Department of Workforce Development

Employment and Training Division

Bureau of Workforce Training

P.O. Box 7972

Madison, WI 53707

Telephone:(608) 266-5370

Fax:(608) 267-0330


Insert Date Here

UCD-7352-E (R. 05/2013)

Scott Walker, Governor

Raymond Allen,Secretary

5 June 2017

To: Workforce Development Board Directors

From: Phil Koenig

Director, Bureau of Workforce Training

Subject: 2017-18 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)/Workforce Development Board

Coordinated On-site Monitoring Plan and Monitoring Guides

DETS-15711-E (R. 01/2016)

This letter serves to announce the 2017-18 annual coordinated on-site monitoring of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I programs managed by the local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs). The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) is required to conduct annual monitoring of local WDBs, pursuant to WIOA and Equal Opportunity provisions.

DWD will again conduct fiscal, civil rights/equal opportunity, and program monitoring during a single, week-long, on-site visit. There are several changes from last year's monitoring process:

  1. Location of Program and Civil Rights Compliance/Equal Opportunity monitoring to be held at one of the Comprehensive Job Centers within the local area, rather than at an administrative WDB office;
  2. Job Center Certification monitoring for at least one (1) Comprehensive Job Center in each local area;
  3. Monitoring of local WDB governance activities, including a 30-minute interview with the WDB director and local board members; and
  4. Program monitoring will include a 90-minute interview with a sampling of service provider staff and supervisors, and a separate 90-minute interview with local WDB staff.

Coordinated monitoring visits will commence in July 2017, and will conclude in May 2018. Your assigned Local Program Liaison will serve as the Monitoring Team Leader, and will work directly with your staff to coordinate your area's monitoring visit.


The following documents can be accessed online at

  • 2017-18 Monitoring Schedule with proposed locations, contacts, desk review survey due dates, and DWD report due dates
  • Desk Review Survey—All WDBs are required to complete the attached Desk Review Survey and return it to their Local Program Liaison at least fifteen (15) business days prior to their respective on-site monitoring start date.
  • Three (3) Program Monitoring Interview Guides—Program Interview Guide for WDB Staff, Program Interview Guide for Service Provider Staff, and Governance Interview Guide for WDB Director and Board Members
  • Three (3) File Review Guides—Adult Program, Dislocated Worker Program, Youth Program
  • Job Center Certification Monitoring Criteria Checklist
  • Fiscal Monitoring Guide
  • Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights Compliance Monitoring Guide


The purpose of on-site monitoring is to:

  • Ensure the programs comply with appropriate policies and procedures and operate within the parameters established by law, regulations, the State WIOA Plan, the Local WIOA Plan, Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination policies, and program guidelines
  • Assess the quality of services provided to program participants and employers, and where appropriate, make recommendations for improvement
  • Evaluate the management and administration of WIOA-funded grants with the Department to determine if program operations are compliant and whether the WDB is on track to achieve grant goals and outcomes
  • Identify technical assistance needs
  • Identify system-wide issues requiring policy or program review and resolution
  • Identify positive practices and share with others in the workforce development system
  • Assess impacts of workforce programs for customers within the workforce development area


The review will be conducted to verify compliance with the following standards:

  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014
  • Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Advisories
  • DWD Policy Updates and Administrative Memos
  • DWD's WIOA Policy Guidance
  • Uniform Guidance 2 CFR Part 200 and 2 CFR Part 2900
  • Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity provisions contained in Section 188 of WIOA and regulations 29 CFR §38 applicable to employment and service delivery


  • The Desk Review contains a list of documents the WDB must provide prior to monitoring.
  • Following inspection of the above materials and/or after the on-site monitoring visit, DWD may address questions to, or request additional information from, the WDB contact person.
  • DWD may contact the Independent Auditor to discuss the audit of the financial statements that accompany the Independent Auditor's Report. Documentation may be requested from the Independent Auditor.
  • Members of the DWD Monitoring team will carry identification and follow all security procedures during the on-site visit.
  • DWD requests a work area with internet access for the duration of the on-site monitoring visit. This work area should have sufficient space for monitoring staff to examine requested documents and meet with staff, participants, and board members as necessary.

We appreciate all your assistance with the annual coordinated monitoring process. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above requests, please contact your assigned Local Program Liaison.

Thank you.