BAMITAcademy Support Team Minutes

Monday,March 12, 2018

4:15 p.m.

Jefferson High School, room 100

I.Welcome and Call to Order: 4:15

II.Welcome to new members and/or guests: Welcome to the team, Grace DeSchepper and Andrew Harth

III.Approval of or Adjustments to Agenda: approved as written

IV.Follow-Up on Previous Items / Action Items

  1. Review of any Semester 2 BAMIT goals and opportunities to support: Sophomores and Seniors on-track
  2. BAMIT Identity Assembly, 11:15-12:05, 3/21; in the auditorium; all AST members are invited to attend.
  3. Date for May meeting: Tuesday, May 8, 4 p.m., in the library.This meeting will include all four Academy Support Teams as this is our gratitude meeting. To thank all AST members for their service, the Culinary Club will prepare and serve food. Each Academy will report on major events/projects of the year to all present; then each will break up into academy-specific teams to make decisions for how to start the 2018-19 school year.
  4. Agenda items for May meeting: any requests for agenda items should be sent to Judy by April 20.

V.Teacher Reports & Requests (outcome: requests met or referred to CCRC)

A. Student Success story: see G. below

B. Junior Mock Interviews: April 17 (assembly); April 18 (interviews); every hour of

the day; all materials (questions and assessment rubric will be provided in advance

C. Freshmen mock interviews: May 2; every period of the day except 12:10-1; all

materials (questions and assessment rubric will be provided in advance

D. Capstone Assessment: April 23 and 24; every half hour of each day except 12-1.

Directions will be sent to all assessors.

E. Project Assessment: May 15 and 16: 2ndpd( 9:25-10:15) and 6thpd (1:05-1:55);

a complete explanation of the project and a rubric for assessment will be

provided in advance

Please check your calendar to see how you can support one or more of these events. Contact Judy Gustafson to volunteer ()

F. Greg Yokely film: top issues in schools and testimony of how students handle them; interdisciplinary art and English project

G. 7 seniors got 21 offers, Kathy Martinez (Sr Scholarship) awarded visionary artist at

state level, great art season; all-city exhibition

VI.Academy data: Push for attendance; around90% for all academies; each percentage ptcosts I million in state aid.

VII. Adjournment: 5:15 pm

BAMIT Academy prepares allstudents to communicate, collaborate, and create successfully within a global society.

Next meeting, May 8, 4 p.m., Jefferson High School Library