Story Board Assessment Assignment Sheet

Directions and Scoring (80 points total):

  • For this assignment, you will need to read either “The Landlady” (Elements of Literature 171) or “The Monkey’s Paw” (McDougal Littell 360).
  • After reading, fill out the Story Elements Graphic Organizer on the back of this sheet to help plan your story-board (20 points).
  • Your story-board will include eight squares showing each of the following story elements both visually and in writing (40 points total): Exposition; Characterization, Conflict; Climax/Turning Point; Resolution; Author’s Tone; Theme(4 points for explaining each one correctly; 28 points total). You will need to label each square accordingly (1 point for labeling each; 7 points total). The first square will be for you to include a general picture and the title and author (5 points).
  • To get full points you’ll need specific details explaining the pictures for each part of the story. Details you include need to be specific (details you can touch). Be sure to use character names and names of places rather than vague pronouns. You may use the exact words of the author, but you need to make sure you use quotation marks if you do so. Also, please cite the author & page # of each detail.
  • You will also be graded on neatness, effort and creativity (20 points total): Handwriting should be neat and easy to read (3 points). Writing must be free of conventions errors (3 points). You must include borders between the squares (3 points). Colors in your drawings should be vibrant and appealing (3 points), and time, care and creativity should be apparent (8 points).

Include a general drawing that conveys a major part of the story. / EXPOSITION (setting, main characters and hint at conflict):
Include Drawing
Include your explanation in writing.
______(Author & P.#) / TRAIT OF Include detailed MAIN explanation in
Include Drawing ______
Include Drawing
Include your explanation in writing:
______(Author & P.#)
Include Drawing
Include your explanation in writing:
______(Author & P.#) / RESOLUTION: Include detailed
explanation in
Include Drawing ______
_(Author & P.#) / AUTHOR’S TONE:
Include Drawing
Give the tone with a detail to prove it:
______(Author & P.#) / THEME: Give the theme
with a detail to
prove it.
Include Drawing ______
_(Author & P.#)

Student Name: ______

S:\Staff Common\8 LANG ARTS 8th\PS 5 LA-Story Elements\8 Story Board Assignment Sheet.doc 10/21/2018