American Studies/US History-Glover Name: Chapter 10: The Union in Peril—Events Leading to the Civil War

The Divisive Politics of Slavery Section 1 p. 304

1.  What were the main industries in the North and South? Who provided labor in each section?

2.  What was the Wilmot Proviso and why did Southerners oppose it?

3.  What problems were created by California’s application for statehood?

4.  What was the Southern response to the idea of banning slavery in the territories?

5.  What were the provisions of Compromise of 1850? a.





6.  Henry Clay became known as the “ ”

7.  Stephen Douglas became known as the “ ”

8.  What action did Stephen Douglas take on Henry Clay’s compromise after it was rejected by the Senate?

Protest, Resistance, and Violence Section 2 Page 310

9.  What did the Northern states do to counter the Fugitive Slave Law?

10.  What was the Underground RR?

11.  What did Harriet Beecher Stowe do to inflame passions between the North and South?

12.  What was “popular sovereignty?”

13.  What effect did the Kansas-Nebraska Act have on the Compromise of 1850?

14.  What caused the violence in Kansas?

15.  What was the Pottawattamie Massacre?

16.  Why did Preston Brooks physically attack Senator Charles Sumner in the Senate?

The Birth of the Republican Party Section 3 pg 318

17.  How did the slavery issue affect the Whig party?

18.  What was nativism and how did it affect American politics?

19.  What did the Free-Soil Party believe in?

20.  What issue united people in the Republican party?

21.  What were the issues and outcome of the Election of 1856?

Slavery and Secession Section 4 page 324

22.  What was the effect of the Dred Scott decision on the North?

23.  What event made Stephen Douglas a hero in the North?

24.  What were the issues that divided Lincoln and Douglas?

25.  What was the Freeport Doctrine?

26.  What was the response to John Brown’s raid in the North and the South?

27.  How did John Brown’s execution further divide the country?

28.  How did Lincoln come to be nominated for president?

29.  How did Lincoln win the election of 1860?

30.  Why did South Carolina and other states secede from the Union?

31.  What was the Confederacy?

32.  What did President Buchanan do about secession?

33.  Which 4 slave states remained undecided about leaving the union?

34.  Look at the map on page 313. Explain why the border states were not quick to secede and join the Confederacy,