RE Planning – Spring Term 2005

Unit Title: Stories of Jesus 4x1hr Year: 1 and 2

Religions, Concepts, Skills and attitudes
Christianity / Concepts:
Authority / Skills:
Empathy / Attitudes:

Aims and intended learning outcomes

Pupils will be enabled to:
·  find out about stories of Jesus
·  explore key themes in the stories / ~ so that they can
·  discover more of what Jesus was like
·  consider those key themes in their own lives
Resources (to be found in maths/RE cupboard):
Topic bag including:
·  pictures from PowerPoint presentation,
·  disk containing PowerPoint presentation,
·  story books (see Texts),
·  Miracle Maker
Video and AV Resources:
·  Miracle Maker / Texts:
The Bible
‘The boy who ran away’ by J. Larcombe
‘The Man who was not tall enough’ by J. Larcombe
The Easter Story – big book
The Easter Story – small book

ICT and web resources:

·  Aesop’s fables for children -

·  PowerPoint Presentation with selection of pictures to support learning and teaching

Speaking and Listening Opportunities:

·  Talk partners

·  Freeze frames and feelings

·  Telling a story using sound effects

·  Acting out short story

·  Conscience alley

Writing Opportunities:

·  Invitation from Zacchaeus to all the people he wronged to a party

·  Sorry card/letter from Zaccheus

·  Diary entry for prodigal son when sitting with pigs

·  Invitation from Dad in story of prodigal son to a royal banquet to celebrate his return

·  Writing short fable

Lesson 1 – Stories with a meaning


·  To recognise that storytelling is a common human activity.

·  To know that stories often contain hidden meanings


Begin a story with the words ‘Once upon a time’. Ask the children what they were expecting. Discuss storytelling. What is a story? Who ‘tells’ stories? What kind of stories do you like best? Why do you think people tell stories?

Read a fable from web site ( or from resource sheets. Explain that some stories have meanings. They have important lessons in them. What is the lesson in this fable?

Read some more fables and discuss their meanings.

Think of an important lesson that people need to learn e.g. walk in the classroom – don’t run. Make up own fable based on tortoise and the hare with the hidden lesson – walk in the classroom.

AA – write new fable

A – make comic strip for fable.

BA – draw picture of new fable and write lesson learnt underneath.


Read some fables out.

Mention that next time, we’ll be learning about a story that Jesus told that has a hidden meaning.


Children will recognise that storytelling is a common human activity and will know stories often contain hidden meanings. They will be able to identify a hidden meaning from a fable.

Lesson 2 – Prodigal Son


·  To know the story of the prodigal son.

·  To response sensitively to the feelings and experiences of others.

·  To begin to understand the meaning of parable.


Show Bible but don’t tell children what it is. Put it in middle of circle and pass thinking bear around – children to ask a question about or comment on the book – encourage questioning!

Tell children that the Bible is the special book for Christians. It contains stories Jesus told and stories about Jesus. Jesus was a good storyteller and he told some of the most well-known stories in the world. He used stories to teach people about God and how they should live. Show picture 1 on PowerPoint presentation (saved on disk in resource pack in maths cupboard) using interactive whiteboard. It is of Jesus telling stories.

Tell children the story of the prodigal son. It is about 2 brothers and their father. Relate to children’s lives by asking them about their siblings and how they get on with them. Read the story ‘The boy who ran away’ (in resource pack in maths cupboard) and ask them to think about the hidden meaning of the story as you read. Use pictures 2 and stop at point in story where boy is with pigs and wondering what to do.

Create conscious alley (if you think kids are up to it!) with boy walking down middle and children saying what he should do – his thoughts.

Continue reading using remaining pictures 3, and 4 from PowerPoint presentation as you read.

When finished, ask children for any ideas about the hidden meaning but don’t comment on whether right or wrong. Look at picture 3 on PowerPoint presentation and talk about what is happening and how the boy and father are both feeling. Ask the children in pairs to make freeze frames of that point in the story where boy returns to dad and says sorry.

Choose 1 pair to stay at front while others sit down. In talk partners, children decide what boy is saying. Teacher scribes on speech bubble and someone holds next to boy in freeze frame. What is Dad saying? Repeat with 2nd speech bubble. What is boy thinking? Talk in partners and respond back. Complete thought bubble for boy and for dad. Lastly, complete heart with boy’s feelings and Dad’s feelings and add to freeze frame.

Return to meaning of story – what are the key themes? Saying sorry and making up – forgiveness.


Ask children why Jesus told stories? – to teach people about God and how to live. These stories like the one we’ve heard today are called parables. What do you think this story says about God?


Children can tell the story of the prodigal son and have identified with the feelings of the characters in the story. They can also talk about the key themes of the story.

