1. What are the types of requirements ? A

a) Availability

b) Reliability

c) Usability

d) Flexibility

e) All of the mentioned


Explanation: All the mentioned traits are beneficial for an effective product to be developed.

2. Select the developer specific requirement ? A

a) Portability

b) Maintainability

c) Availability

d) Both a and b


Explanation: Availability is user specific requirement.

3. Which one of the following is not a step of requirement engineering? A

a) elicitation

b) design

c) analysis

d) documentation


Explanation: Requirement Elicitation, Requirement Analysis, Requirement Documentation and Requirement Review are the four
crucial process steps of requirement engineering. Design is in itself a different phase of Software Engineering.

5. A Use-case actor is always a person having a role that different people may play. A

a) True

b) False


Explanation: Use-case Actor is anything that needs to interact with the system, be it a person or another (external) system.

7. A stakeholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under development. A

a) True

b) False


Explanation: Stakeholders are anyone who has an interest in the project. Project stakeholders are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or project completion.

10. What is the first step of requirement elicitation ? A

a) Identifying Stakeholder

b) Listing out Requirements

c) Requirements Gathering

Answer: a

Explanation: Stakeholders are the one who will invest in and use the product, so its essential to chalk out stake holders first.

12. Arrange the tasks involved in requirements elicitation in an appropriate manner. A

i. Consolidation

ii. Prioritization

iii. Requirements Gathering

iv. Evaluation

a) iii, i, ii, iv

b) iii, iv, ii, i

c) iii, ii, iv, i

d) ii, iii, iv, i

Answer: b

Explanation: Requirements gathering captures viewpoint from different users followed by evaluation of those view points. Now comes the task of checking the relative importance of the requirements and finally to consolidate or bind together the information collected.

13. Which one of the following is a functional requirement ? A

a) Maintainability

b) Portability

c) Robustness

d) Testability

e) None of the mentioned

Answer: e

Explanation: All are non-functional requirements representing quality of the system. Functional requirements describe what the software has to do.

14. Which one of the following is a requirement that fits in a developer’s module ? A

a) Availability

b) Testability

c) Usability

d) Flexibility

Answer: b

Explanation: A developer needs to test his product before launching it into the market.

8. Software safety is equivalent to software reliability. A

a) True

b) False

Answer: b

Explanation: Software reliability uses statistical analysis to determine the likelihood that a software failure will occur; however, the failure may not necessarily result in a hazard or mishap.

9. Misinterpretation of customer communication is a sample of possible cause defects. A

a) True

b) False

Answer: a

Explanation: Translation gap between the client and the developer often leads to software defects.

10. Requirements engineering is a generic process that does not vary from one software project to another. A



11. During project inception the intent of the of the tasks is to determine A

A) basic problem understanding

B) nature of the solution needed

C) people who want a solution

D) none of the above

E) a, b and c

12. The result of the requirements engineering elaboration task is an analysis model that defines which of the following problem domain(s)? A




D)all of the above

It is relatively common for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right one. A



13. The system specification describes the A

A) Function, performance and constraints of a computer-based system

B)implementation of each allocated system

C) element software architecture

D) time required for system simulation

14. The best way to conduct a requirements validation review is to C

A)examine the system model for errors

B)have the customer look over the requirements

C)send them to the design team and see if they have any concerns

D)use a checklist of questions to examine each requirement

15. The use of traceability tables helps to A

A)debug programs following the detection of run-time errors

B)determine the performance of algorithm implementations

C)identify, control, and track requirements changes

D)none of the above

16. A stakeholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under development. A



17. The job of the requirements engineer is to categorize all stakeholder information in a way that allows decision makers to choose an internally consistent set of A requirements.A



18. In requirements validation the requirements model is reviewed to ensure its technical feasibility. A



19. Analysis patterns facilitate the transformation of the analysis model into a design model by suggesting reliable solutions to common problems. A



20. Which of following is not a UML diagram used creating a system analysis model? A

A)activity diagram

B)class diagram

C)dataflow diagram

D)state diagram

21. Use-case actors are always people, never system devices. A



22. The work products produced during requirement elicitation will vary depending on the A

A)size of the budget

B)size of the product being built

C)software process being used

D)stakeholders needs

23. Developers and customers create use-cases to help the software team understand how different classes of end-users will use functions. A



24. When errors occur in the systems analysis stage, how much more is it estimated that the costs of correcting the errors are if they are left to the programming stage than if they are corrected before the analysis process is completed? A

A) At least five times as much.

B) Half as much again.

C) No difference.

D) Twice as much.

25. In a Data Flow Diagram, which of the following would you not expect to see? A

A) A data flow from a source to a sink.

B) A dataflow between a source and a process.

C) A dataflow between a datastore and a process.

D) A systems boundary.

E) All of the above.

26. Software interoperability is: A

A)The ability of a software system to work on different hardware platforms.

B)The ability of a software system to work under different operating systems.

C)The ability of a software system to exchange information with other software systems and to use the exchanged information.

