Information SystemsPage 1 of 1

Carmen Nuland10/03/18

Data Attribute

%DecPos( numeric expression )

%Elem( table, array or mult-occur data struct )

%Len( expression )

%Size( variable, literal, array, table, dsn-name )


%Mseconds( number ) / } / Use instead of
Newdate =
Duedate + %Days(23)
%Seconds( number )
%Minutes( number )
%Hours( number )
%Days( number )
%Months( number )
%Years( number )

%Date( { expression { : date-format } })– to date

%Diff( op1 : op2 : duration code )

%Subdt( value : duration code ) (use %Trim!!)

%Time({ expression : { : time-format }})

%Timestamp({ expression : { : *ISO | *ISO0 }})

Data Conversion

%Char( expression {:date/time fmt })– from date

charvar = %char( Datdatatyp : *USA)

%Dec( num/char expr { : precision : dec places })


%Editc( numeric : editcode { : cur-symbol })

%EditFlt( numericexpression )

%Editw( numeric : editword )

%Float(num/charexpression )

%Graph( expression { : ccsid })

%Int(num/charexpression )

%IntH( num/charexpression )

%Str( basing-ptr { : max-len }) ( right-hand-side )

%Str( basing-ptr : max-len )( left-hand-side )

%UCS2( expression )

%Uns( num/charexpression )

%UnsH ( num/charexpression )


Built-in function / When to use / Equivalent Indicator
%Eof / Read, Readc, Reade, Readp, Readpe, Write (subfile only), Open / EQ
%Found / Chain, Delete, Setgt, Check, CheckR, Scan (but not %Scan) / GT
%Equal / Setll, Lookup / exact match
%Error / Operations with ‘E’ / LT
%Status / INFDS *Status

Files/Arrays (con’t)

%Fields( name { : name… })

%Kds( data-structure-name{: number-of-keys })

%Lookup( arg : array { : startidx { :numelems }} )


%Occur( dsn-name )

%Open( file )

%TLookup( arg : search-table { : alt-table })

%TLookupGt, %TLookupGe, %TLookupLt, %TLookupLe

%Xfoot( array-expression )

Math functions

%Abs(numeric expression)

%Div( numerator : denominator )

%Rem( numerator : denominator )

%Sqrt( numericexpression )



%Alloc( num )

%PAddr( string | prototype )

%Realloc( ptr : num )


%Check(comparator : base { : start } )

%CheckR(comparator : base { : start })

%Replace( replstring : srcstring { : startpos { : src

lentoreplace }} )

%Scan( search arg : source string { : start })

%Subst( string : start { : length })

%Trim( string )

%TrimL( string )

%TrimR( string )

%Xlate( from : to : string { : startpos })


%Bitand( expression: expression {: expression… } )

%Bitnot(expression )

%Bitor(expression:expression {:expression … } )

%Bitxor(expression : expression)

%NullInd( fieldname )




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