September 19, 2012

Background: The MIT Enterprise Forum-Pittsburgh has for many years hosted an annual Elevator Pitch event, where entrepreneurs pitched their business ideas and received constructive feedback from a panel of investors and seasoned entrepreneurs. This year, we are going to infuse an element of the Elevator Pitch into all of the events of our 2012-2013 season.

The first event of our season will be a combination of an Elevator Pitch event and a speed dating event. We will be giving technologists/entrepreneurs/founding teams the opportunity to get some exposure for their business, but more importantly to make connections to prospective C-level management, advisor/mentors, funders, employees, etc. Can you excite people to get involved with your venture in 60 seconds?

We will pre-select a number of people/groups to make their pitch at the event. We will also provide an opportunity for a few volunteersin the audience who were not preselected to make their pitch.

After the pitches have been made, we will break out into a speed-dating session where prospective mentors, management, investors and customers in the audience will have an opportunity to talk one-on-one with the pitching teams with which they would like to become involved.

We’ll ask the pitchers to let us know after the event what connections they made and which they intend to follow up on.

During the remainder of our 2012-2013 season, we will host a number of events on particular topics. There will be a discussion on the main topic by a panel of experts, interspersed with topical elevator pitches and reactions from the panel. This will be an opportunity for our network to get an update on your progress, as well as to hear from new teams that have a particular relevance to the topic at hand.

We hope that you will attend and participate in this season!

Application for MIT Enterprise Forum Elevator Pitch

Name: ______Email: ______

Title: ______Phone: ______

Company/organization: ______

When did you start, or when do you intend to start your company? ______

Do you have employees? ____How many? _____

Have you raised funding? ____How much? ______

From what sources? ______

How much funding do you hope to raise in the next 6-9 months? ______

What sources of funding will you be seeking in the next 6-9 months?


What is your business concept: ______





What market pain are you addressing? ______





What is the size of the market you are addressing? What are you basing this estimate on? ______





What is your competitive advantage, and have you filed a patent application: ______





What is your stage of development of your technology: ______



What kind of help and connections would you like to get: ______





Please attach your Executive Summary if you have one.

Please send your completed application to

Deadline for the September 19 event: September 7

Deadline for future events: 10 days before the event