Hollow Snowman

Step 1
Begin with three balls of clay, each one about 50% bigger than the last / / (Optional)
If you want your snowman to have arms, poke a hole in each side with a pencil and stick some nice twigs in there after you have fired and glazed the snowman.
Step 2
Form a pinch pot out of the middle sized ball of clay. / /
Step 3
Turn the pinch pot over, slip and score the smallest ball of clay on top of it, and then poke up through the pinch pot and into the small ball of clay. Move your finger around to make sure that you have created a hollow area inside of the ball. /
Step 4
Make another pinch pot out of your largest ball of clay. / / Step 7
Fire and glaze your snowman!
Step 5
Repeat step 3 with this pinch pot, making sure that there is a hollow tube running through the entire height of the snowman. / /
Step 6
Roll out a small slab to use for the snowman’s clothing. A long strip will work well for a scarf. Cut a circle out and then remove a quarter slice to make a nice hat. /
Design Skills
Unity refers to a sense that everything in a piece of work belongs there, and makes a whole piece. It is achieved by the use of balance, repetition and/or design harmony. / Texture
In art, there are two types of texture: tactile and implied. Tactile texture (real texture) is the way the surface of an object actual feels. Examples of this include sandpaper, cotton balls, tree bark, puppy fur, etc. Implied texture is the way the surface on an object looks like it feels. / Form
Form is a 3-dimensional object having volume and thickness. Form can be viewed from many angles. Form can say a lot about your piece. For example,rectilinearshapes suggest stability. Angularshapes placed diagonally in relation to gravity suggest instability. Shapes that exhibitsoftly curvingsurfaces suggest quiet, comfort, and sensuality.



0= Not at all, wasn’t done, no evidence of an attempt.

1= Minimal evidence: means I can barely see the effort.

2= Some evidence: means I can see a little effort and thought.

3= Good evidence: means I can see you put time, effort and thoughtful work into the project.

4= Mastery: means you really went the distance and made a thoughtful work with unity in all aspects of the design.

You: / 0 1 2 3 4 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 0 1 2 3 4
Circle the numbers for your scores up here.
I will score you down here. / Unity: Pinch Pots are joined correctly, all clothing and accessories joined well. / Craftsmanship:
poor/ medium/ good/ flawless / 5” height
Minimu m. / Texture:
Clay is well smoothed throughout / Form: Thoughtful use of form as an essential element of the design. / Glazing: Glazes are applied neatly and uniformly. No bare patches (except on the bottom).
Me: / 0 1 2 3 4 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 0 1 2 3 4 / 0 1 2 3 4
Your Score: / Final Score:
/24 / /24


·  What did you learn doing this assignment?

·  What would you do DIFFERENTLY if you were to do the assignment again?

·  What do you like best about your artwork?