Alberta Speed Skating

Four Year Strategic Plan

June 2016 - May 2020

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Executive Summary 2

Our Vision, Mission and Values 3

Our Six Functions Diagram 4

Our Six Functions 5

Planning Session Notes, Day 1 (September, 2015) 12

Planning Session Notes, Day 2 (January, 2016) 15

Action Planning Chart - Goal Area #1: Growth 16

Action Planning Chart - Goal Area #2: Technical Development 18

Action Planning Chart - Goal Area #3: Financial 21

Action Planning Chart - Goal Area #3: Financial (Continued) 22

Action Planning Chart - Goal Area #3: Financial (Continued) 23


In September of 2015 and in January 2016, the staff and board of directors of AASSA (Alberta Amateur Speed Skating Association) met to develop a new strategic plan. We will be presenting this new plan to our Alberta speed skating clubs (at the next AASSA AGM to be held in April 2016) to ask for their feedback. The creation of this plan has been a collaborative process, and will continue to be so to ensure that all our stakeholders’ comments and concerns are addressed.

We have studied Speed Skating Canada’s current strategic plan (2014 - 2018) in great detail and have been careful to align our new plan to that of our national partner. We are confident that our three focus areas of growth, technical development, and financial, will ensure the continued success of all our Alberta speed skaters. To achieve success, we will be working together on four imperatives: developing and delivering capacity; communication; accountability and; community.

We have revamped AASSA’s six functions to align with the Club Excellence model explained on Speed Skating Canada’s web site. Our intent is that by adopting this model, we are showcasing a best practice for our provincial clubs. It is our hope that all our clubs will see this model as the best method available to ensure their club is a successful organization.

Our six functions are explained on pages 5 and 6. We have listed many deliverables under each function, but we have not yet indicated key performance indicators or targets for those deliverables. During our planning meetings, it was realized that we should focus on our three main “strategic aspirations” and build action items under each of those focus areas first. These action plans are included in this document. As we focus and make progress in these action plans, we know that we will be in a better position to determine which deliverables in our six functions we should focus on next. In the meantime, we will continue delivering on all six functions, most of them on a day-to-day basis.

Executive Summary

The staff and board of AASSA created and will implement the following four-year Strategic Plan. The plan’s success relies on continued cooperation and collaboration between the staff and board of AASSA, Speed Skating Canada, WinSport, the University of Calgary, the Calgary Olympic Oval, Alberta Sport Connection, our funding partners, and of course, our speed skaters, clubs, coaches, officials, and volunteers.

Clarity of Focus

AASSA’s staff and board will focus on three strategic aspirations:

Strategic Aspirations
(What we want) / Primary Measure
(How do we know we got it?) / Target
(SMART Goal)
1.  Growth in membership and in new clubs / Membership numbers and retention rate, and number of new clubs / Overall membership growth of 5% per year and 85% retention rate; one new club every three years
2.  Improve technical development / Performance of Alberta speed skaters / Overall growth of 20% per year of skaters at each provincial team level and of Alberta skaters on the national team
3.  Financial stability / Financial growth / Overall growth of 10% per year incremental revenue on baseline

Success in these three focus areas will be realized through four imperatives:

  1. Developing and Delivering Capacity: We will find new ways of doing things, everything from developing coaching webinars to using social media to attract new corporate sponsors.
  2. Communication: We will improve our internal communications to each other, and we will increase our external communications to future speed skaters and to future sponsors.
  3. Accountability: We will report our results quarterly to our club members to track our progress on all three focus areas.
  4. Community: We will reach out to the broader community all across Alberta to grow our sport.

Our Vision, Mission and Values


All club speed skaters in Alberta have equal opportunity to perform to their highest potential.


The Alberta Amateur Speed Skating Association provides support and resources for optimal development of Alberta speed skaters, through …


Alberta Amateur Speed Skating Association:

• ensures the safety of all participants in everything we do;

• applies Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) principles;

• respects True Sport values of fair play and good sportsmanship;

• provides a safe and positive environment;

• sees every participant as a valuable member of all of their communities;

• recognizes that speed skaters train, develop and compete best within a collaborative community.

