Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®

Lambda Omega Chapter



Tuesday, January 6, 2015

6:00 p.m.

Soror Dianne Blakeney, Basileus


Call to Order Soror Dianne Blakeney

Meditation Soror LaKisha Ireland, Chaplain

Adoption of Agenda

Minutes Soror Carolyn Smith, Grammateus

Reading of Correspondence Soror Pamela Taylor, Epistoleus

Officer Reports

Basileus Soror Dianne Blakeney

First Anti Basileus Soror Delores Forrest

Second Anti-Basileus Soror Regina Forrest

Tamiouchos Soror Maggie Macklin

Pecunious Grammateus Soror Alicia Thornwell

Hodegos Sorors Lillie Mells/Diann Latham

Graduate Advisor Soror Delores Forrest

Launching New Dimensions Of Service

Program Target Committee Reports

Time Limit: 2 minutes

TARGET I: Educational Enrichment

ASCENDSM Soror Vanessa Whitaker

One Million BackpacksSM Soror Rose Brown

ThinkHBCUSM Soror Crystal Garland

TARGET II: Health Promotion

Alzheimer’s Disease and Caregiver Support Program Sorors Camille Harvey/Cheryl Farrior

Stroke and Heart Disease Awareness Soror Teresa Riddick

Mental Health Sorors Linda Gurley/Hardenia Watkins

TARGET III: Family Strengthening

Childhood Hunger Initiatives (vacant)

Family Seasonal WrapsSM Program Soror Joanna Sydnor

Fiscal Responsibility Programs Sorors Sharon Anderson/Alicia Thornwell

TARGET IV: Environmental Ownership

AKA 1908 Playground ProjectSM Soror Clara Hines

Restore, Refresh and Renew ProjectSM Soror Samantha Bright-Burney

Acts of Green ProgreenSM Soror Morgan Byron

TARGET V: Global Impact

USA-USA Global Classrooms Project Soror Sharon Richardson

Africare Soror Sharon Richardson


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service (January) Sorors Cynthia Downs-Taylor, Norma Gaither, Erma Price

Pink Goes Red for Heart Health Day (February) (vacant)

1908 Playgrounds Mobilization Day (May) Soror Evelyn Ligon-Moton

The Longest DayTM Alzheimer’s Support Activities (June) Sorors Camille Harvey and Cheryl Farrior

Mental Health Awareness Day (July) Sorors Linda Gurley and Hardenia Watkins

Childhood Hunger Awareness Day (October) (vacant)


Time Limit:2 minutes

Please email your committee report to at least 72 hours (3 days) prior to the Executive Committee Meeting,

(Technology Tutorial Guide: “Technology Committee Presents: How Do I …” ; p. 5)

Archives/History* • Audit • Black History Observance •Budget/Finance* • Bylaws* 2015 Chapter Evaluation •Chapter Retreat* • Chorale/Music • Connection* • Courtesy* • Credentials* • Dissolution of 20 Pearls Foundation• Disbursements of 20 Pearls Foundation Charitable Donations*• Devotions • EAF* • Founders’ Day* • Fundraising* • Graduate Advisory Council • Grant Writing* • Golden Soror Relations* • Hostess Coordinators* • Leadership Development* • Medical Corps* • Megagenesis* • Membership* • Newsletter* • Nominating* • Pan-Hellenic Council* • Philacters • Proofreading/Editing • Protocol/Rituals* • Publicity* • Relay For Life • Scholarship* •

Nurturing The Ivy Sisterly Relations* • Social Activities* • Standards* • Strategic Planning* • Technology*

GREEN - Indicates a committee report is given at Executive Committee Meeting.

*- Asterisk indicates that a news article is due to Soror Emma Flood ()

by Thursday, JANUARY 8, 2015 at 6 p.m.

Unfinished Business

2015 Lambda Omega Calendar (Please submit any missing dates.)

2015 – Megagenesis (Workshop Details; Sign-up at Jan. chapter meeting)

Chapter Group Photo – January 31, 2015 Site: ????

IMPACT DAY - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Of Service (January)

IMPACT DAY - Pink Goes Red for Heart Health Day (February)

Chapter Handbook Updates and Corrections Update (1/31)

End-Of-The-Year 2014 Chapter Reports (completed…but)

Officer Transition Meeting

Soror Code Of Ethics Form (Signatures Needed)

Lambda Omega Chapter Pictorial Directory, Handbook , Lambda Omega Bylaws and LO 2015 Calendar - Due Date: January 10, 2015

New Business

Launching New Dimensions of Service Event program

Upcoming Events

N.N. Annual M.L. King Luncheon – January 19, 2015

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service: N.N. Annual M.L. King Luncheon and James River Nursing Home – January 19, 2015

Megagenesis – February 28, 2015


Adjournment -- International Hymn and Pledge

A “Big Thank You” To Our Hostesses For This Evening

Sedgefield Elementary School


809 Main Street

Newport News, VA 23605