North Seattle College

Intensive English Program

Course Syllabus

Grammar/Writing 3

M-Friday 12:00-1:50 Room # CC 1354 (will change!)

Instructor: Stephanie Solomon / Office: IB2420
Email: / Office hours: By appointment
Required Textbooks:
·  Fundamentals of English Grammar by Azar and Hagan, 4th Ed.
·  Ready to Write 2: Perfecting Paragraphs, 4th Ed. By Blanchard and Root
Special Note: You must be able to access CANVAS to help you in this course. I will show you how.

About the Course

This class will help you improve your confidence and ability in writing paragraphs and essays and in using English grammar correctly. You will learn new grammatical forms, building upon your knowledge of level 2 grammar. In writing, you will learn to develop coherent paragraphs. You will also learn to actively avoid plagiarism.

Course Objectives

·  Review basic tenses (past, present, future)
·  Present perfect, present perfect continuous
·  Modal verb forms (should, could, might, etc.)
·  Connecting words (and, but, or, etc.)
·  Infinitives (to + verb) and gerunds (verb + ing)
·  Comparisons
·  Passive/ Active Voice
·  Count/Non-count Nouns
·  Adjective Clauses / Writing
·  Write a coherent paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a conclusion.
·  Write a detailed paragraph using simple, compound and complex sentences.
·  Use the teacher’s comments to edit and improve your writing.
·  Proofread for spelling, punctuation, capitalization, subject-verb agreement, and agreement in number (singular/plural).
·  Recognize and correct fragments and run-on sentences.
·  Peer-edit your classmates’ writing to find mistakes

Study Skills for Success:

·  Use basic classroom skills, such as taking notes: copying from the board or from Elmo.

·  Use basic study and group-work skills, such as showing respect for your classmates and teacher.

·  Ask questions. Seek me out if you’d like help. I welcome questions, and I’m always eager to help my students learn.

·  Manage time. Time management is important for your success in this class.

·  Organize study materials. Be sure to keep the syllabus until the end of the quarter.

·  Remember, it is okay to make mistakes, as long as you are trying your best!

Other Materials Needed:

Ø  a blue notebook for journal writing

Ø  a 3-ring binder for your notes and your syllabus, handouts, assignments, quizzes and written work

Ø  pen/pencil

Course Requirements: Here are the responsibilities of a student in this program: Link to Student Handbook and Rules:

VERY Important Information!

1) Attendance:

As stated in the IEP student handbook, students must come to class every day. Missing days of any class will result in the following:

·  5 absences: Warning notice

·  10 absences: You will fail the class, but you must continue attending to avoid being dismissed from NSCC.

·  15 absences: Your I-20 is terminated and you are dismissed from NSCC for 1 year.

·  Being late (tardy) to class: Arriving to class late (tardy) is disruptive and considered disrespectful to the teacher and other students. It also causes you to miss important information. If you are 5 minutes late for the start of your class or from break three (3) times, it is considered one absence.

·  Email the teacher if you must be absent, but get the class and homework assignments from a classmate, or check CANVAS. You are responsible to turn in due homework on the day you return to class.

2) Participation:

·  This means to ask questions, offer answers, and work with partners or groups. It is very important for you to be prepared and active during each class. If you don’t actively participate or you don’t do your homework assignments outside of class, you will not pass.

·  English only in class-- Speak English as often as possible. Practice, practice, practice. In order to learn a language, you must USE the language.

You get 2 points per day for participation. You lose points if:

§  you are absent (2pts)

§  you are late (1)

§  You do not have your hw or book (1)

  • If I have to repeatedly ask you to speak English (1)

No make-up tests –There are no make-ups given in this class. If you miss a test, or in-class writing assignment, your score will be zero. I know that emergencies can come up and that people get sick, so I have a policy of dropping your lowest scored grammar test and your lowest scored in-class writing. Knowing that if you if miss more than one test and your average is not above 75%, you will probably fail this class.

Homework –Daily homework and practice is essential to successful college level study. You should expect 1-2 hours of homework per night for this class. It’s a great way to see what you understand and to discover questions you want to ask me. It’s also a good way to prepare for the tests and quizzes. In addition, turn in your work on time. There is no late work accepted. Things are due when they are due. 1 day late -10%, due Friday – turn in Monday -20%. After that, no grade.

Homework buddies—Ask 2 classmates for their phone numbers and contact info so you can contact them if you are absent. Do not e-mail me for the homework. You may also check CANVAS.

1.  Name: ______Info: ______

2.  Name: ______Info: ______

No cell phones in class – All cell phones must be turned off while you are in class. THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED DURING QUIZZES OR EXAMS! Also, never talk to your classmates during a test. If you talk to a classmate, I will think that you are cheating and may give you a zero for the test.

Plagiarism policy--Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or ideas as your own writing. In some culture, it is an honor to use other writers’ words-especially if they are wise words; however, in the United States, plagiarism is cheating and is not acceptable in American classes. This is a serious offense! If you plagiarize, you will receive a 0 on that assignment. It will also be reported to the IP office and you will have to deal with the consequences. Please do your own work. Your writing will not improve if you copy someone else’s work.

Be respectful and kind—Treat others in this class as you would like to be treated. Please raise your hand when you wish to speak. Do not talk while your teacher, or your classmate, is speaking.

Grading: To pass this class, your average must be at least 75% in BOTH Grammar and Writing. You must also have 75% or higher on the Finals to pass.

Grading will be based on the following components

Grammar Tests and Quizzes / 40%
Writing Assignments and Quizzes / 40%
Classwork, Homework, Attendance, and Participation / 20%

SPECIAL NOTE: Please be aware that in order to move up a level, you must pass each subject and the final exams with at least a 75%. This means 75% in the class AND 75% on the final exam. Remember, you must also pass your Reading/Vocabulary class in order to move up to Level 4.


96 to 100% 4 .0 / …. / 84% 2.9 / …. / 74% 1.9
94-95% 3.9 / 83% 2.8 / 73% 1.8
93% 3.8 / 82% 2.7 / 72% 1.7
92% 3.7 / 81% 2.6 / 71% 1.6
91% 3.6 / 80% 2.5 / 70% 1.5
90% 3.5 / 79% 2.4 / 69% 1.4
89% 3.4 / 78% 2.3 / 68% 1.3
88% 3.3 / 77% 2.2 / 67% 1.2
87% 3.2 / 76% 2.1 / <66% 1.0
86% 3.1 / 75% 2.0 / 65% 1.0
85% 3.0 / Below 75% No pass / 64% 1.0
<63%* 1.0
*all grades below 66% receive a 1.0

College Close Information:

If there is no class because of bad weather, to check to see if classes are cancelled:

·  Call main college phone #: 206-934-3600 and listen to the message.

·  Check the for the updated school closure information

·  Check the NSCC website for weather updates:

American Disability Act: (special arrangements)

If you need course adaptations, or you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case of an emergency, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible.

Let’s have a great quarter! J