Alberta Amateur Speed Skating Association values, respects and supports:

• every athlete, regardless of age and ability;

• every coach;

• every official or other volunteer;

• every employee, administrator and volunteer;

• its partners in sport at an international, national and provincial level.

Alberta Amateur Speed Skating Association:

• practices sound fiscal management planning;

• seeks the optimal coordination and cooperation of executive, staff and volunteers;

• advocates for speed skaters and speed skating in Alberta;

•  practices good governance and management of its operations and programs.


Our Six Functions Diagram


Our Six Functions

Every Alberta skater needs support from a strong and efficient provincial organization, the functions of which can be categorized into the following six areas:

1.  Program Delivery

2.  Coaching

3.  People management

4.  Governance

5.  Financial Accountability

6.  Marketing, Recruitment, and Revenue Generation

1.  Program Delivery

Goal 1.1 Design and implement programs as per LTAD for both competitive and recreational skaters and ensure optimal development pathways and competitions

a.  Provide advocacy for and support of Alberta skaters as a group and individually, on a regional and national level. Look at developing a high performance training program …

b.  Provide support for Alberta skaters towards gaining greater competitive experience

i.  optimize regionally run competitive formats

ii.  continue to host National and Regional events

c.  Collaborate with Speed Skating Canada (SSC) in developing the Outside of Sport Talent ID Project

Goal 1.2 Increased number of Alberta skaters reaching finals and/or podium at Regional and/or National Competitions

a. Provide support for athletes qualifying for Regional and SSC Championships

b. Ensure Alberta skaters have coaching at Regional and National competitions

c. Improve competitive experience for ST in our region

d. Raise skill level and experience of Club Coaches

Goal 1.3 Increased number of skaters achieving higher levels in Badge program

a.  Create, implement, monitor and adjust Badge Program

b.  Increase club skaters’ opportunities to attend camps

c.  Raise the technical level of Club Coaches

d.  Improve the competitive experience for Alberta club skaters

Goal 1.4 Representation of skaters in 1.1 - 1.3 proportional to Club membership distribution

a.  Monitor representation of club skaters in 1.1 - 1.3 and membership numbers

b.  Assist clubs will low representation to address membership and development gaps

c.  Provide extra coaching support for clubs with proportionately low representation in areas 1.1-1.3

Goal 1.5 Provide clear communication and direction on development pathways, PT and competition selection criteria and funding

a.  Set and apply criteria for skaters representing Alberta at National and Regional Competitions

b.  Post Skater Development Bulletin (SDB) and Competition Bulletin on the website

c.  Provide development pathway guidelines for clubs, coaches and parents that defines both recreational and high performance options

d.  Provide direction on young athlete motivation for clubs and club coaches

e.  Provide education on appropriate skater development

Goal 1.6 Ensure that Alberta skaters can participate in Competitions that are meaningful, developmentally appropriate, and are run safely, fairly and efficiently in accordance with all governing rules of the sport

Goal 1.7 Improve the depth of competition for skaters at Alberta competitions

a.  Analyze past, present and ongoing race results in provincial and regional competitions for levels of competitiveness

b.  Develop provincial and regional competition formats that provide more competitive and appropriate racing

c.  Provide access to technology for competitions to allow flexible formats with automated timing/placing and data collection

Goal 1.8 Provide a schedule of developmentally appropriate Competitions for Alberta Skaters

a.  Work with clubs to develop the annual competition schedule to provide developmentally-appropriate racing opportunities throughout the Province

b.  Work with other Provinces and Olympic Oval to organize a competition schedule and, when needed, competitions that allow inter-provincial competitions where appropriate

c.  Provide guidance on organization and format for Alberta club hosted meets

Goal 1.9 Lower injury rates at Alberta competitions

2.  Coaching

Execute effective appropriate training programs for the development of both competitive and recreational skaters. Coaching standards are based on safety, ethical conduct, and certification.

