Rhayader Athletic Club – AGM 1/11/2007

Lamb & Flag






Jan D











Angela D





Minutes of last AGM

Proposed as accurate by Jan Davies & seconded by Paul Jones. Carried unanimously.

Chairmans report

Sunday run rota has slipped whilst Dave has been injured but will now start to be completed again. Numbers will increase during the winter. Maybe Sunday runs could be agreed in advance on Thursday club nights if not before.

Dave’s run at the sources of the Severn & Wye was very well attended. Dave wants to organise a run at hafod and will put on the rota.

Dave thanked Terry for organising the excellent Xmas and Easter handicap races.

Dave has been involved with Rhayader AC for 14 years. 2007 is the first time the club has organised the Elan Valley 10 mile race. Dave thanked the organising committee.

The first club trip abroad to Amsterdam was very successful. Dave thanked Chris for organising and hoped another trip would be arranged for 2008.

Dave said Lake Vrynwy half marathon was the best turn out by the club in its history.

BBQ very successful again. Dave thanked Maria.

5K’s very successful. Dave thanked Barbara for organising.

Upcoming dates:

24/11/07Elan Valley 10

25/11/07Xmas pud club handicap

01/12/07Christmas cracker

09/12/07Aberystwyth 10k

21/12/07Xmas party at Elan ValleyHotel

23/12/07Mulled wine run

07/06/08Man –v- Horse

08/06/07Club BBQ

Treasurers report

-Membership fees up by £100

-5K race income up but stung by unaffiliated fees £59

-Funds available £896.08

-Profit £184.97 but less kit in stock (£262)

-10 mile road race – there are a lot of up front one-off costs so we need to be prudent

-Terry has asked for a temporary loan from the Round The Lakes account – approved

Terry thanked Paul for auditing the accounts.

Dave thanked Terry for doing an excellent job.

Election of Officers

Paul Jones proposed officers should be accepted en-bloc; seconded by Alun Jenkins. Carried unanimously.

Chairman – Dave

Treasurer – Terry

Secretary – Chris

Membership – Terry

Any other business
Membership fees £5 now due (queue to pay Terry for the first time ever

Dave welcomed new members Amber, Catherine & Katie

Jan & Dave to return engraved trophies to Chris prior to Christmas bash

Jan said the beginners group had worked well although most beginners would prefer to have the same guide every week. Jan is happy to take the current group until they can run 3 miles, probably January, and then the rota can begin again. Jan will then start a new beginners group every 3 months, so any absolute beginners will then have to wait until the next new group starts.

Jan will put some schedules on the notice board for runners running 3-6 miles.

Jan mentioned that as club nights are now dark, we should all be wearing reflective gear. Amber will look into costs and Cath may be able to obtain some redundant gear from Powys CC.

Jan explained that anybody who completed the coaching course last year should complete a CRB check form. Welsh Athletics will then send a licence out. Anybody who needs a form, please see Jan.

Chris mentioned that Welsh Athletics had been in touch confirming some Rhayader runners were not paying the unaffiliated levy of £2 at some races. Chris said we must pay this levy unless the individual registers with Welsh Athletics at a cost of £15 pa. If anyone would like to register please see Chris for a form.

Stafford has very kindly donated £60 for the club to by trophies. It has been agreed to buy two trophies for most improved male & female. Chris is to thank Stafford on the club’s behalf.

Quarterly meetings: 10/1, 10/4, 10/7 & 9/10

Terry said Paul Beeson from Maldwyn harriers had been in touch and wants to organise a series of off-road races, including one in Rhayader/Elan Valley. Terry will discuss with Paul & report back.

The cross country winter league is not proving popular. Chris to withdraw club from Winter XC league but to remain members of the Summer XC league.

Meeting closed 9.56pm