Author: Mark Jordan, Head of Joint Commissioning

Tel: 01707 280745

  1. Purpose of report

To provide the Joint Commissioning Partnership Board (JCPB) with quarterly summary information on performance including achievements, issues and implications.

This first section of the report covers general matters and is followed by further reports on finance and on each specific care group.


2.1.Public Briefing

A separate report will be circulated prior to the meeting summarising the results of the public briefing that will be held on 12July.

2.2.Patient Experience

A proposal has been drawn up by Glyn Trollope of Dacorum Mental Health Support Group, and discussed together with commissioners, Hertfordshire Partnership Trust and Hertfordshire University Recovery Centre for how we might establish a structure whereby users and carers views on the effectiveness of care and treatment are routinely collected and compiled. This information can then be used as a key driver in the future monitoring and development of all services.

Commissioners therefore expect a future foundation trust to develop with users and carers an approach for the collection and application of this information, and to provide quarterly reports to commissioners on this. Likewise they expect the recovery centre at the University of Hertfordshire to develop with users and carers an effective and appropriate methodology for the routine recording of 'recovery outcomes' and within which the user and carer perspective is clearly identifiable.

2.3.Mentally Disordered Offenders (MDOs)

A senior strategic group for Hertfordshire has been established in partnership with the criminal justice agencies to address issues regarding Mentally Disordered Offenders.

Mark Jordan is chairing the group and representing both health and social care commissioners on it. Four initial workstreams are underway and a full three year strategic plan will be developed later in the year. Ideas are also being considered regarding how the next Local Area Agreement might be able to incorporate some of the issues relating to Mentally Disordered Offenders.

The four workstreams underway are:

Review and Development of Assessment Processes.
Review and Development of Care Pathways.
Re-launching of Local MDO Liaison Groups.
Agreement of Information Sharing Protocols.

2.4.Fitness for Purpose Assessment

As part of the changes associated with the recent changes in Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), there has been an independent “Fitness For Purpose” assessment programme taking place that has examined the commissioning capability of each PCT so that a development plan can be taken forward. In Hertfordshire the Joint Commissioning Team have been included in this process as a commissioning arm of the PCT.

We have been assessed on our ability in the following areas of commissioning:

  • Build/analyse fact base.
  • Define negotiation strategy.
  • Execute negotiation process.
  • Manage/develop provider market/capabilities.

Against a scoring system of 1 – 3 we scored 2.5 on the first two areas and 3 on the second two,we believe demonstrating strong capability in our commissioning.

Following on from this we have contributed to a development plan whereby we aim to further improve our performance as follows.


High standards of joint commissioning identified in Fitness for Purpose review.
Dynamic development of user/carer involvement in commissioning.
Modernisation and reconfiguration of provider services.
Pioneering a model of practice based joint commissioning.
Consistent delivery of significant savings to assist in the trusts’ financial recovery.


Needs assessment.
Understanding of GP contracting structures.
Building of wider partnership networks.
Analysis and strategic management of prescribing.


Developing the understanding and teamwork of the Joint Commissioning Partnership Board.
Further strengthening the communication links between the partnership and the PCT.

Pursuing of market development and market testing.

Establishment of Foundation Trust.

Development of outcome indicators.

Building on the experience of partnership commissioning by applying related approaches in other areas of out of hospital care.

2.5.Hertfordshire Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Commissioners and providers attended this committee on 12 June and delivered an update on Investing In Your Mental Health, with the focus given in the main to working age mental health and the development of practice based joint commissioning and primary care mental health teams.

As a result of this, the overview and scrutiny committee has decided to scrutinise this area furtherin the coming the months through a Topic Group that meets regularly to consider such matters. We have encouraged the overview and scrutiny committee to consider that rather than set up an additional set of meetings for us to attend, value for all involved might be best delivered through .a flexible approach to this process whereby the Topic Group could ‘plug into’ the comprehensive structures and forums that we already have in place for public scrutiny of our activities.


The board are asked to note and comment on the above.


070719 Item 9 - General Performance Report