Goal 2.1 Increase the knowledge and skill level of club coaching, through

a.  Workshops and seminars for Club Coaches

b.  NCCP courses in Province

c.  Education on training matters

d.  Technical instruction in person

e.  Video analysis support and training

f.  Support to higher level competitions

g.  Support to camps

h.  Opportunities for mentoring and learning from high level coaches and sport experts

Goal 2.2 Increase the number of new coaches and coach retention at the Club level

a.  Track coach numbers and demographics each season

b.  Assist Clubs in identifying and recruiting Coaches – identify motivated people, former skaters and others with coaching or athletic experience

c.  Provide introductory training and materials to Club Coaches

d.  Provide parent coaches with a knowledge base to equip them as introductory or assistant coaches

e.  Provide ongoing support and education to new and existing coaches (see Goal 2.1)

f.  Work with clubs to devise and implement strategies for recruitment and retention of coaches

Goal 2.3 Ensure all competitions are run safely, fairly and efficiently through the sanction process and development of officials at all levels in their recruitment, education, certification, retention, and opportunities for advancement

a.  Track officials and qualifications at each club

b.  Appoint chief officials to provincially sanctioned events

c.  Create and implement a process for ensuring continuing education and evaluation of officials

d.  Lower injury rates at Alberta competitions

3.  People management

Recruiting, training, retaining, and recognizing staff, volunteers, coaches, and officials. Training includes mentoring and certification.

Goal 3.1 Increase numbers of qualified Alberta officials to deliver AASSA’s competition program

Goal 3.2 Work with clubs to devise and implement strategies for recruitment and retention of officials

Goal 3.3 AASSA will develop and support Clubs and their Membership throughout Alberta to create a growing network of strong, enduring speed skating Clubs with a healthy membership, contributing to a province-wide community of speed skaters.

Goal 3.4 Retain existing clubs and members

a.  Collect data on membership of existing clubs and share data with Clubs

b.  Work with clubs on areas of success and areas for improvement

c.  Encourage and practice recognition of volunteers

d.  Provide training and development of volunteers and staff

Goal 3.5 Maximize club representation at AASSA AGM and involvement in AASSA activities

a.  Build community aspect of speed skating across the Province

b.  Oversee the operation of AASSA Committees and the functions of AASSA staff

i.  Profit (either financially and/or in providing members’ access to equipment) from merchandising programs, including the Speed Skate Cellar, through prudent financial and personnel management and oversight, without risking the assets or operations of the Association

Goal 3.6 Advocate for the Sport and its Participants and Develop and Manage Valuable Relationships

a.  Establish and maintain productive relationships with partners and other sport bodies:

i.  Clubs

ii.  The Foundation, as the provincial body responsible for funding amateur sport in Alberta, and in particular the Alberta Winter Games, Arctic Winter Games and Canada Winter Games

iii.  Speed Skating Canada, including its Board, its staff and its Committees

iv.  the Olympic Oval and University of Calgary

v.  recreation centres and facilities in communities with existing and future clubs

vi.  WinSport, Alberta Sport Development Centres, Canada Sports Centre and other sport bodies and organizations

b.  Serve as a resource for clubs

Goal 3.7 Recruit, retain and develop volunteers and staff to ensure long-term viability and succession planning

a.  Generate participation from every club in AASSA and its committees

b.  Generate participation from every club at AASSA AGM

c.  Recruit and hire AASSA staff and provide training and development of AASSA staff and conduct regular staff performance evaluations

d.  Keep volunteers informed and involved in a meaningful way with defined expectations

e.  Recognize and salute the contributions of volunteers

f.  Recruit, screen and develop AASSA volunteers

g.  Evaluate the performance of AASSA volunteers

4.  Governance

Our club by-laws, policies, and procedures ensure a transparent and unbiased board of directors. Our code of ethics and our defined organizational values guide everything we do.

Goal 4.1 Sharing best practices to support Clubs in efforts to keep volunteers informed and involved in a meaningful way with defined expectations

Goal 4.2 Support the start-up of new clubs in a cost-effective and responsible manner

Goal 4.3 Maximize club representation at AASSA AGM and involvement in AASSA activities

a.  Provide substantive content at AASSA AGM and other programs and activities