Faculty: / School/Dept/Div:
Surname: / Forename:
URN: / Level:
Date suspension requested from:
Date expected to return:
Do you hold a Tier 4 visa?
Are you in University Accommodation
Are you accessing ALS?
Are you in receipt of an NHS bursary?
Are you in receipt of a University Bursary or Scholarship?

Primary / other reasons for requesting Temporary Suspension:
(Please put ‘1’ next to the primary reason, ‘2’ next to secondaryreason etc)

Academic Non-Academic Reasons
Dissatisfied with Accommodation / No bursary / Family commitments
Health/Illness / Dissatisfied with programme / Maternity leave
Military service (Greece) / Military service (South Korea) / Military service (other)
Paternity leave / Programme too demanding / Participation in sporting event
Stress of the programme / Travel difficulties/relocation / UKVI/Visa issues
Work related / Bereavement / Financial
Other reasons (please specify):

Please note:

Fees/Funding - the date you suspend can have a significant effect on the amount of money you may need to pay for your tuition fees and on the amount of any fee refund you may be eligible for. This applies to students receiving a Student Loans Company (SLC)/Student Finance England (SFE) Tuition Fee Loan as well as to students paying their own fees. The process for students from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland may be different.

Visas - if you are an international student on a Tier 4 visa, your visa status in the UK will be affected if you suspend. For help and advice contact Student Advice (Money, Housing, International) in the Student Centre, email .

Student Declaration:
  • I have sought academic advice from my Personal Tutor/Programme Leader and am fully aware of the implications of a temporary suspension.
  • I have discussed any fee or SLC/SFE funding issues with Student Advice (Money, Housing, International)
  • I am aware I will be contacted via my University email address approximately 8 weeks prior to my return date and I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to confirm my intention to return.Failure to respond will be considered as lack of engagement.
  • I acknowledge my responsibility to monitor my University email account and to re-register prior to the start of each academic year.
  • International students in the UK on Tier 4 visas: I understand that the University will notify the Home Office of my suspension of studies. I have discussed the visa consequences of my suspension with Student Advice.

Signature: / Date:

Temporary Suspension: Important information before you suspend

If you are thinking of temporarily suspending from your studies, please ensure that you have spoken to the Student Advice team (Money, Housing, International) to ensure that you are aware of any fee/funding or visa issues before you leaveand/or Faculty Student Services/Personal Tutor/Programme Leaderfor academic advice.

International students on Tier 4 Visas

If you suspend your course, the University of Surrey is obliged to notify the Home Office of your suspension. This will normally result in your visa being curtailed (cut short). You will be expected to leave the UK and if your visa is curtailed you will need to apply for a new visa with a new Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) before you can resume your course. You are strongly advised to consult Student Advice (Money, Housing, International) about the consequences of your suspension before you submit this form. Contact the Student Services Centre, E: : 01483 686868

If you do decide to suspend, you must:

  • Complete this form fully and submit to your Faculty Student Services Office (, , )
  • Return any library materials, otherwise you will be charged for their cost.
  • Notify Student Finance England or your funding body of your suspension of studies. We will also notify Student Finance England of your change of circumstances. The process for students from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland may be different. Contact Student Advice () for further details

-If you suspend for medical reasons and you are an undergraduate student in receipt of Student Finance England (SFE) funding, the SFE can continue funding you for 60 days.

-If you are either suspending or deferring all your modules for medical reasons, and you bring in evidence of this (e.g. a letter from your GP), your Faculty Student Services office can report your reason for suspension as ‘health’ to SFE and SFE should then automatically extend your student finance entitlement for 60 days from the date of suspension or deferral.

-Please note that if you are absent from your course your Student Finance will be reassessed from the date of your suspension. If your absence starts part way through a term, this could result in an overpayment of maintenance grant or loan. The additional 60 days’ entitlement only applies to suspensions or deferrals for medical reasons. In all other circumstances, the reassessment will be from the date of suspension.

-Student Finance England does have the discretion to continue paying some of your student finance while you are absent from the course. Each case is assessed on its merits and evidence of the reason for the absence and of financial hardship will be required

-If you are a Postgraduate Taught student receiving funding from SLC then we will inform Student Finance of your change of circumstance. No further payments will be made during suspension periods.

Resuming studies

  • You will be contacted via your University email address approximately 8weeks prior to your return date. You will need to acknowledge your intention to return.Failure to respond will be considered as lack of engagement.

The University will contact the SLC when you have confirmed your intention to return.

Fee liability and fee refund policies:

Please see the Fees and Funding web pages for the current fee policy:

If you are a Postgraduate Taught student receiving funding from SLC then we will inform Student Finance of your change of circumstance. No further payments will be made during suspension periods.

Retrospective Withdrawals

Retrospective withdrawals are not permitted. It is your responsibility to notify the University of your withdrawal at the point at which you intend to suspend. Should there be extenuating circumstances which meant it was not possible to notify the University at the correct time you will be required to complete an extenuating circumstances form and supply appropriate evidence which will be considered at a panel alongside this request.