2007 Scenic Byway Awards

Leadership Application Form

2007 Scenic Byway Awards:

Sharing Success Honoring Excellence

Leadership Application Form

General Information

Name of Individual, Organization, or Agency to be recognized:

Name of Byway(s):


Special Note: Applicants submitting a Leadership Application are also eligible to submit a Project Application.

Leadership Description (up to 250 words)

Please provide a brief narrative description of the leadership demonstrated by the nominated individual, organization, or agency.

Include in the description:

  • The nature and length of the applicant’s involvement with the byway(s) or byway program.
  • Specific examples of the applicant’s leadership qualities that relate to the success of the byway(s).
  • The level of influence and effectiveness achieved by the applicant with variousbyway stakeholders.

(Please enter information into the box below which will expand as you type.)

General Criteria

Please describe how the leader’s efforts and accomplishments demonstrate the General Criteria below.

  1. Community involvement and public outreach (up to 200 words)

(Please enter information into the box below which will expand as you type.)

  1. Partnerships (up to 200 words)

(Please enter information into the box below which will expand as you type.)

  1. Advancing the goals of the byway’s corridor management plan (up to 200 words)

(Please enter information into the box below which will expand as you type.)

  1. Innovation (up to 200 words)

(Please enter information into the box below which will expand as you type.)

Specific Criteria (300 words total)

Please describe how the applicant meets the following specific criteria for the leadership category:

  • Demonstrates a commitment to creative and innovative solutions to implement a byway’s corridor management plan, or serve a need in the byway community.
  • Demonstrates strong leadership and inspiring actions that can be replicated.
  • Creates initiatives that have significant, lasting impact on a byway or the byway community.

(Please enter information into the box below which will expand as you type.)


All entries must include a set of five to ten illustrative digital images. The images should be on the same CD containing the electronic version of the application form.

Leadership Applications for individuals must include at least two different head shots of the nominee. The balance should illustrate the body of work for which the individual is being nominated.

Please label the image files on the CD with the nominated individual or organization’s name (or abbreviation) and 1-10 (example: John Doe-1, John Doe-2, John Doe-3, etc.). Using the following table, please provide the file name and caption for each of the photos.

For more detailed information about documentation and technical requirements for photos, see pages five and six of the Eligibility and Requirements.

Photo Image File Table

Image File Label / Caption

Supporting Documents

Please list and give a brief description of all supporting documents being submitted with the application.At least one, but no more than five, should be submitted. At minimum, the supporting documents should include the relevant pages from the byway’s CMP or other planning document.

(Please enter information into the box below which will expand as you type.)

Contact Information

Person Submitting Application





Byway Leader





State Coordinator




Release Authorization/Signature

The undersigned gives to the competition sponsors (AASHTO, America’s Byways®ResourceCenter, and FHWA) the right to use the information, photographs, video, and any other materials submitted with this application package, for the purposes of publicity, promotion, and/or publication.

The competition sponsors are hereby given permission to make any editorial changes and/or additions necessary for production purposes to the materials referred to in the above paragraph.

The undersigned guarantees to have on file all authorizations necessary for use of the materials contained in this application package.

Release authorized by:


Signature(Application Preparer)Date





Application Package Checklist

Please verify that the application package contains the following:

Completed Leadership Application form (one hard copy)

CD containing electronic copy of the Leadership Application form and photos

Supporting documents (at minimum, the relevant pages from the byway’s CMP or other planning document; no more than a total of five that may also include brochures, press clips, journal articles, etc.)

Photos: five to ten illustrative digital images

Letters of support (at least one, no more than five)


  • A state map pinpointing the byway’s location
  • Up to 2 local map(s) locating the project area

Release authorization, signed by application preparer

Please provide two copies of each of the following:

Products (if applicable)

Deadline and Mailing Information

Applications must be submitted through the state Department of Transportation (DOT). In most cases, this will be via the State Scenic Byway Coordinator. A listing of state coordinators can be found at

Completeapplication packages should be received by the state DOT no later than July 17, 2006.

State coordinators should forward all applications to AASHTO via the following address, to be received no later than 5:00 pm on August 4, 2006:


c/o Corridor Solutions

13151 SW 3rd Lane

Newberry, FL 32669

(352) 333-3733

American Indian tribe scenic byways must submit all applications directly to AASHTO via the above address, to be received no later than 5:00 pm on July 17, 2006.

For questions or assistance with the nomination form:

  • Use your back button, or go to the AASHTO website at to consult the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). The FAQ will remain on the AASHTO website and the National Scenic Byways Program website at until the July 17, 2006 submission deadline, and will be periodically updated with any new questions and answers.
  • Call Wanda Maloney at Corridor Solutions at (352) 333-3733.
  • Send an e-mail to .