Newsletter of the Central Iowa Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous Region IV website:

Newsletter e-mail: Region IV e-mail:

Central Iowa Intergroup, P.O. Box 30068, Des Moines, IA 50310-9402 Answering Service: (515)255-0444 CII website:

If you would like to receive the monthly CII Newsletter, please send your email address to . You can also find the most current Serenity Sharing on CII’s website.

EDITORIAL POLICY: Material submitted cannot be returned nor payment made. We reserve the right to edit. Articles may be reprinted by other anonymous groups without permission but with credit given to writer and this newsletter. Opinions expressed in this newsletter reflect those of the writer and not that of Central Iowa Intergroup or OA as a whole.

UPCOMING DATES:Idea Day – 11/19/2011
OA Birthday 1/14/12
  • New Meeting: A new Spanish meeting has opened up on Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. located at the MethodistChurch1548 8th Street, by Mercy hospital (off of College). For more information, call 515-360-3985 (Spanish) or Raquel at (515)-202-9736
  • New Tool “Action Plan” literature update: The Welcome packets have been updated to add the new tool “Action Plan” as is the Tools pamphlet. These items can the ordered from the OA website ( But until you place a new order, a pdf can be accessed and printed for users to add to existing packets. Here is the path:
  • Go to the web site.
  • Then go under What's New.
  • Then go to WSBC Delegates make key decisions.There is a part that says Please Note in bold. It has a place to click to download the info pages..
  • Idea Day 11/19/2011: Here are the details for the the upcoming Idea day (International Day Experience of Abstinence). Big thank you for the service from those who are planning this event.
  • Theme “A Day of Gratitude”
  • On 11/19/11 from 10:30 – 12:00 p.m.
  • At Central Presbyterian Church 39th and Grand, Des MoinesIA
  • Please bring a gift of gratitude.
  • OA Birthday 1/14/2012: Volunteers are needed to host the event and plan the activities. Please consider serving for the important event.
  • Board and Committee Elections:On December 3, 2012, we will hold elections for the following Board and Committee positions:
  • Region 4 Rep
  • World Service Rep
  • Fund Raising
  • Special Events
  • Treasurer
  • Outreach

Anyone looking to be elected for any position must be present at the Intergroup meeting. Each of these positions is vital to our Central Iowa Intergroup. Please consider a service position.

  • Dates for 2012 Intergroup meetings: Please note the following dates set for the 2012 Intergroup meetings.
  • Jan 7, 2012
  • Feb 4, 2012
  • Mar 3, 2012
  • Apr 14, 2012
  • May 5, 2012
  • Jun 2, 2012
  • Aug 4, 2012
  • Oct 6, 2012
  • Nov 3, 2012
  • Dec 1, 2012
  • Future Newsletter Articles.

Please email articles to .

Topic / Month Published / Meeting / Submitted?
Step & Tradition 7 / July / Sunday DSM / no
Step & Tradition 8 / August / Monday DSM / no
Step & Tradition 9 / September / Wednesday DSM / no
Step & Tradition 10 / October / Thursday DSM / YES!!!
Step & Tradition 11 / November / Saturday DSM / YES!!!
Step & Tradition 12 / December / Sunday DSM / no
STEP 11:Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understand Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

Step 11:

Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious

contact with God as we understand Him, praying only knowledge of

His will for us and the power to carry it out.

My take on step 11 is very down-to-earth and literal. I speak to God as I would speak to a very good friend, expressing feelings openly and honestly without fear that some great end will come to me for having feelings. The God of my understanding is accessible, reliable, and available 24-7/365. If I were to be required to repeat and memorize prayers and body positions in order to be successfully heard and understood by God; I would've given a long time ago.

There is an old Indian proverb that indicates every step is a meditation, and every word is a prayer. It's as simple as that, to me. It has to be. One of the techniques that I have been taught that is useful to me, is to write a letter asking for specific directions and protection in those issues that I'm dealing with each day. And then, a letter back from God in a style which a loving parent would speak to me is even more helpful. The letter to God is the prayer. The letter from God is the meditation. I don't need fancy music, difficult yoga positions, classes, or expensive equipment in order to communicate with the God of my understanding. Much of that is man-made and of no use to me. It works for others, but it does not seem to work for me.

The God of my understanding has evolved over my years in 12 step programming. Initially, I was asked to write a want ad for a God. At that time, I just needed a God that would love me unconditionally, accept me as is, and be a nurturing parent. Later on, I started to deal with issues with my father, so I incorporated a female entity as a God. A few years ago, I decided that I had a do over God. That is basically the notion that all things are forgivable, and we get a new chance to do things differently the next hour, the next moment, or the next day. And then, I was introduced to someone a couple of years ago who suggested that God is 24 seven/365, and that I could have direct contact at any time via letters.

