The University of Akron

Council of Deans

Meeting Minutes – February 22, 2011

Members Present: Belsky, Cheng, Fey, Haritos, Kern Simirenko, Kristofco, Krovi, Lynn, Midha, D. Mugler, K. Mugler, Newkome, Ramsier, Sage, Sherman, Shermis, Silverman, Wineman

Guests: Holly Harris Bane

Chair: Sherman

Recorder: C. Herold

Lakewood Update / Harris Bane: Handout. Will use as template for other initiatives. In discussion with Nursing and Education. Will need to bring in additional areas as we move forward. Leasing 10,500 square feet of the Bailey Building in Lakewood. Colleges responsible for filling the cohorts. May want to develop template that addresses new market initiatives. Will have MOU with city. City and Lakewood Alive incurring costs. Library services have not been included. Continuing Education and Distance Learning opportunities will exist. We need a closer cooperation with our community college partners to encourage the continuation of students through a bachelors degree. PSEO may also be offered in this location.
Summer Teaching / Rex: Have been asking to increase credit hours generated this summer. Will look at enrollment caps that should be the same as fall and spring. Need to look at summer schedules. Should cancel if multiple sections of the same class offered at the same time or in each of the 5-week sessions. Can open a new section when/if needed. Will look at increasing eligible teaching loads in the summer—currently 6 for a five week session and 8 for an eight week session. May look to moving to 7 for a five week session. Currently, require 10 students for a graduate class and 12 for an undergraduate class. Discussion: Full time faculty have a cap on how much they can earn in the summer. Suggestion that we consider a trimester option that would balance when full time faculty are on campus. Also need to look at the compensation issues. Hope to have double the number of credit hours offered this summer as compared to last.
Undergraduate Degrees that can be Earned in the Evening / Rex: Need to look at scheduling patterns to increase courses offered in the evening. Need to look at alternative methods of providing degree programs (early morning, Saturday, Sunday, etc.) / Let Rex know if this is accurate information so that it can be made public knowledge. Will put together a possible scheduling pattern that can be shared with the public.
Institutes and Centers / Rex: Please review listings again. Many still need action. Must go through APS then go forward to Faculty Senate. Must have been approved by the Board to be viable. / Indicate if centers should be deactivated. Make sure all are on list.
Distance Education Limits / Rex: Only one online/distance education class, or 3 credits per session, may count toward full time course of study requirement for foreign students.
Part Time Faculty Employment Expectations / Rex: Need to send letter to part time faculty giving them reasonable expectation of employment in the fall. If we do not, they can file for unemployment benefits in the summer / Rex will provide boiler plate letter to be sent to all part time faculty.
NTT Faculty Deadlines for Reappointment / Rex: Must make sure recommendations make April Board meeting. Recommendations must be in to OAA by April 1. / Rex will send out template for deans to forward to chairs and directors. Chairs and directors will be required to send a letter to the NTT faculty outlining their title and responsibilities.
Deans Meetings With Provost / Mike: Have created a new template for deans’ use prior to their meetings with Provost. Have included a column that Provost can use to assign to OAA membership to handle.
Utah Proposal Banning Tenure / Shared article regarding banning of tenure proposal in Utah.
Re Senate Bill 5, if questions raised indicate “we support our faculty.”
Sherrod Brown Email / Email explains availability of tax credit available for students
Students with Hours above 180 / Have been reviewed in College of Education and CBA in order to advise students and help them finish.
Vision 2020 / Mike: Have been working with OAA in moving slides into narrative document. Will show to Board in March, April and June. Hope to have endorsement at June meeting. In February and March will be interacting with COD, Department Chairs, Faculty Senate, VPs, OAA and Strategic Planning Committee. Narrative of 2020 will then be available for campus-wide comment in April. Will have the summer to make sure college plans are aligned. / Look at Maps progress of students through careers. Look also at University of Cincinnati website for their approach.
Budgets / Looking at an approximate 15% budget reduction ($15.7M)
Next Meeting / March 22 – 9:00 – 12:00 – Leigh Hall 414