Chapter index
1 Fundamentals / 2 Taping / 3 Leveling4 Theodolites/Total Stations / 5 EDM measurements / 6 Traverse Surveys
7 Geomatics/Topograhics / 8 Global Positioning / 9 Control Surveys
10Highway Curves / 11 Construction layout / 12, 13, 14 Constr. Projects
15Building Surveys / 16 Quantities
CE 111 Fundamentals of Surveying
Chapter Learning Objective Highlights
Overview of Course Objectives
The Fundamentals of Surveying class provides basic knowledge about principles of surveying for location, design and construction of engineering projects. Students develop skills using surveying instruments including measuring tapes, automatic levels, theodlites, and electronic distance measurement equipment. The ability to identify error sources and the procedures to minimize errors are important components of the course. Cooperative efforts to acquire surveying data during laboratory periods and apply fundamental concepts to adjust data and develop a preliminary route plan are necessary.
The following summary highlights major topics from each of the chapters of the text. The objective is to identify major points in each chapter to assist the student. The Lab Guide, Internet postings, individual readings and the scheduled lecture and laboratory discussions will supplement these materials. Computer applications using spreadsheets (typically from Excel) and computer-aided graphics (typically ACAD) will be incorporated in projects, although the text does not provide instruction in these areas.
Brief comment on text
Professor Kavanaugh organized the text to follow a sequence that was most meaningful for his objectives. However, during the semester you may find it necessary to move forward or backward in the chapters to obtain the information that is needed. The Table of Contents and the Index are valuable tools. Note also that a special section is provided with answers to selected problems. Using these problems as a study aid is helpful, but we are aware that occasionally the answer provided is not correct. The instructors will identify errors that we are aware. If you have difficulty agreeing with the text answer, trust yourself or ask a teammate for corroboration. Then check with the instructor or laboratory assistant.
Selected chapter objectives
The outcomes presented here reflect learning outcomes that are desired for the student at this phase of the course. In some cases the chapter reading material must be supplemented from other sources to achieve the stated objective.
Expected outcomes from Chapter 1 ( Introduction to terms and errors)
The student will be able to:
- explain the difference between plane surveying and geodetic surveying
- apply basic geometry to detect difference in plane and arc distance over “spherical” earth surface for typical length survey projects
- express distances in terms of “full or partial stations” as used in highway construction project in both metric stations and “standard” English unit stations
- describe the differences between random error, systematic error and mistakes
- discuss the relative precision expected from pacing, taping, and electronic distance measurement techniques
- identify requirements of field notes in the survey field books
Selected chapter outcomes
The outcomes presented here reflect learning outcomes that are desired for the student at this phase of the course. In some cases the chapter reading material must be supplemented from other sources to achieve the stated objective.
Expected outcomes fromChapter 2 (Taping)
The student will be able to:
- identify typical sources of systematic errors in taping
- classify taping errors as systematic or random
- explain why the systematic errors may be always positive, always negative, or either positive or negative depending on environmental conditions or surveying procedures
- calculate the corrections for incorrect tape length, misalignment of tape, slopes, temperature, sag.
- calculate the errors, standard deviations, standard errors of the mean, accuracy ratio or relative precision of a set of measurements in terms used by the surveyor (1 unit of error per x units of distance, e.g. 1/3,500).
- determine the total combined error from individual random errors of several measurements (propagation of errors from independent random sources)
- determine the combined effect of individual systematic errors of several measurements, if appropriate corrections for the systematic errors are not completed
- obtain weighted averages from several reported measurements having different variability
- present properly formatted field notes for linear measurements
- identify and categorize error types for electronic distance measurements
Selected chapter outcomes
The outcomes presented here reflect learning outcomes that are desired for the student at this phase of the course. In some cases the chapter reading material must be supplemented from other sources to achieve the stated objective.
Expected outcomes fromChapter 3 (Leveling)
The student will be able to:
- describe the difference between a horizontal plane and a level surface
- determine the earth’s curvature effect, by comparing the difference between a horizontal plane and a level (curved) surface on the earth
- calculate the combined effect of curvature and refraction for sighted measurements made from point A to a point at a horizontal distance of 1 mile
- express the rationale for ignoring curvature and refraction effects if sight distances with the surveying instruments are limited to less than 200m.
