Tel: 9948 2257, 9948 1959 Fax: 9907 0342

Friday 6th February, 2015

Year 1 Newsletter - Term 1, 2015

Dear Parents / Caregivers,

Welcome to Year 1 for 2015. We all hope you have had an enjoyable, safe holiday and are ready for a fun and productive year ahead. Thank you for your help in ensuring your child has had a happy start to the new school year.

We are pleased to introduce the teaching staff for Stage 1. Through extensive collaboration at all stages of planning and the implementation and assessment of learning programs, we aim to provide a quality learning environment to successfully meet the needs of all students.

Class / 1P / 1D / 1T / 1BV / 1S
Teacher / Mrs Pauline Slater / Mrs Karen Dickings / Mrs Tara Israel / Miss Natalie Bosnich
Mrs Poly Vescio / Miss Tina Simat
(Stage 1 Supervisor)
Class / 2J / 2H / 2M / 2LA / 2A
Teacher / Mr Paul Johnson / Ms Heather Menzies / Mr Oliver Messent
Mrs Sam Bellomo / Miss Lara Langdon (Grade 2 Coordinator) / Mrs Lyndell Lutton
(Grade 2 Coordinator)
Support Teachers / Library
Mrs Ellen Swick
Mrs Yael Blinco / Science
Mrs Nicola Wilson
Mrs Julie Pemberton
Mrs Louise Stacey / Music
Miss Virginia Esparraga / Dance
Mrs Amber Menard / ESL
Miss Natalie Bosnich
Mrs Poly Vescio

This note provides an overview of what will be happening in Year 1 during Term 1. Our Stage 1 Parent Information Evening will be held on Wednesday 18th February at 7pm. This evening will give you the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom, meet their new teacher, learn more about the year’s program and receive additional class and grade information from teachers and staff.

Year 1 Term 1 Program

Over the first few weeks, students will be participating in initial formal and informal assessments in order for teachers to gather valuable information on their students. We will also be establishing class routines, discussing school and class rules and having fun getting to know each other.


During Literacy, students will be participating in talking and listening activities, reading and comprehension as well as a variety of writing activities which are based on the Australian English Curriculum. Guided, modelled and independent reading will be used throughout classrooms. The children will be taught to write using a variety of text types with an emphasis being placed on their use of spelling strategies, grammar and punctuation. Students will be given differentiated spelling lists each week. Activities will focus not only on teaching children how to spell but also on how to transfer this knowledge to their writing.

All classes will soon begin Literacy groups. Teachers will be asking for parent volunteers to assist with these groups in the coming weeks.


During Numeracy, students will be participating in differentiated lessons which develop their skills in the strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability. As a textbook will not be used on Year 1, our teachers have worked collaboratively to program a variety of hands-on and written activities based on the new Australian Mathematics Curriculum. Teachers will also be implementing the TENS (Targeting Early Numeracy Skills) program and children will be working in small groups on games and activities differentiated to their numeracy level.


Our HSIE units this semester are as follows:

Term 1: Identifying Us

Term 2: Cultural Study

Science and Technology

Students will be involved in weekly Science activities each week with Mrs Julie Pemberton or Mrs Louise Stacey. Children will visit our PC lab weekly and will be using iPads to compliment class activities throughout the year.

Creative and Practical Arts

During the semester, students in Year 1 will be taking part in creative and practical arts activities where each child will participate in music, drama and visual arts. Children will also have a weekly dance session with Mrs Amber Menard. Dance days are Monday for 1BV, Wednesday for 1T and Friday for 1D, 1P and 1S. Please ensure your child wears their sports uniform and sneakers for their dance session.


During Week 1, students were involved in Healthy Lifestyles programs, where they were taught about safe living in our current environment. Children will participate in grade sport each Thursday and will need to wear their full sports uniform.


Home Reading: We will begin home reading next week. All teachers will be assessing the children’s home reading levels on an individual basis. Once your child’s reading has been assessed, their home reading level will be adjusted. Further information on home reading will be sent home with readers and reading logs.

Formal Homework: Formal homework will begin in Week 5. Homework will be send home each Tuesday and is due back each Monday. We will explain the homework expectations and organisation during our Parent Information Evening.

Mathletics: Part of our homework will involve your child accessing their Mathematics program via the Internet. Usernames and passwords will be sent home soon. If your child does not have regular internet access, please send a note to your class teacher so that alternate activities can be organised.


Your child will have a regular weekly borrowing session in the library with Mrs Ellen Swick or Mrs Yael Blinco. Library day is Tuesday for 1T and Friday for 1BV, 1D, 1P and 1S. Your child will need their library bag in order to borrow.

Additional Information

Pick up and drop off

All children are to place their bags in their class lines under the cola in the mornings and then be seated by the second bell. To assist your child in developing their independence and to ease congestion in our line up area, we ask that you say goodbye to your child by the bell. In the afternoons, 1P, 1D and 1S children are collected at the bottom of the steps near the big tree, while IT and IBV children are collected from the basketball court. If your child is attending after school care or catching the bus home, please advise your child’s teacher.


Most children have now brought in the required Stage 1 equipment and have paid for student textbooks. The stationery and class requirements list for Year 1 is attached. Please ensure all stationery items have been correctly labelled with your child’s name and class and that they have a pencil case in which to store their belongings. The Stage 1 teachers would also greatly appreciate if you are able to send in a roll of paper towel at a convenient time as we go through many rolls of paper towel during fruit break and art activities.

Thank you for your support. We encourage you to speak to your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year.

Kind regards,

Karen Dickings, Tara Israel, Natalie Bosnich,

Poly Vescio, Pauline Slater & Tina Simat Julie Organ

Year 1 Teachers Principal



Tel: 9948 2257, 9948 1959 Fax: 9907 0342

Stage 1 Equipment List for 2015 – Year 1

Below is the Year 1 list of stationery and class requirements for 2015. Please ensure all equipment and uniform items are clearly labelled.

·  HB lead pencils (1 box of 12)

·  30cm ruler (wooden or plastic, not flexible or bendy)

·  Scissors

·  4 x large glue sticks

·  Eraser

·  Sharpener (no electric sharpeners)

·  1 x pencil case (small)

·  Coloured pencils

·  4 x white board markers

·  A3 display folder (at least 20 pockets)

·  A4 display folder (at least 20 pockets)

·  2 x document wallets (PVC with button)

·  Art shirt

·  Anti-bacterial hand cleaner (pump bottle for classroom use)

·  Box of tissues

·  Paper towel

Optional (but strongly recommended)

·  USB

·  Headphones or ear buds

Please ensure that your child has one pencil case. We have limited space on our student desks and bulky pencil cases take up a lot of room.

Thank you for your support.

Kind regards,

Tina Simat Julie Organ

Stage 1 Assistant Principal Principal