Village Northwest Unlimited, an organization striving to provide purpose, privacy, and dignity to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism spectrum and traumatic brain injuries, is pleased to announce that Ryan Haack has joined the organization as Director of Development. If you have a group of any kind that would be interested in having Ryan visit and discuss recent happenings at the Village, if you would like to take a tour, or maybe just have a question, please feel free to contact him directly at , or at 712-324-5405.
The Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra is sponsoring an upclose, hands-on tour of unique places in Sioux Center, “Oh, the Places You’ll See!” on Saturday, September 23 from 9:00am-12:30pm at Dean Holdings Classic Cars, First Reformed Church of Sioux Center Parsonage, Smithfield Brand Foods, and the Dordt College Organ. Tickets are $15 and are available at each site the day of the event. For more information, please visit
Elder Districts 2017-2018 – The following Elder Care Districts have been established for July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018:
District One – Elder Ken Weg Cell # 712-461-1165
District Two – Elder Mark Hibma Cell # 712-330-5528
District Three – Elder Dennis Bosma Cell # 712-461-0661
District Four – Elder Loren Zevenbergen Cell # 712-330-1336
District Five – Elder Corwin Slagter Home# 712-754-2329
District Six – Elder David Bootsma Cell # 712-330-2964
Please Put This In Your Church Directory
THE WAY OF FOLLY - As we continue our study of Jesus’ parables, we encounter what might be his most famous parable. Join Groundwork as we learn about forgiveness and grace and remember deep truths about God and his love for us by studying the parable of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15. Listen now at and subscribe to Groundwork's weekly emails for future episodes.
THERE'S AN APE FOR THAT - Morrie is fed up with Skink the bully. He and his friends decide to unleash a secret revenge weapon that should teach Skink a lesson. Will his plan work or is it all just a bunch of monkey business? Subscribe for free at This month, Kids Corner is offering a free ebook on divorce called “God’s Got You Covered.” Using biblical teaching, this ebook provides help for kids and parents to talk about divorce. Go to and click on the free stuff page to download this free resource.
Serving, Sunday, September 17, 2017
Children’s Worship Leader: The Good Shepherd & the Lost Sheep- Pam S
Banner Carriers: Evan ---- Coen
Greeters: Rhonda, Sue, Jordan
Coffee Servers: Rod & Linda VB--- Brad & Melanie H
Greeters: Joel & Barb B ---- Paul & Phyllis V
Ushers: Mike B / Darwin B
Nursery:Laura V & Justice P
Evening Nursery:
Offering:Resonate Global Mission (World/Home Missions)
Librarian: Mary R
Sunday, September 17, 2017
10:00 AM Morning Worship ---- Children’s Worship
10:45 AM Sunday School
6:00 PM Evening Worship
Monday, September 18, 2017
7:00 PM Evangelism Committee meet at Willie & Ellen’s home
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
1:30 PM Sew & Sow at Kathleen’s home
Wednesday,September 20, 2017
6:00 AM Men's Breakfast Bible Study
5:30 PM GEMS Laura VM devotions
Thursday, September 21, 2017
7:00PM Prayer & Sharetime this weekatRebecca E’s home
1:00-7:00 PM The Red Cross Blood drive at OCRC
Friday, September 22, 2017
Advanced Notice
Serving, Sunday, September 24, 2017
Children’s Worship Leader: Creation – Emily H
Banner Carriers: Henry -- Sadie
Greeters: Mary B, Greg, Ashley
Coffee Servers: Brad & Melanie H ---- Jim & Sherri I
Greeters: Mike & Karen B ---- Alvin & Joyce VW
Ushers: Mike B / Darwin B
Nursery:Barb B & Kyra V
Evening Nursery: Audrey & Sue Z
Offering: Christian Education
Librarian: Mary R
Congregational Announcements
Clay County Fair Booth Time of Sharing- A time of sharing our experiences this year at the Midwest Evangelism League Bible Booth at the Clay County Fair is scheduled for Sunday evening, following the evening service of worship. All those who served at the booth this past summer are cordially invited to come and share your experiences with us. See you there!
