
1) Where do the Dursley’s live?
2) What do you call non-wizards?
3) What is the name of the bank in Diagon Alley?
4) What does uncle Vernon’s Company make?
5) What is Hagrid’s job?
6) Who is Mrs. Norris?
7) What happened to Harry at the zoo?
8) What is the wizarding newspaper called?
9) Where does the train for Hogwarts leave from?
10) Where do you get wizard cards from?
Free resource from http://www.teachit.co.uk © 2000

1) It is time to board the Hogwarts Express. Describe what it was like to enter Platform 9-3/4.
Use some of these words to make your descriptions fun to write and
more interesting to read. ( For this link see the on-line study-guide )
2) You are on the Hogwars Express and the goodie cart has just stopped at your compartment. Which treat would you like to buy? There are Chocolate Frogs, Bernie Bott Every Flavor Beans, Licorice Wands, Droobls Best Blowing Gum, Caldron Cakes, Pumpkin Pasties, Cockroach Clusters, Levitating Sherbet Balls, Ice Mice, Pepper Imps, and Jelly Slugs. Now make up a new treat, and describe what happens when you eat it.
3) The conductor of Hogwarts Express has just stopped by your compartment and introduced himself. Describe the conductor and your conversation.
4) You just entered a compartment on the Hogwarts Express and there are two other students there that you have never met. Who are they? Where are they from? Are their parents Muggles or Wizards? Describe what they look like and their personalities.
Professor Binns
Professor Mc Gonnagall
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Professor Snape
Flying Lessons
(Draw this chart in your book)
4) When is Astronomy?
5) Who is the ‘Tiny Little Wizard’?
6) Which boring lesson is taught by a ghost?
7) What did Prof. Mc Gonagall change her desk into?
8) Where are Potions lessons?
9) What is a Bezoar?
10) Name three ingredients in the potion to cure boils?
11) In one paragraph describe the main setting of the novel.
·  Honest
·  Light-hearted
·  Leader
·  Expert
·  Brave
·  Insecure
·  Mischievous
·  Demanding
·  Thoughtful
·  Keen
·  Happy
·  Disagreeable
·  Simple
·  Fancy
·  Plain
·  Clever
·  Studious
·  Strange / ·  Excited
·  Studious
·  Inventive
·  Creative
·  Thrilling
·  Independent
·  Intelligent
·  Compassionate
·  Gentle
·  Proud
·  Wild
·  Messy
·  Neat
·  Joyful
·  Strong
·  Confident
·  Frightened
·  Odd / ·  Bright
·  Courageous
·  Serious
·  Funny
·  Humorous
·  Sad
·  Poor
·  Rich
·  Tall
·  Dark
·  Light
·  Handsome
·  Pretty
·  Ugly
·  Selfish
·  Nasty
·  Weak
·  Different / ·  Unselfish
·  Self-confident
·  Respectful
·  Considerate
·  Imaginative
·  Busy
·  Patriotic
·  Fun-loving
·  Popular
·  Successful
·  Responsible
·  Lazy
·  Dreamer
·  Helpful
·  Simple-minded
·  Mean
·  Aggressive
·  Lonely / ·  Humble
·  Friendly
·  Short
·  Adventurous
·  Hard-working
·  Timid
·  Shy
·  Bold
·  Daring
·  Dainty
·  Pitiful
·  Cooperative
·  Lovable
·  Prim
·  Proper
·  Greedy
·  Sneaky
·  Dull / ·  Ambitious
·  Able
·  Quiet
·  Curious
·  Reserved
·  Pleasing
·  Bossy
·  Witty
·  Fighter
·  Tireless
·  Energetic
·  Cheerful
·  Smart
·  Impulsive
·  Loyal
·  Sporty
·  Popular
·  Smart

Characters (and real-life people) each have their own personality traits.
Think about which of the following character traits listed below, you could use to describe yourself?
Use the words from these lists when writing about the different characters you've read about in Harry Potter.
1) Find on the Internet or draw a picture of one character from Harry Potter, and
paste it in the middle of a new page. (Pick a different character to the ones listed in Part G. below)
2) Then around the picture write all of the words that describe this character.
3) Also write out some dialogue from the book that shows the personality of your character.
Don't stop with these lists though; can you think of more terms to describe your characters?


