We’ve made some exciting enhancements to Lippincott DocuCare for the Fall 2015 semester! These updates will be available when you access your DocuCare account beginning the week of July 15th, 2015. You’ll find a new “SimMode” option for using simulated time, a new lab for urinalysis, and 20 new pre-populated cases aligned with vSim for Nursing scenarios in Fundamentals and Pharmacology.


SimMode is a functionality that will allow an instructor to assign simulations that are programmed to start at a pre-determined fixed time of the instructor’s choosing (instead of running in real time). For example, this allows the student at a 9:00am class to run a patient scenario that begins at 3:00am. All medication and procedures would stem from this fixed start time based on a 24-hour day.

Item / Description of Update
Case Info tab- Instructor
Instructor elects to use SimMode time / Instructors have the option to select a checkbox that reads “Would you like to set a fixed simulation start time?” If the instructor does NOT select this box, the case/assignment will default to using real time. /
Instructor enters desired simulation start date and time / Once the SimMode checkbox has been selected, textboxes appear for entry of desired simulation start date and time. Instructor must select “save” in order to retain this entered content. /
Student Experience
Student completes assignment using SimMode time. / When SimMode has been applied to an assigned case, the clock at the upper left corner of the screen will be accompanied by a notation (see screenshot) indicating that Simulated Time is being used rather than Real Time. As a student works through an assigned case using SimMode, they should document time as needed according to the simulated clock.
If a student attempts to document an action at a time that is before patient admission or in the future relative to the SimMode clock, an error message will display indicating that an invalid time has been entered. /

Urinalysis Assessment Lab

At the request of our instructors, Lippincott DocuCare has incorporated a new urinalysis lab as an option on the Diagnostics tab. This will provide students with a more realistic charting experience because urinalysis is a common lab that is ordered for patient assessment. As with other labs on the Diagnostic tab, results from the urinalysis lab will transfer to the Flowsheet tab giving students an opportunity to easily review all lab results in one place.

My Case Library Updates

New Cases/Patient Records
New Patient Scenarios to match vSim for Nursing / Additional fundamentals and pharmacology patient records are added to the case library to correspond with vSim for Nursing | Fundamentals and vSim for Nursing | Pharmacology. vSim for Nursing is co-developed with Laerdal Medical and provides access to virtual patient scenarios and curriculum for added patient-centered learning. Learn more at: thepoint.lww.com/vsim
New updated Patient Scenarios in Critical Care / -  Coming August 2015

We've added these DocuCare enhancements to continue to give you the most up-to-date and comprehensive EHR learning solution for educators and students. Explore these new updates and let us know what you think. Your feedback is always welcome.

For more information about this release, please don't hesitate to contact the Lippincott Customer Success team at .

If you require technical assistance, contact Wolters Kluwer Health Online Product Support at 1-800-468-1128 . Live help is available:

Monday–Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. EST

Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST

Sunday: 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. EST