March Specific Documents

- Students for Bhopal March Webpage

- Bhopal to Delhi March Webpage

- March Blog and Photos

- Video Footage of the March

- Association for India’s Development (AID) March Webpage including Photos and Official Response

FAQs, Fact sheets and Reports:

§  FAQ about Bhopal Issues are here

§  Legal Factsheet

§  Union of Gas affected women in Bhopal

§  Complete Chronology

§  Detailed Fact Finding Reports can be download here

§  Detailed Chemical contamination and Medical Reports are here

§  Civil and criminal lawsuits are here

Video Documentaries about Bhopal

Information about many documentaries available online, on VHS, DVD, etc. are available here.

Some recommendations:

§  BBC: One Night in Bhopal [Watch]

§  Twenty years without justice [Watch]

Audio Clips

Many audio clips are available here

Some 20th anniversary coverage:

§  ABC Interview with Goldman Environmental Award winner Raheeda Bee and Champa Devi [Listen]

§  NPR [Listen]

§  Democracy Now [Listen]

Previous News Articles Appeared in US as well as Indian Media

2004-2005 media reports are archived here

§  Frontline: A clean up not so clean

§  The Hindu: Greenpeace to keep off cleanup

§  The Hindu: 20 years after Bhopal he is still waiting for justice

List of Supporting Organizations

§  Association for India’s Development [AID]

§  Amnesty International [AI]

Reports about DOW

§  Information About Union Carbide and Dow Chemical Statements, positions on the Bhopal issue, etc. can be found here

§  DOW Shareholder resolutions supporting

§  Bhopal and Bhopal as a financial liability for DOW related docs are here


§  Clouds of Injustice by Amnesty International [2004]. Read here

Campaign in India and Survivors Accounts:

Can be found here

§  Survivor Accounts

Resolutions by congress, city governments, etc. to support the cause of Bhopal

Can be found here

§  Letter sent to DOW by US Congressmen

§  Proposed resolution for US Congress

§  Resolution by European Union Parliament

§  City of San Francisco, Seattle and Boston

§  Student governments at various universities

Please visit our websites at: [Sambhavana Trust and Clinic for the Disaster survivors] [Fact Finding Reports]

Media Contacts:


Diana Ruiz - 1-415-999-9074,

Aquene Freechild: 1-617-524-6018,

Carolyn Toll Oppenheim: 1-413-584-9642,


Madhu Dutta, New Delhi:+ 91 (11) 26105472 / 41652451-52,

Nishant Jain, New Delhi: + 91 98117 64745

Pragya Vats, New Delhi: 91 (11) 41652451-52,

Students for Bhopal: 2005