Haldimand 4H Association Annual General Meeting

Monday January 27, 2014 at the Cayuga Mutual Building

Present: Morris Bartlett (Pres.), Bette Richards (VP), Karen Killman (Treasurer), Darlene Rowntree (Secretary), Ewen McMillan (Assoc. Rep) Sharon Mitchell, Marie Peart, Bonnie Laman, Cindy Murphy, Renee Hedley, Stephanie Huitema, David Murray, Al Vandervliet, Rita Vandervliet, Heather Reynolds, Tracy Vandervliet, Katherine Hedley, Karen Allen, Alison Topp, Dawn Turnbull, Kim Turnbull, Katherine Phibbs, Suzie Johnson, Isabel Miller, Lee Killman, Henk Lise, Travis Roszel, Tara Bacher-Roszel Sue Bacher, Paul Bacher, Stacey Moyer, Sarah Roth, Kate Young, Penny Bartlett, April Bird, Lisa Rowe, MaryAnn Peart, Jennifer Peart, Gavin Whitwell, Kasey Whitwell, Brian Whitwell, Robert Dempster (Auditor)

7:00 pm: Dessert social

7:40 pm: Meeting called to order by Morris with the recitation of the 4-H pledge. Marie started the meeting with an ‘icebreaker game’. Jennifer moved that the agenda for the Annual General Meeting be approved, seconded by Lisa, carried. Ewen moved that the minutes from the 2013 AGM were circulated, seconded by Isabel, carried. Karen K. presented the financial reports and moved that they be accepted, seconded by Dawn, carried. There was some discussion about investing extra funds to get a better interest rate. Karen K. moved this issue be referred to the Strategic Planning Committee for further discussion, seconded by Gavin, carried.

Auditor’s Report: Mr. Robert Dempster reviewed the H4H Association books and found them to be in good order. Last year missing invoices was one area that he thought was lacking but he noticed an improvement since last year. Lee thanked Mr. Dempster for reviewing the books and moved we have him review them again next year, seconded by Dawn, carried.

Morris declared 2013 Null and Void. Stacey moved that we reorganize for 2014, seconded by Dave, carried.

Morris declared all positions open and read the 'Nominating Committee' report: Past President: Morris Bartlett;President: Bette Richards; Vice President: Isabel Miller; Secretary: Darlene Rowntree;Treasurer: Karen Killman;Association Rep: Ewen McMillan; Trustees: Isabel Miller, Rita Vandervliet, Alison Topp. There were no nominations from the floor. Kathy P. moved that we accept the Nominating Committee's report, seconded by Jennifer, carried.

BILLS: Haldimand Press -$76.84; Rita V.-$610.20 (reimbursed for penning); 2nd Ave. Printing-$251.91; Karen Allen-$45.08 (Birdwatching Club); Lee-$1406 (reimburse $50: Rabbit Club & $1356 Art Supply); Isabel-$224.81 (Postage etc); Dawn-$119.94 (Outstanding Member Awards); Kim-$330 (Judging expenses & other awards). Bette moved we pay these bills, seconded by Ewen, carried. The Beef Club handed in $830 and Isabel $45 for cookbooks.

Treasurer’s Note: Karen said requests for money must be submitted on a ‘Reimbursement Form’ and have ALL receipts attached, otherwise cheques will not be issued. She usually has forms at the meetings or they can be printed from the H4H CD. (Ask Ewen if you need a CD). Karen also reminded leaders to have a “Club Budget” presented and approved at an association meeting to make it is easier for them to get money.

SIGN UP DAY: Saturday February 1, 2014, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. @ W.J. Heaslip Ltd. We would like to have a least one leader from each club present and ask that they be set up by 8:00 a.m. Heaslip’s will once again be hosting a Pancake Breakfast and everyone is welcome!

Committees are asked to meet before the end of March to decide who the Chairperson will be and to let us know at the meeting in March. The secretary will circulate a copy of the Committee Lists. Please review and let Darlene Rowntree know if you would like to be added to or removed from a committee.

CAM: March 21-23, 2014. The Deadline to register is February 18, 2014. The AGM, which is open to all volunteers in good standing, will be held on the Friday night and on Saturday there will be workshops & other events. The motions that are to be voted on at CAM will be presented at the February H4H meeting. Several people expressed an interest in attending CAM this year and the reimbursement policy implemented at H4H 2013 AGM will apply.

There was a Senior & a Junior Outstanding Member Award presented at the Awards Banquet Saturday night. Marie advised us that the Ontario Plowmen’s Association donated $100 and the Hald-Nor Credit Union donated $100 for these awards. Dawn said she bought the OMA judges each a Thank you gift and requested reimbursement of $60 she spent on them. Lee moved we pay this, seconded by MaryAnn, carried. Dawn reported that between the weather and Christmas it was a bit hectic trying to arrange the interviews, so she would like to move up the nominating timeframe next year. Leaders are asked to let her or Marie Peart know asap if they want to nominate a member. Dawn said they are creating a file to outline the procedures used in selecting the OMAs. Let them know if you have any ideas about how to include the OMs during the year or if you have any feedback to improve the award/presentation.

Volunteer Report: Marie thanked the 4-H volunteers for their commitment. She said safety is the #1 priority for our members and reminded us that there must be at least two screened leaders at every meeting. Marie has sent out a list of screened volunteers so leaders are asked to use that list if they need help. Marie has been notified that some ‘former’ volunteers are still receiving H4H emails and they prefer NOT to. So, she asked if everyone could delete any old group email lists and start fresh in 2014.

Judging Event: Kim reported it will be held Monday June 2, 2014 at the Caledonia Fair Grounds.

Please note change of schedule: This year Registration will be at 6:00 p.m., Supper will be at 6:30 p.m. and Judging will start at 7:00 p.m.

4-H Ontario Presentation: Faith Kirk was unable to attend due to the weather so Marie Peart filled in using Faith’s presentation. In the break out session, small groups discussed the new clubs we have coming up for 2104, & exchanged ideas raised regarding ideas for doing something different in the clubs, and what skills did the leaders have to offer other clubs or the association. Each group highlighted what they learnt or what they needed. Good points were raised. Marie will pass on some of our feedback to Faith and 4-H Ontario.

Darlene read Will Smith’s report on his Provincial Leadership Camp experience. Jennifer moved H4H reimburse Will Smith $141.25 (½ of his camp registration fee), seconded by Renee, carried.

SUPPLIES: The Horsin’ Around with Crafts club is looking for old cowboy boots and horseshoes. If you have any that you can donate, please bring them to registration or contact Isabel Miller at

Morris “passed the gavel” to H4H’s new president Bette Richards. Bette then presented Morris with a gorgeous wooden clock and thanked him for serving as president for the past two years. Kim then presented Darlene and Karen K. with beautiful mirrored clocks

9:25 p.m. Meeting Adjourned

NEXT MEETING: Monday February 24, 2014 @ 7:30 p.m.

Recorded by Darlene Rowntree