudsman office of Ukraine
- Representative of All-Ukrainian Network of People living with HIV
- Representative of UNAIDS
- Representative of PG/CoE
- Representative of UNODC
-Representative of WHO
-Representative of the GFATM
10.00-11.00 / Plenary session 1: Strategic directions of the national response to socially dangerous disease in the penitentiary system of Ukraine
10.00-10.20 / “Strategy of reforms in health care services for patients with socially dangerous diseases in the penitentiary system of Ukraine”
Dr. Oleksandr Etnis, Head of medical department, State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine
10.20-10.40 / “Key areas of reform of national system to respond to socially dangerous diseases in Ukraine”
Dr. Natalia Nizova, Director of Ukraine Centre for disease control
10.40-11.00 / ???
All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV
11.00-11.30 / Break
11.30-13.30 / Plenary session 2: International experience and good practices in the response to HIV and AIDS, TB and other socially dangerous diseases
Co-chairs: Ehab Salah, UNODC and Jacek Tyszko, UNAIDS
11.30-11.50 / "HIV prevention, treatment and care in prisons and other closed settings: a comprehensive package of interventions".
Dr. Ehab Salah, UNODC Advisor on HIV in Prisons
11.50-12.10 / “Drug Treatment Systems in Prisons Study in 10 Eastern European prisons”
Prof. Heino Stoever, Professor of Public Health, Germany, Expert of Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe
12.10-12.30 / ???
Dr Éamonn O’Moore, Health and Justice, Public Health England
12.30-12.50 / “International standards in the area of health protection in prisons”
Elmira Gurbanova
12.50-13.00 / Q&A
13.00-14.00 / Lunch
14.00-15.30 / Continuation of plenary session 2:
Co-chairs: Ehab Salah, UNODC and Jacek Tyszko, UNAIDS
14.00-14.20 / “Psychiatric treatment of drug dependent prisoners: Medically assisted drug dependence treatment in prisons”
Dr Andrej Kastelic, Head of National Center for the Treatment of Drug Addiction, Slovenia, Expert for Pompidou Group, Council of Europe
14.20-14.40 / “Experience of Azerbaijan in the response to HIV/TB in prisons”
Fizuli Khuseinov, Medical department, Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan
14.40-15.00 / “Practical aspects of diagnostics and treatment of HIV infections, opportunistic infections in prisons of Moldova”, Svetlana Doltu, Moldova
15.00-15.20 / European Standards of prison health and medical ethics
Dr Joerg Pont, former Austrian prison doctor and advisor for the Austrian Ministry of Health and International Organisations. Expert for Pompidou Group, Council of Europe
15.20-15.40 / Rick Altis, Yale University
15.40-16.00 / Q&A
16.00-16.30 / Break
16.30-18.30 / Plenary session 3: Organization of diagnostics and treatment of HIV-infection, AIDS and other socially dangerous diseases in the prison facilities of Ukraine
Co-chairs: Oleksandr Etnis, SPSU and Andrej Slavuckij, WHO
16.30-16.50 / Intersectoral collaboration between community and prison health care services to provide TB treatment
Pavlova O.V., UCDC
16.50-17.10 / “Contemporary methods of diagnostics and treatment of bacterial endocarditis”
Krikunov О.А., head of department of infectious endocarditis, National Research Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery
17.10-17.30 / “Contemporary approaches to surgical treatment of lung TB”
Kalabukha І.А., head of department of thoracic surgery National Research Institute of TB
17.30-17.50 / “Contemporary endoscopic diagnostics and treatment of TB”
Shpak О.І., head of department of endoscopy, National Research Institute of TB
17.50-18.10 / “Implementation of electronic medical records in prison system”
Kolosov S.M. Bankomsvyaz Company
18.10-18.30 / Q&A, Wrap-up of the day 1
18.30-20.00 / Dinner


Day 2: Friday, 10 July 2015

09.00-10.30 / Interactive workshops and master classes
09.00-10.30 / Workshop 1:
International prison health care standards and medical ethics
Dr Joerg Pont, former Austrian prison doctor and advisor for the Austrian Ministry of Health and International Organisations. Expert for Pompidou Group, Council of Europe
Dr. Ehab Salah, UNODC
Prof. Heino Stoever, Professor of Public Health, Germany, Expert of Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe / Master class 2:
Drug dependence treatment in prisons
Dr Andrej Kastelic, Head of National Center for the Treatment of Drug Addiction, Slovenia, Expert for Pompidou Group, Council of Europe;
Dr Nusa Segrec, psychiatrist at University Psychiatric Hospital, Ljubljana. Expert for Pompidou Group, Council of Europe / Master class 3
Probation services: key principles and interventions with key populations
Stanislav Levchenko, Poltava Probation Centre, Roman Drozd, NGO Light of Hope, Poltava
10.30 -11.00 / Break
11.00-16.00 / Concurrent sessions
11.00-13.00 / Concurrent session 1:
Title: Implementation of comprehensive HIV prevention and drug dependence treatment services in prison settings
Room: ???