- provide definitions for each of the following acronyms : BM, TP, BS, FS, IS, and HI
- calculate the differences in elevation using differential leveling techniques
- describe the primary sources of errors in differential leveling due to the environment, the equipment, and the user
- explain strategies to use in the field to reduce the error due to each of the potential sources of error
- determine the expected total error in a leveling circuit if the only uncorrected errors are due to the random reading errors. Random reading errors are assumed to be no larger than ½ of the smallest direct scale reading on the leveling rod (if sight distances are within approximately 100m)
- demonstrate ability to set-up automatic level and accurately read level rod
- collect field data using differential leveling and achieve the expected accuracy (laboratory)
- present field notes from laboratory surveys that are properly formatted and contain the appropriate arithmetic check
- distribute closure errors among all points in a loop circuit (or other closed circuit) by applying information about the opportunity to accumulate error around the circuit
- assess if vertical closure is consistent with standards of accuracy used for surveys by US or Canadian control survey teams
- distinguish between plan view, profile view and cross-sections as used in route surveying
- demonstrate understanding of cross-sectioning to attain earthwork data by developing a plan for survey party teams to acquire elevations for a grid pattern in the Outdoor Classroom
- calculate elevation differences using trigonometric leveling and corrections for curvature and refraction
- determine the effects of small angular errors on the computed elevations when trigonometric techniques are used
Selected chapter outcomes
The outcomes presented here reflect learning outcomes that are desired for the student at this phase of the course. In some cases the chapter reading material must be supplemented from other sources to achieve the stated objective.
Expected outcomes fromChapter 4 Angles and measurement equipment
The student will be able to:
- discuss the difference between interior angles to the right or left and deflection angles to the right or left
- distinguish between zenith angles, nadir angles, and angles from the horizon
- explain the best procedure for setting the instrument over a fixed point and attaining proper position of the levels
- identify sources of error in measuring angles with the equipment. (physical adjustment of the equipment will not be required)
- calculate the expected angular error of closure in a closed traverse, which would not be exceeded 95% of the time, if the only error is from random reading errors of the theodolite or Total Station
- explain the reasonfor and procedure for taking repeated measurements of angles in a traverse (the field procedure is slightly different for theodolites and Total Stations, but the concepts are the same)
- demonstrate ability to “close” a traverse, i.e. measure the angles , of a geometrically known figure to an accepted degree of accuracy (laboratory)
- compute adjusted angles in a traverse using information about the variance of the angular measurements at each station
- calculate the errors associated with placement of points if angular measurements and trigonometric functions are needed to calculate the fixed position
- explain why angles between 40 and 60 degrees are generally preferred when using trigonometric functions and trilateration
Selected chapter outcomes
The outcomes presented here reflect learning outcomes that are desired for the student at this phase of the course. In some cases the chapter reading material must be supplemented from other sources to achieve the stated objective.
Expected outcomes fromChapter 5 Total Stations
The student will be able to:
- identify the environmental,equipment, and human factors affecting the accuracy of electronic distance measurement equipment
- explain the conditions under which the variable length error of EDMs ( in parts per million) have minimal effect on accuracy compared to the “fixed” error of equipment
- discuss the difference between the capabilities of a Total Station and instruments used only for electronic distance measurement
(Note Chapter 5 presents many details about using the Total Stations, in conjunction with data recorders and internal computing capabilities. Valuable information about the capabilities of different instruments are presented, but that will not be the focus for this class. In the laboratory we will learn how to obtain basic measurements, but will not rely on the software to do all the computations. Coordinate computations and associated adjustments are the focus of Chapter 6).
Selected chapter outcomes
The outcomes presented here reflect learning outcomes that are desired for the student at this phase of the course. In some cases the chapter reading material must be supplemented from other sources to achieve the stated objective.
Expected outcomes fromChapter 6 (Traverse surveys)
The student will be able to:
- measure and angles (laboratory) and evaluate the results of direct and reverse measurements of angles in a closed traverse
- adjust angles to ensure angular closure (weighted adjustments will be presented – see lab supplement).
- calculate the azimuths of all lines in a traverse based on adjusted interior or deflection angles
- calculate the bearings of all lines in a traverse based on adjusted interior or deflection angles
- explain the relationship between the azimuth of a line AB and the back azimuth of that same line
- apply basic rules for adding ( or subtracting ) interior angles to back azimuths to have a consistent approach to calculate all azimuths of a traverse
- determine latitudes and departures for all segments of a closed loop traverse, check for closure error, and express the results in the form of the standard accuracy ratio, i.e. accuracy ratio
- develop a spreadsheet program to automatically adjust angles and calculate azimuths of all lines in a closed traverse and calculate closure error using latitudes and departures (laboratory and outside the classroom time)
- evaluate the adequacy of a survey in meeting standards for typical urban construction survey projects
- expand the spreadsheet program to use standard adjustment procedures, the Compass Rule,
to balance latitudes and departures and calculate the “inversed” distance and azimuth for each of the original lines of the traverse
- calculate coordinates of each node of a network
- apply the coordinate method of area computation for any closed polygon (traverse)
- determine the minimum level of precision needed in angular measurements to achieve comparable accuracy of 1/3,000, 1/5, 000, or 1/10,000
- explain how independent random errors from linear measurements would be combined with independent random errors from angular measurements to obtain the total expected error from these sources.