There is a list of GEMS food needs for the year in the back of church. Please help if you can. We feel that a hot mealthe counselors and GEMS can share together is very important. We are inviting the parents on nights their daughters helpcookto share the meal and devotions with their daughters.
Thanks, theGEMS counselors, Laura VM, Emily, Audrey, Kelly, Laura V. and Natalie.
Wanted: The GEMS are looking for someone who has any mint molds, a mint recipe and/or would like to come help us teach the girls how to make mints on November 29th. If you would like to know more please talk to Laura Vander Meulen about this.
The Red Cross Blood drive is coming to the Christian Reformed Church at Ocheyedan Thursday September 21, 2017. From 1:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m. Please consider making an appointment or walk-ins arewelcome.Call LaDonna Bosma at 712-758-3766orcell712-330-9679.
Western Christian High School would like to invite all friends of Western Christian to the Friends of Western Banquet at Western on Thursday, October 12 at 5:30 p.m. The cost per meal is $10.00 and is sponsored by the Western Christian Foundation. Western Christian faculty members will inspire you with their presentations before the evening concludes with the Fall Music Festival at 7:30 p.m.Please RSVP by r call the school at 439-1013 before October 9 to make your reservation.
Western Christian is looking for a part-time custodial person. It would consist of 2 hours per day either before or after school. If interested, contact Dan Barkel at 439-1013 or .
Western Christian High School will be hosting a presentation by Dr. Terry Mortenson from "Answers in Genesis" onMonday, October 23 at 9 the Western Christian Event Center. Dr. Mortenson will present his view on the flood during the time of Noah. This presentation is open to the public.
Ladies of all ages, come join us for another season of Bible study and fellowship at Sonshine Circle. We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights of the month at 7:00PM. This Fall we will start our season with a short study on the book of Jonah. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin rack in the fellowship hall. Please sign up as soon as possible so we can get the correct number of books ordered. Looking forward to a great year of study!
You are invited to a Gospel Concert in Woodstock, MN at the American Reformed Church on Sunday, October 1, 2017 from 2:00 – 5:00 pm. This is our annual fundraiser to purchase Recovery Bibles for clients at New Life Treatment Center. Music will be provided by: Master’s Voice, Cornerstone Quartet, F.R.O.G.S., Denny & Rachel Tinklenberg. Testimonies will be given by alumni from New Life Treatment Center. Barbeques and ice cream sundaes will be served. Freewill donation will be accepted. Come and go as you please.
Raising little humans is hard and beautiful and young moms need support. Enter MOPS.MothersofPreschoolers is a non-denominational community of womenwith children ranging from birth to kindergartenwho gather to laugh, cry, and embrace the journey of motherhood. Are you a mom with young children?You are invited to MOPS inWorthington! We meet the 1stand 3rdWednesdays of the school year months at Lakeside Church from9:30 to 11amwith free childcare.Our activities vary with speakers, discussion, games and crafts. We always have coffee and a light brunch. We love meeting new moms and we hope you'll join us! For more information r call or text Laura at712-339-1431.
MOPS needs volunteers who love small children and want to better the world by supporting young mothers. If you are willing and available to serve in the MOPS Kids program, please get in touch with any MOPS mom or use the contact information above. Thank you!
World Renew Responds to Multiple Floods - In North America and globally, World Renew’s disaster response teams are reacting to destructive hurricanes and floods. You can help. In the U.S., World Renew DRS is assisting survivors of Hurricane Irma in Florida and Hurricane Harvey in Texas. World Renew is also responding to flooding internationally in South Asia where 40 million people are affected in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Please support those who are struggling and World Renew’s responses with your prayers. You can donate financially at or call 800-552-7972 in the US and 800-730-3490 in Canada to support those in urgent need.