Facilitators: Mirzahid Sultanov, UNODC and Olena German, Alliance / Concurrent session 2:
Title: Treatment, care and support of people with HIV in prison settings
Room: ???
Facilitators: Network of PLWHA and UCDC / Concurrent session 3:
Title: Contemporary diagnostics of HIV, TB and other socially dangerous diseases; treatment of HIV associated TB, viral hepatitis, co-infections in prison settings
Room: ???
Facilitators: WHO and MSF
11.00-11.15 / Accessibility and effectiveness of HIV prevention services in prisons: results of bio-behavioral monitoring studies
Irina Demchenko, Socioconsulting / Key findings of the assessment of HIV services in prisons
Oleksandr Gunchenko, UNODC national consultant / Key findings of the assessment of TB services in prisons
Larisa Artyushkina, UNODC national consultant
11.15-11.30 / Key findings of the assessment of services for drug users
Yaroslav Kanyuka, UNODC national consultant / HIV treatment, care and suppor in Ukraine prisons
Gatiatullin A.R., All-Ukrainian Network of PLHIV / The main constraints for treatment of DR-TB patients, including DR-TB/HIV-co-infected patients. The presentation of MSF project working in the facilities of the SPSU of Donetsk region
11.30-11.45 / “Substance use and mental comorbidities in prisons”, Dr Nusa Segrec, psychiatrist at University Psychiatric Hospital, Ljubljana. Expert for Pompidou Group, Council of Europe / Implementation of new technologies in diagnostics and treatment of inmates with HIV in the Kherson prison hospital # 10 of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine / Algorithm for the complex medical, psychological and social follow up of the DR-TB-HIV-co-infected patients after their release in Donetsk region
11.45-12.00 / Prevalence of risk behavior among adolescents in prisons
T. Zhuravel and G. Skipalskaya, NGO Right to Health / National response to HIV in prisons of Azerbaijan
Elnur Mamedov, HIV focal point, Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan / National response to TB in prison of Azerbaijan
Fizuli Guseynov, TB focal point, Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan
Psychosocial services for marginalized inmates
Chuprina, NGO Penitentiary Initiative / HIV treatment for inmates through AIDS centres
Yurchenko, Head of AIDS Centre in Kyiv / Early detection and diagnostics of TB in prisons of Ukraine
Yevheniya Gelyukh, Intrenational HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine
Discussions / Discussions / Discussions
13.00 -14.00 / Lunch
14.00-15.30 / Continuation of the thematic session 1 / Continuation of the thematic session 2 / Continuation of the thematic session 3
14.00-14.15 / Project Start: concept overview
Representative of Respond project / Reporting and verification of data between prisons and AIDS centres
Alyona Alekseeva / Managing TB among inmates with HIV
Masyuk L.
14.15-14.30 / Effectiveness of Project Start
Tatiana Kiriazova, Ukrainian Institute of Public Health Policy / Tbd / Electronic registry e-TB manager
Yana Terleeva, UCDC
14.30-14.45 / Case management in the framework of probation
Roman Drozd, NGO Svitlo Nadiya, Poltava / Instruments for strengthening epidemiological control over MDR TB
Olena Pavlenko, WHO/Ukraine consultant / “Practical aspects of diagnostics and treatment of HIV infections, opportunistic infections in prisons of Moldova”
Svetlana Doltu, Former Head of Medical Service of Department of Penitentiary Institutions
14.45-15.00 / Project Start as case management mechanism
Login NGO Doroga / Tbd / Tbd
15.00-15.30 / Discussions / Discussions / Discussions
15.30-16.00 / Break
16.00-18.00 / Plenary session to wrap-up and close the conference
Co-chairs: Oleksandr Etnis, SPSU and Nataliia Nizova, UCDC
16.00-17.00 / Results of discussions and recommendations from the parallel thematic sessions (10 minutes for each rapporteurs)
17.00-17.30 / Presentation and discussion of the Conference resolution/recommendations
17.30-18.00 / Wrap-up the conference. Closure.