- compute coordinates of points using distance and angular measurements from a Total Station position that is not over a control point (triangulation and resection)
- set out construction points based on measured angles and distances .
Selected chapter outcomes
The outcomes presented here reflect learning outcomes that are desired for the student at this phase of the course. In some cases the chapter reading material must be supplemented from other sources to achieve the stated objective.
Expected outcomes from Chapter 7 (Geomatics/Topographic surveying and drawing)
(Much of the activity below will be related to laboratory experience, but Problem 7.1 through 7.8 provide the basic studies expected. If field conditions preclude acquiring our own data, this type of problem will be completed with data from the text or other sources.)
The student will be able to:
- describe the differences among plan data, profile data and cross-section data used in construction surveys for routes
- explain a procedure for obtaining cross-section data at right angles from a baseline
- develop and implement a plan to acquire topographic data of an assigned area near Town Engineering - this will be incorporated in the laboratory activity)
- plot X-Y-Z data obtained by survey crews to form the base for a contour map. ( CAD application is expected in group activities)
- interpolate elevation data to develop a contour map at prescribed intervals and interpret the data on the contour map
- draw a profile of the centerline of a proposed route using data obtained from the contour map of the area
- develop cross-sections of existing ground at major points along a route centerline
(Note: Problem 7.10 contains data which are representative of the type of project the CE111 class will undertake. As students develop confidence that the text book problem can be completed, you will be gaining confidence that you can develop a plan, acquire data, and analyze the physical data in the laboratory project.)
Selected chapter outcomes
The outcomes presented here reflect learning outcomes that are desired for the student at this phase of the course. In some cases the chapter reading material must be supplemented from other sources to achieve the stated objective.
Expected outcomes from Chapter 8 ( Global Positioning Systems) and Chapter 9 Control Surveys )
[CE 111 will not focus on the equipment or the detailed computations associated with global positioning systems and establishing high order control surveys for our engineering projects. Students will learn how to relate GPS coordinates of latitude and longitude to ground distances on a spherical earth and the relationship of relationship of our measured distances to larger area coordinate systems (state plane coordinates). However, the detailed computations in the text are not a major portion of this introductory plane surveying class
The student will be able to:
- explain the differences between planar, spherical, ellipsoidal and geodetic surfaces in surveying
- discuss the source of GPS data and the satellite coverage required for XYZ measurements
- identify sources of errors in satellite survey data input
- complete low level precision surveys with navigational quality GPS equipment
- convert latitude and longitude readings to northing and easting distances on a spherical surface
- explain the concept of state plane coordinate systems.
Selected chapter outcomes
The outcomes presented here reflect learning outcomes that are desired for the student at this phase of the course. In some cases the chapter reading material must be supplemented from other sources to achieve the stated objective.
Expected outcomes from Chapter 10 ( Highway curves)
(English and metric unit curves will be considered)
The student will be able to:
for horizontal curves
- sketch simple circular curves and label all major components including BC, PI, EC, R, D, ,T, L, LC, E, and M.
- develop equations for principal elements of curve (T, L, LC) if R and are known.
- calculate stations and deflection angles to stations from the BC of the curve
- calculate azimuths, chord distances and coordinates for full and partial stations along a curve
- develop a spreadsheet to calculate angles and distances from a known location of a total station to curve points when an initial control line azimuth is known.
- layout a circular curve in the field, incorporate accuracy checks, and assess the quality of the field work
- demonstrate understanding of curve layout by setting a curve from more than a single point along the curve (move up on the curve)
- analyze alternative geometric layouts to meet additional geometric design constraints that may occur in the field
for parabolic vertical curves
- sketch a parabolic curve to show grades, BVC, V, and EVC and L
- determine the rate of change of grade (per foot, meter, and/or station)
- demonstrate understanding of the vertical curve form by being able to explain the common features of the vertical curve equation
- calculate summit and crest stations and elevations using basic principles of calculus
- develop a general spreadsheet program to compute elevations at full and partial stations if PI station and elevation, curve length, partial station increment, and grades are given.
- evaluate design constraints to select curves for adequate sight distance on a highway
- determine the changes in gradients or curve length that would fit a curve through a fixed point
Expected outcomes from Chapter 11 Highway Construction Surveys)
Terminology associated with highway earthwork are discussed in Chapter 11 and supplemented with material from the instructor. Among terms that students will know include:
slope stakeforeslopebackslope
cut sectionsubgrade subgrade crossfall
fill sectionground rodgrade rod
Students will be able to
- Describe each of the aove terms
- Compute slope stake location based on design and topographic information
Selected chapter outcomes
The outcomes presented here reflect learning outcomes that are desired for the student at this phase of the course. In some cases the chapter reading material must be supplemented from other sources to achieve the stated objective.