Lesson 3 – Zacchaeus


·  To know the story of Zacchaeus.

·  To recognise the power Jesus had and how Zacchaeus changed after meeting Him.

·  To reflect on something they want to change in their own lives.


Ask children to tell you about the story Jesus told about the 2 brothers and their Dad from last week. Tell the children that this week we will be learning about a story in the Bible that is about Jesus – it actually happened. It’s not a story he told like the story last week. It’s about Him.

Read the book ‘The Man who was not tall enough’ and use picture 5 from PowerPoint presentation of Zacchaeus up the tree. Ask children to help you tell story using sound effects – groups could do sounds/actions for Zacchaeus, the crowds and Jesus at the appropriate times.

Think about what key theme of the story is – Jesus wanting to be friends with someone like Zacchaeus. Why do you think that story about Jesus was written down in the Bible? So people know about it and know about Jesus – that he wants to be friends with everyone not just nice people.

Zacchaeus changed after he met Jesus – what was he like at the start? What was he like after he’d met Jesus? Use facial expressions and body positions to show freeze frames of Zacchaeus at start and end of story. Tell the children that we’re going to show Zacchaeus change – start from mean positions o happy, generous positions. Put the moves to music – ask children which instrument you should use for Zacchaeus at the beginning and which instrument when he is happy and kind. Play the instruments as children show positions and change into position 2.

What would it be like now? If a similar thing happened, who would be in the story? We need someone who isn’t respected in society – think of someone in the media or in a cartoon that isn’t liked very much because of what they do. Could be someone like the Wicked Witch in Snow White. Who will they meet in our story that will change they way they are? Tell story as class but keep it very short! Ask children to get into groups and do a mini drama sketch telling the story and showing how the person involved changed.


Look at some of the drama sketches and discuss how the person changed. What were they like after meeting the other person? Talk about the chance people have to change inside and how Christians believe Jesus can change them on the inside just like he changed Zacchaeus. Have some time where children think about own lives and what they would like to change inside them.


Children can tell the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus. They know that people can change and have reflected on something that they would like to change in their own lives.

Lesson 4 – Easter Story


·  To know that Jesus died and came back to life as it is written in the Bible.

·  To identify with how Mary feels when she meets the risen Jesus.


Some stories in the Bible are stories Jesus told – can children remember one of these? (Prodigal Son) Some stories are stories about Jesus’ life - real stories – like Zacchaeus and Jesus.

A little bit later in Jesus’ life something happened to Him. Does anyone know? Show picture 6 on PowerPoint presentation of cross. Why did he die? Because lots of people thought he was dangerous. They thought he was going to be the new King and they didn’t want that. He also made a lot of people angry by what he taught. Tell the story in your own words up to the point of Jesus’ body being put into the tomb. Read ‘The Easter Story’ (in topic bag in maths cupboard) using picture 7 on PowerPoint presentation (Mary and Jesus) when appropriate and discussing how Mary is feeling in picture. You could also read ‘The Easter Story’ big book as well or instead! Up to you!

There is a clip of Jesus’ death and resurrection on Miracle Maker if you want to watch it (video in topic bag)

Explain that in the past stories would be told through pictures. In churches, stained glass windows often have pictures of stories on them. Show picture 9 on PowerPoint Presentation (man on horse). What story from? - Prodigal Son. Show other stained glass window pictures on presentation (10-13) all about Easter.

All – create stained glass window of Easter story.


Children know that Jesus died and came back to life and can talk about how Mary feels when she meets the risen Jesus.

Assessment Opportunities

Teachers might assess this work by setting a task like this...

·  Hotseating the pupils. Pretend they are Jesus or someone from Jesus’ time. Ask them key questions – why did Jesus tell stories? Can you tell me about the story of... What do you think the hidden meaning/key theme is....? What do you think about that story...? How did...feel in the story?

Pupils who can work at level 1 will recount some elements of the stories. They will use their sense to explore and ask questions about the stories. They will respond to things that they find interesting or puzzling in the light of their own experiences.

Pupils who can work at level 2 will identify some religious ideas from stories. They will describe what messages and meanings are expressed in the stories. They will describe experiences they share with others, including characters in stories with religious meaning.

Level 1


·  I can tell the story of the Prodigal Son.

·  I can ask questions about the story of Zacchaeus.


·  I can think about something that I want to change in my life.

·  I can comment on something that is puzzling about the Easter story.

Level 2


·  I can identify the idea behind the story of Zacchaeus.

·  I can talk about the messages in the Prodigal Son story.


·  I can describe how Mary was feeling when she met the risen Jesus.

·  I can talk about a time I felt confused and happy.