It's been a long haul for me, I've had to unlearn everything I was taught as a child; but the trip has been worthwhile. I appreciate all that has been given to me. 9 a.m. Sat Anonymous

TRADITION 11:Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, television, and other public media of communication.

Tradition 11:

Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, films, television, and other public media of communication.

One of the things I appreciate about our local programs and get-togethers in a way is that we practice not advertising a particular person, their recovery, or their successes in order to attract people to the location. One thing we are also very careful about in some meetings is to not talk directly to the person that has spoken, not use names when we can relate to something that has been said, nor do we mention specific details about their careers or other identifying factors. This helps us all feel safe.

One of the things that I would hope for the Des Moines OA program is that we become a little more public in our appearance. By that, I mean that we need a public-relations person who is willing to visit the radio stations, and put blurbs about our activities and get-togethers in the local papers. That's what they call public outreach. I think we are missing that ingredient in attracting newcomers. I don't suggest that we advertise, but we should put ourselves out there and be a little more physically apparent in the community.

One of the nice things that our intergroup did a few years ago was to start our own website. This is a perfect opportunity to tell individuals looking for recovery or our help where to find us, check out our newsletter, find out about local activities, and find meeting lists. I would encourage our CII intergroup to continue to support this effort. Another really good idea which many intergroups have done is to create downloadable speakers’ presentations. This would certainly help those individuals who have transportation problems, who are housebound, or who have severe disabilities that prevent them from attending active meetings.

Sat. 9 a.m. Anonymous

Step 11 prayer:

Higher Power, as I understand You,

I pray to keep my connection with You

Open & clear from the confusion of daily life.

Through my prayers & meditation I ask especially for

Freedom from self-will, rationalization, & wishful thinking.

I pray for the guidance of correct thought & positive action.

Your will Higher Power, not mine, be done.

Central Iowa Intergroup Minutes

Nov. 5, 2011

Central Presbyterian Church, Des Moines, Iowa

10:20 a.m.


Liz O., Newsletter/Virtual Office Manager; Becky H., Chair; Jeanne M., Sec., Jean J., Thursday Rep., Melonie H., Wed. PM, Sat. Rep., Julie C., webmistress, Deb P., Tuesday noon Rep., Sandy, Vice Chair.


  • Becky H. opened the meeting at 10:25 a.m. After the Serenity Prayer was recited, the traditions and concepts were read. Introductions were made and the seventh tradition was collected.

Board Member Reports:

  • Secretary – Jeanne M. Minutes from October meeting were read and approved with the deletion of the words updated for the webmistress report. Julie moved, Liz seconded that the October minutes be approved with the correction. Motion carried. All archival material is with the secretary and is passed on with the position.
  • Treasurer – Treasurers reports for September and October were handed out. No discussion, Motion was made by Jeanne to accept the treasurers report, Sandy seconded and the motion carried.
  • Region IV –no report
  • World Service Rep – no report
  • Committee/Coordinator Reports:
  • Virtual Office Manager – Liz O. Liz needs a key to the Post Office box. Liz will update answering service as to new and closed meetings.
  • Special Events – position open IDEA Day is Nov. 19. When information is available for this event, Jeanne will send it out to the group reps. In January the OA Birthday Party will be held. 52 Years this year. Need a group to sponsor. The Special events Box is in Jean J’s garage for the time being.
  • Newsletter – Liz O. Thanks to all who have submitted Articles this month.
  • Outreach – no one. No report.
  • Fundraising – no one. No report
  • Web Mistress – Julie C. The CII webpage includes meeting list, the newsletter and pages from the Main site including the 9 tools and other news. Group reps can get any information to Julie to post regarding events or special announcements. Also info from the Newsletter and other officers.

Old Business:

  • Positions still open: Region IV Rep.; WSO Rep.; Special Events; Fundraising; Outreach; Treasurer.
  • Elections will be held in December. Anyone interested in service must be present to be elected.

New Business:

  • Budget will be presented in Dec. Elections will be held in Dec. also.
  • Website discussion about wording for website – including geographic area with map; meeting list needs updating since the wso list is on the website. Individual meetings need to have updated secretary info so a contact can be available for communications. The website can include a page for job descriptions.
  • Set Dates for meetings in 2012. Jan.7; Feb. 4; March 3; April 14 (April 7 is Easter Weekend); May 5; June 2; July no meeting; August 4; Sept. no meeting, conference is Sept. 7,8; Oct. 6; Nov. 3; Dec. 1.
  • Deb moved and Julie seconded and the dates were accepted.
  • WSO By-Law changes were presented. Jeanne will look over and send changed by-laws to board. Tools of Recovery Pamphlet is available, with Action Plan included. A copy of the Action Plan description is on the website.
  • Board members and meeting reps were encouraged to promote these items in their meetings.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m. followed by the Serenity Prayer.

  • Next meeting Dec. 3, 2011, at Central Presbyterian Church.

Respectfully submitted, Jeanne M., Secretary.