D)The ability to replace a software system with another software system that has similar functionality

27. A quantitative measure of the degree to which a system, component or a process posses a given attribute: A





28. SRS stands for: A

A)System requirements specification

B)Software requirements specification

C)Software requirements solution

D)All of the above

29. A property or quality the system must have is called a: A


B)functional requirement

C)preliminary requirement

D)nonfunctional requirement

E)none of the above

30. A description of activities and services that a system must provide is A

A)non-functional requirement

B)functional requirement


D)physical requirement

E)none of the above

31. A small-scale, incomplete, but working sample of a desired system is: A

A)a prototype

B)a data-flow diagram

C)an entity relationship diagram

D)a unified modeling language diagram

E)none of the above

32. What are the four dimensions of Dependability? A

a) Usability, Reliability, Security, Flexibility

b) Availability, Reliability, Maintainability, Security

c) Availability, Reliability, Security, Safety

d) Security, Safety, Testability, Usability

33. When investigating an existing information problem, a use case diagram is developed. At which stage of the problem-solving methodology does this occur? A

A. design

B. analysis

C. evaluation

D. development

34. Which of the following can be used for requirements specification: A

A) Structured natural language

B) Task allocation tables

C) Pert charts

D) Gantt charts


35. “Consider a system where, a heat sensor detects an intrusion and alerts the security company.” What kind of a requirement the system is providing ? B

a) Functional

b) Non-Functional

c) Known Requirement


36. Jane, the owner of a small business that sells computer equipment, has asked a software developer to write a simple software solution that will allow her customers to buy items online. As her business is only small, she does not want to go to the expense of implementing secure storage or password protection.

The software developer advises strongly that secure storage and password protection must be included, but it will cost more. This advice creates a conflict.

Who are the major stakeholders affected by this conflict? B

A. Jane, her customers and the software developer

B. Jane, her customers and her equipment suppliers

C. Jane, her internet service provider and her equipment suppliers

D. Jane's customers, her internet service provider and the software developer


37. Which of the following should an analyst attempt to avoid when constructing a questionnaire? C

A) The use of questions with an answer scale (e.g. 1 for completely disagree, 5 for completely agree etc.).

B) Multiple branches to allow for complicated business situations.

C) Questions that only have a Yes or No response.

D) Asking questions that have already been used in an interview.

E) Questions that allow recipients to state their own opinions.

38. A requirements document should include which of the following? C

A)functions and services the system should provide

B)nonfunctional requirements including the system's features, characteristics, and attributes.

C)constraints that restrict the development of the system under which the system must operate

D)information about other systems the system must interface with

E)all of the above

39. A technique for generating ideas during group meetings where participants are encouraged to generate as many ideas as possible in a short time without any analysis until all ideas have been exhausted is known as: C





E)none of the above

40. How is brainstorming different from JAD ? Brainstorming sessions C

a) last for about 2-3 hours

b) last for about 2-3 days

c) cover the technology used for the development

Answer: a

Explanation: Brainstorming is a group or individual creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its member(s).The idea is to quickly reach to an approved solution ASAP.

41. In collaborative requirements gathering, the facilitator C

A)cannot be a member of the software team

B)cannot be a customer

C)controls and facilitates the process

D)must be an outsider

42. Which of the following is not one of the context-free questions that would be used during project inception? C

A)What will be the economic benefit from a good solution?

B)Who is against this project?

C)Who will pay for the work?

D)Who will use the solution?

43. The user system requirements are the parts of which document ? C

a) SDD

b) SRS

c) DDD

Answer: b

Explanation: Software requirements specification (SRS), is a complete description of the behavior of a system to be developed and may include a set of use cases that describe interactions the users will have with the software.

44. How many phases are there in Brainstorming ? C

a) Two

b) Three

c) Four

Answer: b

Explanation: Preparation, Execution and Follow up are the three phases to be achieved for a successful brainstorming session.


45. Starting from least to most important, choose the order of stakeholder. D

i. Managers

ii. Entry level Personnel

iii. Users

a) i, ii, iii

b) i, iii, ii

c) ii, i, iii


46. Which is one of the most important stakeholder from the following ? D

a) Entry level personnel

b) Middle level stakeholder

c) Managers

d) Users of the software

Answer: d

Explanation: Users are always the most important stakeholders. After all, without users or customers, what’s the point of being in business?.

47. Conflicting requirements are common in Requirement Engineering, with each client proposing his or her version is the right one. D

a) True

b) False

Answer: a

Explanation: This situation is seen in every field of work as each professional has his/her way of looking onto things & would argue to get his/her point approved.

48. Three things that make requirements elicitation difficult are problems of D





E)b, c and d

49. Which of the following statements explains portability in non-functional requirements? D

a) It is a degree to which software running on one platform can easily be converted to run on another platform.

b) It can be enhanced by using languages, OS’ and tools that are universally available and standardized.

c) The ability of the system to behave consistently in a user-acceptable manner when operating within the environment for which the system was intended.

d) Both a and b

e) It refers to the level at which a software system uses computational resources, such as CPU cycles, memory, disk space, buffers and communication channels.

50. Designate the following requirements as one of:

1. Functional

2. Non-functional (specify the category)

- The word processor program shall include online documentation.

- The spreadsheet program should periodically make a checkpoint copy of any open spreadsheet.

- The system should multiple browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox)

- The word processor program shall include online documentation.

[non functional - Usability requirement.]

- The spreadsheet program should periodically make a checkpoint copy of any open spreadsheet.

[non- functional – reliability requirement ]

- The system should multiple browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox)

[ non-functional - interoperability requirement.]