East Central Iowa Transit

Transit Operator Group Meeting

Linn County LIFTS

October 14, 2010

The following individuals were present:

Contract providers:

·  Mary Halstead, Benton County Transportation

·  Sam Gipple, Iowa County Transportation

·  Tom Brase, Johnson County SEATS

·  Terri Huffman, Washington County Mini Bus (by phone)

·  Kathy Koerperich, Jones County JETS

·  Tom Hardecopf, Linn County LIFTS


·  Mary Rump, ECICOG

1.0  Routine Matters

.1 Call to Order

Gipple called the meeting to order at 10:08 am.

.2 Approval of Minutes

There were no notes available from the previous meeting, however, the group noted that no action was taken.

2.0  New Business

.1 Requests for Additional Services: None

.2 Capital Replacement Update: Rump reviewed the spreadsheet she had prepared to monitor progress on capital replacements. All agreed that they would like to have the spreadsheet updated regularly. Gipple asked if any funds would be available for radio upgrades or replacement necessary to meet the new narrowband requirements. Rump indicated that no funding is currently available.

.3 RouteMatch Update: Members reviewed their ongoing correspondence with RouteMatch regarding the upgrades necessary to participate in the statewide maintenance contract. After reviewing the current contracts with RouteMatch, Rump felt that none of the providers should be required to pay for software upgrades. The group is still trying to learn what hardware upgrades are necessary and determine a cost. Gipple felt that Iowa County may decline to participate if the hardware costs are substantial.

.4 Status of TMS Contracts: Following a poll by Gipple, the TOG learned that all regional providers, with the exception of Linn County LIFTS, are currently under contract with TMS. Most are having issues with the portal, but feel that this should resolve over time. Particular issues are identified billing rates and return rides.

.5 Training Materials: Rump distributed copies of training materials entitled, “Emergency Procedures for Rural Transit Drivers.” She indicated that RTAP has given approval to duplicate their materials provided their logo appears on the duplications.

.6 Signage Contract: Rump indicated that the region has an existing contract with Sign Design of Washington, Iowa to sign new regional vehicles. The contract was necessary to ensure competitive pricing which is necessary if federal funds are used to cover a portion of the expense. TOG members have asked about using another company for signage. Rump indicated that any vendor who can meet the regional signage specifications can be used, however, only signage purchases with a competitively selected vendor will be eligible for reimbursement. Expenses with a non-competively bid vendor will be at the local providers expense. Rump indicated that the region could go back out to bid, but would only do so if alternate possible vendors were identified.

Brase asked if Iowa City Transit could sign vehicles and be reimbursed. Rump indicated that it might be possible as a local government purchase, but she will need to confirm this with the Office of Public Transit. Hardecopf asked to get a copy of the specifications to share with a possible vendor.

.7 Financial Distribution: Rump indicated that she was reviewing all quarterly and year end statistics. Any changes may result in changes to the distribution formula. Rump is planning to have the review complete in about a week and will notify providers shortly of any changes.

.8 Other: none

3.0 Old Business - none

4.0 Other Discussion Items: none

5.0 Set next Meeting date:

December 2 in Iowa City. Gipple adjourned the meeting at 11:52 am.