Kite Runner


Ch. 11-13

1.  Baba loved the idea of living in America. What gave him an ulcer?

2.  According to Baba, who are the three only real men in this world?

3.  Who are like “gossiping old women”?

4.  Who did Baba call a “big-toothed cretin”?

5.  Baba was the lone Republican in their building. Which president did he admire?

6.  One spring Sunday in 1983, there was screaming and broken glass at the little grocery store across the street. Why was Baba upset with the Nguyens?

7.  In Kabul, what did people use as a credit card?

8.  For Amir, America was a place to bury his memories; what was America for Baba?

9.  What was one of Baba’s greatest fears?

10.  What happened to Amir in the summer of 1983?

11.  Why and how did Baba start a party in a bar?

12.  Why was Amir given an old model Ford?

13.  Right after giving Amir the Ford, what does Baba say to Amir that makes his windpipe tighten?

14.  What major does Amir choose that makes Baba make fun of him?

15.  Long before the Roussi army marched into Afghanistan, what did Kabul become for Amir?

16.  In the summer of 1984, Baba sold his old Buick and bought what kind of vehicle?

17.  They would get up at dawn on Saturdays and do what?

18.  This would be followed on Sundays with what activity?

19.  What was the unspoken code of behavior amongst Afghans at the flea market? What did you avoid?

20.  What was the name of the decoreated general from Kabul?

21.  The general said that people need stories for what reason?

22.  Describe the young woman who approaches the general with a cup of tea.

23.  Who is she and what is her name?

24.  What is ironic about Baba’s statement about the young girl when he says,”It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime, Amir.”?

25.  What nickname did Amir give to her?

26.  In Afghanistan, what do you call the longest night of the year?

27.  What is the lore of yelda?

28.  What was yelda in poetry books?

29.  Amir met Soraya during the summer of 1984. How long did it take him to finally speak to her alone?

30.  At what point was Amir and Soraya’s encounter no longer considered respectful?

31.  What did Amir offer to bring Soraya one day?

32.  What connection does Jamila find between Amir’s family and hers?

33.  What does Baba keep reminding Amir NOT to do?

34.  What does career does Soraya want?

35.  Why does Soraya choose this career?

36.  What does the general do with the short story that Amir gave to Soraya?

37.  When Baba develops a cough, what do the doctors suspect he has?

38.  Why does Baba refuse to see Dr. Schneider?

39.  When Baba finds out her has “Oat Cell Carcinoma,” what does he choose NOT to do?

40.  One cool Sunday shortly after New Year’s Day, Baba had something frightening happen. What was it?

41.  When the Taheris came to visit Baba in the hospital, Amir remembered something Baba had once told him about Pashtuns. What was it?

42.  After Baba and Amir return home, Amir asks his father to do something for him. What is it?

43.  Before Soraya will accept Amir’s request she must talk to him. What does she tell him?

44.  Why did Amir envy Soraya?

45.  The next evening, what do the Taheris do?

46.  Why did Soraya and Amir forego the Shirini-khori?

47.  At his wedding, Amir wished that Rahim Khan were there. What did he wonder?

48.  Who suggested that they live with Baba?

49.  When Baba shares Amir’s leather-bound notebook with Soraya, what is the reaction from Amir; and from Soraya?

50.  When does Baba die?

51.  As Amir listens to the comments of the mourners, a realization comes to him. What is the realization and what is his reaction to it?

52.  Amir learns many things about his new family. From what does the general suffer once a month?

53.  Why does the general keep his family on welfare?

54.  Although Khala Jamila has an enchanting singing voice, why has she never sung professionally?

55.  What new piece of information does Amir learn from Soraya about what had happened to her in Virginia?

56.  Soraya claims that Amir is so different from every Afghan guy she had ever met. Why does Amir truly believe that is so?

57.  After Soraya and Amir move into a one-bedroom apartment in Fremont, the general gives Amir an additional present. What is it?

58.  Which college do both Amir and Soraya attend?

59.  How does the general feel about Soraya’s ambition to teach?

60.  In the summer of 1988, Amir finished his first novel. His agent sold it and he was going to become a published novelist. After the celebration, Amir stands on the balcony and has two memories. What are they?

61.  Why were Amir and Soraya unable to have children?

62.  What was an option they were considering?

63.  Why does the general disagree with their option?

64.  To what city do Amir and Soraya move?