A character map shows the relationships between the different characters in a novel.
1) Make a Google 'image' search with the words 'character map', and look at the different examples of character maps you can find on the Internet.
2) On a double page (or an A3 size piece of paper) design your own character map for the book 'Harry Potter and

the Philosophers Stone'.
- Start by writing Harry Potter in the middle of the double page. Then draw arrows to all of the different characters with which he is related or connected in some way. Along the lines joining different characters, write the connection, with such relationship words like: Friend, guardian, father, teacher, fellow student, teacher, son, sister.....
(You could use MS Word and the 'Autoshapes', or if you are designing your character map in you book, use a pencil so you can make corrections as you go.)

Revise the monsters mentioned in the book, and read about the creatures listed at this site:
1) Invent your own monster or creature. Describe such things as its size and appearance,
where it lives and what it eats, how it behaves and any special powers it might have.
2) Then draw and colour a picture of your monster or creature.


Harry Potter:
pages 20, 22, 25,30
42-45, 91. /
Dudley Dursley:
pages 19, 20, 28, 29. /
Vernon & Petunia Dursley:
pages 7, 8, 19, 20,
22, 23, 28, 34. / Fred & George Weasley:
pages 67, 70, 71, 75,
89, 95, 125, 149.
pages 16, 17, 39, 41,
47, 48, 83, 104. /
Albus Bumledore:
pages 12, 14, 16, 77,
91, 95, 156-157. / .

/ .

1)  Diaries : Imagine you are a new student at Hogwarts – write a series of diary entries about your first days or weeks at your strange new school. OR Write diary entries for some of the other characters. You could choose Harry or Ron or Draco Malfoy, Dumledore or Snape for more of a challenge.

2)  The Daily Prophet: Write a story suitable for inclusion in the best-selling Wizard newspaper, “The Daily Prophet”. Google an ‘image’ search with the words ‘The Daily Prophet’, to get some ideas on how to present the article. Include an illustration.

3)  Play-scripts: Take an episode from the novel and dramatise it in the form of a short play-script. (Optional: Perform it with some friends to your class, or record it as a radio play with sound effects.)

4)  Illustration: The novel has been published with nearly twenty different covers so far. Design a new cover for a new edition of the text. Open this site to see the earlier cover designs:
Also write and design a new ‘blurb’ for he back cover as well.
Free resource from http://www.teachit.co.uk © 2000

1) Which book is Harry very keen
to read? Why?
2) Name two books Harry has to
buy for Hogwarts?
Invent more books that could buy
in Flourish & Blotts.
/ 1) Describe the Goblin standing
outside Gringotts.
2) What did Harry see near the
underground lake?
3) Describe the item Hagrid collects
from the underground vault.
Madame Malkin’s
Robe Shop
1) How long have Ollivander’s been
making wands?
2) Why does Harry’s neck tingle?
3) Describe Harry’s wand.
4) How much does the wand cost?
/ 1) What does Madam Malkin look
2) What impression do you get of
the boy Harry meets here?
Give reasons.
3) What does the boy want to
smuggle into Hogwarts?
1) Who is the student that was expelled from Hogwarts?
2) What is Harry’s father called?
3) Who is the Dursley’s nephew?
4) What type of feather do Voldermort and Harry have in their wand?
5) What type of animal is Scabbers?
6) What is Harry’s animal called?
7) Who did Harry first meet, Ron Weasley or Draco Malfoy?
8) What is the game that is played in the wizard world?
9) What broom does Harry have sent to him?
10) Who is the ‘Defence of the Dark Arts’ teacher?
11) What House is Hermione Granger in?
12) What House is Draco Malfoy in?
13) Who is the Potions Master?
14) What gift does Neville receive?
15) What does Harry take to tea with him when he is invited by Hagrid?
16) What is Aunt Petunia’s sister called?
17) Hagrid buy’s Harry a present for his birthday, what is it?
18) Who is the Headmaster of Hogwarts?
/ .

