SupplementaryTable S1 – Patientdemographics. The studywasapproved by the ReviewBoard of the S.Orsola-Malpighi Hospital. Allpatientsprovidedwritteninformedconsent in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and lateramendments. M-BCR stands for Major-BCR and corresponds to the p210 BCR-ABL proteinisoform; m-BCR stands for minor-BCR and corresponds to the p190 BCR-ABL proteinisoform. Otherabbreviations: pts, patients; TKI, tyrosinekinaseinhibitor.

SupplementaryTable S2 - Longitudinalretrospective DS analyis of the Ph+ ALL patientswhorelapsedon TKI-basedtherapyadministered first-line and developed BCR-ABL1 mutationsasassessed by conventionalsequencing. Twopatientswerereceivinginductiontherapy with imatinib 600 mg/d plus combinationchemotherapyaccording to the GIMEMA LAL0904 protocol( Identifier: NCT00458848); sixpatientswerereceivingnilotinib 800 mg/d and imatinib 600 mg/d in rotation, in six week cycles, according to the GIMEMA LAL1408 protocol ( Identifier: NCT01025505); twopatientswerereceivingdasatinib 140 mg/d according to the GIMEMA LAL1509 protocol ( Identifier: NCT01361438). Variations in the BCR-ABL1 sequence are expressedas nucleotide and amino acid changeaccording to the standard HGVS (Human GenomeVariation Society) nomenclature, using the GenBankreferencesequence X16416.1. Relative abundance of eachmutationisindicated in parentheses and wasestimatedbased on the proportionofmutantsequencereads or the mutantpeakheight in the conventionalsequencingchromatogram.Thequestionmarks in conventionalsequencingresults of patient10 indicate that the amino acid change(s) couldnot be inferred from the sequencingchromatogram. 'n.d.' (notdone) indicatesthat RQ-PCR wasnotperformed. 'no amp' (no amplification) meansthatamplicon generation wasunsuccessfulbecause of a toolow BCR-ABL1 transcriptlevel and the sample couldthusnot be analyzed, either by conventionalsequencing or by DS. Otherabbreviations: dx, diagnosis; IM, imatinib; DAS, dasatinib; NIL, nilotinib.

SupplementaryTable S3 - Longitudinalretrospective DS analysis of the Ph+ ALL patientswhorelapsedon TKI-basedtherapyadministered for recurrentdisease and developed BCR-ABL1 mutationsasassessed by conventionalsequencing. Twentyonepatientswerereceivingdasatinib 140 m/d afterimatinibfailure, twopatientswerereceivingnilotinib 800 mg/d afterdasatinibfailure, onepatientwasreceivingimatinib 600 mg/d forrelapseddiseaseafterallogeneicstemcelltransplantSeelegend to Table S2 for abbreviations.