Review the herbs and potions used in the novel and the potions listed on the following site:
Design your own potion. Make up the ingredients and instructions for how to brew the potion.
What is your potion used for and how should it be taken or applied?

Design your own small handbook on how to play Quidditch. Include illustrations.

To really understand a character’s role in a story, it helps to look at the character from several angles. When you’re asked to describe or analyse a character, think SADDR, which stands for a certain way of looking at a character.
Speech: What does the character say? What does this tell you about the character? For instance, Vernon Dursley “yelled at five people” at work. This is a clue that he can be unfriendly and that he doesn’t really care about other people’s feelings. On the other hand, Professor Dumbledore said many things that showed he was kind and understanding of different people. What are two examples of things he said?
Dudley starts in Chapter One with prodding and poking at Harry. What are two other things he does that show what kind of person he is?
Action: What does the character do? What does this tell you about the character?
For instance, Hagrid brings Harry to Professor Dumbledore on a flying motorcycle. This is a clue that he is a little bit wild.
Description: What does the author say about the character? What does that description tell you about the character?
Example: Albus Dumbledore is described as “tall, thin and very old.” He also rummages through his cloak and laughs softly when he sees the cat (who is Professor McGonagall). This tells you that he has a sense of humour and might be a bit absent-minded.
Your turn: Professor McGonagall is described rather differently, as a “rather severe-looking woman” whose “black hair was drawn into a tight bun,” who Albus Dumbledore thought sat “so stiffly.” What kind of teacher do you think she would be?
Drawing: Imagine what the character looks like and make a sketch of it. Professor McGonagall’s neat hair and trim appearance are clues that she is a fastidious, neat and organized person. What does Albus Dumbledore’s appearance tell you about his character?
Reactions of others: How do other characters in the story react to this character?
For instance, Professor McGonagall asks Albus Dumbledore a lot of questions about what has happened. She clearly thinks he knows a lot, and when Professor Dumbledore asks her to, she uses Voldemort's name, even though she doesn't really want to, showing that Professor Dumbledore is a well-respected person. How does Professor McGonagall react to Hagrid? What does this tell you about him?
Apply the SADDR method of character analysis to Hermione.
From: http://www.resourceroom.net/comprehension/literature/Harrypottercomp.asp
Right mouse click this puzzle and copy and paste it onto a Word document. Then print it out so
you can fill in the answers.
Then paste the completed puzzle in your book.

Complete this on-line quiz. Record in your book the level you selected and how long it took you to complete it.

To understand things around us, it helps to think about how they are alike, and how they are different. This is called “comparing and contrasting.” One way to show this visually is with a chart which shows how two things “have some things in common”— they share some characteristics or ways they are alike — but also have differences.
Snape and McGonagall
Gryffindor and Slytherin
Peeves and Nearly Headless Nick
History of Magic class and Potions class
Select one of the above pairs. After thinking about their similarities and differences, on a new page make a Venn diagram, where two circles overlap. The similarities are listed in the overlapping section, while the differences are written in the outside parts. This type of diagram is a simple visual way of showing their relationship.


1) List the changes to the plot of Harry Potter from the novel to the film .
2) Explain why the omissions (bits left out) and changes might have were made .
3) Name the above three actors, and discuss how suitable you think their choice was for
playing the three main roles in the Movie 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone'.

1) Hangman Game http://www.factmonster.com/games/hangman/harrypotter.html
2) Broomsticks Game: http://brighton.ncsa.uiuc.edu/~prajlich/broomsticks/
(For the on-line study-guide, see www.interactive-learnng.com.au - ENGLISH / Reading / Harry Potter Unit )